
A Different Kind Of Journey

The battle against a man named Kawaki, sends Boruto, Himawari and Sarada back in time. Now, They find themselves in a world that is so familiar yet different to them.

Dom2040 · Anime und Comics
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Arc 4: A Chance Meeting Part 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Mr. Kishimoto Does.

Arc 4: A Chance Meeting Part 2

"Order Up!"

The smell of ramen was overwhelming as of now. Itachi, for the countless number of time has found himself once more back at the ramen shop eating his lunch along with his blue skinned partner, who had apparently mysteriously fallen in love with the ramen.

To be honest, he couldn't really predict his friend's interests. Sometimes he would just see him hating a certain food or object and the next time, he was already liking it to which to him, was unexpected.

Kisame on the other hand, was enjoying his ramen again. He had two big bowls already and he was finishing his third, which means he was already on his first three-peat. He didn't even care since his stomach was a freak of different nature and he ate like a shark literally.

Itachi focused back on his meal as he continued to eat while his thoughts ponder about his current objective. He was here in the shop once again because of a certain lavender haired teen, to whom he thought would come back.

He wasn't sure if she would come but he would take the chance just to meet her. He wanted to know more about Sarada, that through this girl named" Himawari", who had the whole story.

As time passed by, he waited and waited, trying to catch the glimpse of the lavender haired teen yet, he would soon realized that luck might not be on his side this time. Although, Itachi himself was not quitter, he will wait all day no matter what it takes.

As he ponder with his thoughts, there was a certain little girl that walked up to the shop, his eyes. caught a glimpse but he didn't bother.

"Miss Miyuki! It's nice to see you again!" Ayame's voice could be heard in big delight.

"The usual Ayame-san." Then the little girl replied, speaking with a tone, much mature for her age.

Itachi walked away from his thoughts, turning to the main scene out of surprise and curiousity. By the time, he got there, he found himself staring at the little girl. She had dark blue eyes, short black hair, and bangs and donned a light green dress with white bloomers underneath and brown boots to complete her attire.

He blinked a couple of times wondering about the girl and continued observing her. What caugh his attention was that he could feel something mysterious about her. It felt like she wasn't just an ordinary kid

It was at this time that the girl had finally noticed him. Her dark blue eyes now staring straight to the eyes of the Uchiha. As for him, he was caught by surprise for the first time, becuse he saw something about that girl, something really different that he can't figure out.

As for Miyuki, she felt weirded out. Again, she had another person staring at her with big huge eyes. She narrowed her eyes and released a huge chunk of her snark and sassiness.

"What are you looking at wrinkles?

She finally spoke to him for the first time giving a sarcastic question, narrowing her eyes towards the man.

Itachi was taken by surprised as he unknowingly backed up for a bit. There was a certain power to which he had felt about this little girl.


"For a little girl like her, I'm surprised she could speak like that."


"Why am I not surpised to see an S-rank fugitive staring at me like he wanted to eat me up?"


The Uchiha didn't knew what to say as a response, he sat there and continuosly stared at the girl with the same reaction throughout which caused an unwanted awkward silence.

As for Miyuki, she gave one last glance of weirdness at the man, before heading towards a certain a little bit away from the man.

"Ayame-san, A cup of tea would be nice also." She said with a smile, calling the out the young woman.

"Coming right up!" Ayame quickly responded and served the the cup of tea with smoothness and grace in less than one minute.

Here ya go Miss Miyuki!" She said as she as she placed the small tray carrying the cup of tea.

"Thank you." Miyuki simply said, flashing a small smile at the young lady." You really are an expert on doing this." She commented.

Ayame gave a little chuckle." I'm quite flattered Miss Miyuki." She said, before shifting to another emotion." Well, I've been in the business since I was a little girl and Thanks to my dad, I learned a lot of these things!" She explained." And Of course, The shop wouldn't take off without our dedicated staff members." She added.

"Oh I see." Miyuki nodded in understanding." And what about your newest addition to the crew?" She asked, referring to a certain person.

"Oh you mean Boruto-san?" She raised both eyebrows in surprised, catching the attention of the man near them once more.

Miyuki nodded." Yeah, the kid." She simply said.

"Well, we could say that Boruto-san is a major addition to the team." Ayame explained, as she finally served the hot bowl of miso ramen." Without him, we won't be able to fasten up the service into a new level." She added.

"So you mean because of the kid, cooking Ramen would be less than a minute now?" Miyuki asked, slightly stirring the Ramen soup on her bowl.

