
A Different kind of life in bleach

A man dies and after his plans goes of course, he soon finds himself in the world he knew. A world where he wishes to live and change what happened to the body he was in, along with other things along his path. Watch as he tries to become more then what he was in his old life, and better then the person he was in this life. Tags *actin *drama *strongtostrong *sliceoflife *romance (sorry but idk who yet and it’s not who you think it is. Maybe she could be one idk) Please enjoy. I own nothing.

KnowPain1 · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 05

|Mc pov|

"You are, the only color in my world.. and yet, you make it so beautiful." My lips moved while the fox woman spoke, smiling at how i remembered the saying.

"It was one of the last stories i ever told her, the woman and the colorless world." I spoke as I leaned up from the ground, while the fox girl transformed. Turning into a small nine tailed fox.

"I have to see her, to tell her something.. can you take me to her?" Looking over to my shoulder, seeing the fox had jumped up and rubbed her head on my cheek. Saying nothing, she pointed her head to something as the massive doors closed and opened again.

"What is your name anyway, are you.." I was going to say but had a fox tail cover my mouth, seeing her lay on my shoulder.

"I am the piece of her that she pushed away, something she lost but does not know she is missing. Now, let's go.. I wish to stop this." The fox said, looking at me then around the palace, seeing pieces start to break off.

Slowly showing the black this world was built upon.

Looking around at it I nodded my head, moving towards the door. When i stepped across the barrier, all I could see was white skies. The wind blew my hair as i saw the edges of where we stood, the top of the large palace. With colorless grass, water, and a small pond like area. Seeing shinso lean over the side, looking out on the world that she had created.

"To stop you from coming here, I will get rid of it all.. and return it to what it was before.. nothing." Shinso spoke, already feeling I had come. She did not turn around to face me but only looked at the world start to break down.

"Shinso, please just listen to me.." i tried to say, but I knew it only would sound like excuses.

"No, what is the point in that.. so many times I called out to you. All I wanted was to hear your voice, yet you no longer listened and I will not either. Do you.. do you know how painful it is to watch the person you care for so much.. throw there life away?" Shinso looked up to the blank sky, going over her memories from so long ago.

"Yes I do.. a man not unlike me. Gave up.. his very being for me, all I could do was watch. Stuck and unable to do anything." I said, thinking back on the past that started to blur.

"Then you should understand.. why I." Shinso was going to say, but i cut her off.

"But this is not that, this time I can do something now.. so cast me out. I will never return, but I will not forget this beautiful place. The place that you created.. and I know I would never forget the woman who made it, I was selfish, and didn't listen.. yet even then.. I knew I would make it through whatever I had to face. As long as you were by my side." I spoke, taking my time to look at every detail, every blade of grass and even the leaves that fell from a tree. With color or not, I would not lie this world, it was beautiful.

"You say those words, but I wasn't by your side. Every time you almost died, a part of me did to.. so tell me Gin, what is.." Shinso was about to go on but soon froze, feeling arms wrap around her waist and a head pressed at her back.

"Then hate me.. no longer speak or answer my calls.. that is fine with me. Cut your words to me as I did to you, but even if you do.. I will not, I won't let you go back to that world before. Even if it takes a thousand more years, I will wait.. because, because Shinso.. you are not alone. I will always be out there, waiting.. to hear your voice again.." I spoke what was in my heart, even if I could not use her power. It would change nothing, this came from me being foolish if I had to wait so be it. In the end it didn't matter all i truly cared about was letting her know, she was not alone.

Stepping back, I slowly started to come to understand my sword. Her pain and loneliness all came from me. When I was lost, I did not ask her and even when I did finally hear her voice she had latched on to it. Then her anchor was gone, the person who drove that feeling away was no where to be found, she was alone again. It was only right that I would be alone to.

"Why are you.." Shinso said, finally turning around. Seeing me back up as she watched my body start to turn in to light, pieces floating off as i looked up to the sky.

"You are not alone anymore, you were never alone.. i, no we will never let you feel that again.." I spoke, looking over at the fox that was on my shoulder. Watching her jump down and walk forward, her body slowly changing as she did.

"All this time I have been with you.. no matter what you did, no matter where you went, I followed. You took me in, cared for me and I did for you. After all this time though, you held hate for me because, you thought I was something you could never be, even while all that happened. You never asked me my name.. or questioned how you found me in this place." The fox woman said, walking up and hugging shinso, holding her midsection as she looked up to her face.

"No matter what, I could never bring myself.. to truly hate you.." shinso said, rubbing the girls head as she looked in to her eyes.

"Do you remember, that story I told you so long ago.. shinso. The sun and the moon.. there can be no darkness without light, love with out hatred, happiness with out sorrow, to us.. we try and separate it but they.." I said looking at the two hug as I finally understood.

"Because.. they are." Shinso said, her eyes watery as she looked down at the fox.

"Because.. they are, one in the same.." the fox woman, placed her hand on Shinso's face, rubbing her cheek as she wiped her tears away.

"And now, just like day needs night, and the light needs darkness. Like how love needs hate, and companionship needs loneliness. Even if they are apart for a life time.." Shinso said, leaning down and touching her forehead to the fox woman.

"When they all meet, they are now.. whole again." The fox woman spoke, giggling as they looked at each other, watching the light glow from them as I smiled.

"Thank you.. for always being there.. pushing out the dark with your light, Shinso." Shinso said, coming to understand herself. Tears still fell as she stood, her body changing.

Her long black hair shined more, her eyes, one yellow like the sun and the other purplish blue like the moon. Her body had more color to her skin, her forehead had the symbol of a crescent moon and at the center of her chest was a sun, nine tails sat behind her. Her kimono was now loose and full, having a moon and sun at the very bottom, it's color black and red. She looked at the giant snakes that wrapped around behind her and then to my smiling face.

"I told you Shinso.. you were and never will be, alone again.." I said as my body faded, smiling a genuine smile as I saw one finally come to her lips.

"Thank you.. Gin.."