
Chapter 42

In the Kitchen, Leonardo was sipping on some tea as Martha was baking cookies. Clark was off with Jordan doing who knows what, while he was here awaiting the chocolate chip cookies. Then as he sat down the cup in his hands.

"Aye, that's some good tea."

"Aren't you supposed to use an English Accent and not an Irish one?" Martha pointed out.

"Does it matter much?" Leonardo spoke russian.

"Stop that." Martha playfully slapped his arm. "You know the rule, please speak the language I speak."

"Fine." Leonardo said.

"So how was school?" Martha asked.

"Well, I had a long awkward conversation with Principal Reynolds, got rejected for a date, then beat up by a few football players. A slightly eventful day to say the least." Leonardo answered.

Martha felt speechless at Leonardo's words wondering if she should praise or scold him. Unless it is a very active meteor infected or incident, not even Clark has such eventful days. Then she took a moment to wonder why he had such an awkward conversation with the Principal before a thought occurred.

"What did Lana do?" Martha asked.

"Basically listed her worries like a do gooder and got the school on my case. Now I am some trouble maker who tends to go drinking at all hours of the day." Leonardo replied. "I want to pay back the favor, but I am currently at a loss on how. While I don't want to competently destroy her future, but have reality give her a slap that she will remember."

Martha just shook her head at his frustration. "She will get better in a few years."

"I doubt it, she is an ambitious girl who is biding her time. Clark seems to fulfill her desire for a high school boyfriend, then will drop him at the drop of a hat once they graduate. Then she will trade the girl next door act for platinum cards with more zeros than porn generates within a year." Leonardo retorted.

Martha chose to give up on this topic since it looked like a lost cause. Clark loved Lana, Leonardo hated her, and she got a better drama to figure out on the TV. So she chose to back out of this teenage drama.


"Welcome back, Smoky." Leonardo sat on the porch as Clark walked up to the door.

"Leo, I heard you crashed and burned with Mandy." Clark said.

"Well, it's her loss." Leonardo shrugged. "So how did things go with Jordan?"

"The school needs a new coach…again. Jordan seems to lose his power of foresight when others die as he nearly died. Oh, Lana and Megan are ok too." Clark said.

"How did she even get kidnapped when she wasn't at school today." Leonardo grumbled.

"Oh, she skipped her first few classes to talk to Mr. Altman who was at the hospital."

"Of course she did." Leonardo muttered.

Leonardo continued to sit outside as Clark went inside to chat with his parents. He looked up at the sky and at the stars while he shifted his sight to see through some clouds. For despite his fear of heights that lessened when he could fly in Clark's body. He was still earthbound for the moment as he enjoyed the feeling of freeness in the sky.

Then he heard a loud clatter as screams appeared inside the house. Turning around, he rushed inside to find Jonathan clenching his chest. Beads of sweat on his forehead from the pain as he was held in Clark's arms.

"Go Clark, we will follow." Leonardo said as Clark was out the door half a second later.


The next night, Leonardo was sitting next to Jonathan bedside after basically sending both Martha and Clark home to rest. They have nearly worried themselves sick or left trench marks from shuffling back and forth so much. Hence, Leonardo took over to stay by the old farmer's side as they went to rest.

"I wish they didn't worry so much." Jonathan sighed as they played chess.

Leonardo just gave him a smile. "They worry because they love you and you are their breadwinner."

Jonathan lightly laughed at the last part. "Thanks for that."

"Well, seriously they love you as you are basically Martha world and Clark's pillar at the moment. When he is troubled or struggling, he comes to you as guidance and Jor-El. Well, he is stern and Clark is hesitant about getting closer to him, afraid of becoming something he is not." Leonardo replied. "In truth both the A.I and Clark are just butting heads as they travel the road, Jor-El envisioned for Clark. Which is kind of freaky being able to predict how his son would turn out in a way despite only knowing him for a few weeks as an infant."

"I'm unsure about what to say about that." Jonathan stumbled out after a short while.

"Well, it's not really something to talk about at the moment." Leonardo pointed out as he moved his piece. "You do know Clark is going to tear himself up about this right? Despite knowing full well it is outside his abilities."

"While both of you can do amazing things, neither of you can save everyone." Jonathan said.

"It doesn't mean it doesn't affect us," Leonardo said. "When others run into this situation, they might pray or aim to become a doctor in the future to help others in the same situation. However, for Clark and I, we can study and master skills that take years or even decades to master in a matter of hours or days depending on situations or knowledge. Only we will hit that wall of still being unable to solve or help despite all our powers and knowledge."

"You seem to be doing fine." Jonathan pointed out Leonardo's calm expression and body language.

"On the outside maybe, but that's because I am used to hiding my emotions." Leonardo said. "I was in my mid twenties when I found myself in Clark, and even if it was a different year. Society and the world sort of demand that men be strong. Otherwise, we will be kicked down and beaten if we show a hint of weakness."

Jonathan just nodded knowing that feeling all too well. It is not that he wanted to agree, but that's the way the world worked and times he grew up in. The husband and father would provide for the wife and children and shoulder most of the responsibility of the family.

"Still, it is not good to bottle up one's emotions." Jonathan answered.

"Yes, which is why I have so many paintings and drafts floating around. It is my way of destressing from the day or relaxing." Leonardo nodded in agreement.

"I just wish you didn't paint so many half or fully naked women." Jonathan sighed.

Leonardo just smiled lightly, "Only about sixty percent of them. Besides, it's not like I am hanging them in Clark's room or throughout the house. Not to mention, I was raised with a more look but don't touch motto, then being conservative like a nun or monk motto."

Then after a few moments, Leonardo spoke again. "I also sell a few of them and one of them was bought by an up and coming band for their second album."

"You are really good at making money." Jonathan said after a moment.

It was true most of the money the Kent's have tended to come from Leonardo or one of his ideas. While the farm will keep them fed, it doesn't leave them with a lot of money to spend. However, since Leonardo arrived, their finances began to improve even if he disliked the idea of taking Leonardo money.

"It's ok, I was never a big spender for myself truth be told. I tend to spend more on others than myself so it's better to spend than sitting around collecting dust." Leonardo shrugged. "Oh, and checkmate."

Thanks for Reading.

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