"That's basically it!" Ayame said, as she now began clearing a small area on the counter." Plus, his really good at cooking! I mean not just Ramen but the other dishes as well." She explained.

Miyuki gave an amused face." I see." She muttered. No wonder why the ramen tasted so good nowadays. Her first taste of that certain ramen was during that time when she first met the blonde knucklehead, who was the one that delivered her food.

"Although as of now, I'm taking most of the positions, while Boruto-san is still away on his mission." Ayame explained, sounding a little bit exhausted when she came to that part of the story.

It's been several days now since the young man, and his friend had left for their second mission. It felt like things were very much different without them. It was a feeling that most of everyone has been getting especially for the crew in the shop. Miyuki could see and feel it but she knew what was happening behind the scenes.

Not too long ago, she received a little signal from a certain duck, through a certain small crystal which lits up from time to time indicating that they were in one piece. She had a full trust on the latter's capabilities to go on an investigation and also guiding the kids when they entered unexpected territory.

She also had faith in those two kids as well. She could definitely see that certain chemistry between them, add the fact that those two could accomplished anything, add the Uzumaki girl in the helm and you got an unstoppable trio yet always underestimated.

"You know Miyuki-san, there's something about Boruto-san that I quite couldn't figure out." Ayame continued.

"And What Is it?" Miyuki asked, while half-way eating her lunch.

Ayame showed curiousness." Well, besides the fact that he looked a lot like someone, It felt like I've met him before." She explained." I mean that's the feeling I got, during the first time I met him." She added, with a grin.

'Oh I see." Miyuki raised both eyebrows, she was rather amused than bored." How come I never had that feeling before?" She innocently wondered, almost finishing her lunch.

Ayame gave a little chuckle." Say Miss Miyuki, Why did you moved to Konoha by the way?" She asked.

"I mean there's a lot of good places to moved in, but why chose this village though?" She added.

There was a brief moment of silence that followed thereafter, before the young woman finally spoke.

"Well, basically the other villages were to chaotic for my taste." Miyuki explained, placing her chopsticks down." And Konoha seems to be peaceful at least for me." She added, now wiping off some traces of food around her lips via a tissue.

Ayame nodded in understanding, she had learned something new today. She even agreed to her statement." You're right, with all these things happening around the villages, It's pretty hard to travel anymore." She said. She always wanted to go out of the village and see the rest of the world.

"Don't worry, you will someday after all of this is over." She added, giving that little cryptic tone in her voice, to which a certain Uchiha was able to sense.

Itachi was getting curious every passing minute. He had been listening to the conversation let alone leaving his fried dumplings already cold and a sneaky Kisame aiming at them.

"You can have them." Itachi finally spoke, giving a sigh.

Kisame was taken by surprise, he thought that he had managed sneak pass through his friend undetected just to taste those dumplings of his, yet somehow he was caught in the act once again.

"Dammit, so he really has eyes in the back of his head!" The blue skinned commented metaphorically, before giving that guilty nervous smile at his friend.

Itachi sighed once again slightly pushing his plate towards his friend's counter." It's alright, I'm not that hungry Kisame-san." He simply said, before turning back towards his current focus in the midst of the confuse shark man.

The Uchiha had been listening from the behind the scenes. He took interest in the conversation ever since the topic shifted towards blonde haired young man and the raven haired young lady. It was just a miracle that no one could see him eavesdropping with an exception.

Miyuki could sense the obviousness, she knew the man as Itachi Uchiha, who was currently eavesdropping like a little kid. She just gave a sigh and had let the man listen for a certain a reason.

"By the way has Himawari been here before lately?" Miyuki asked.

Ayame wondered as she turned her gaze up." Well...recently yes and it was yesterday I think." She explained, before adding." Yes! It was definitely yesterday!"

Miyuki gave an amused reaction." Okay..." She muttered, as she took the last sip of her soup.

"Are you also looking for her?" The young lady asked, both her eyebrows raised.

The other simply nodded." Yes." She said as stood up from her seat, finally done with her meal. "I was supposed to give her something today." She added.

"Oh I see, what's were you supposed to give her?" A very curious Ayame asked.


Miyuki smiled and simply said, as she left the money on the table." Now if I may excuse, I'll have to go now." She added, bidding her farewell.

At the same time, she gave this subtle glanced with a smile at the Uchiha, who was still eavesdropping.

For Itachi, he was taken by surprised when the mysterious girl gave that certain look, to which he didn't fully understood. What was she trying to tell him?


Then in the midst of that wondering, the idea popped out from nowhere and he began to connect some of the dots which led the imaginary light bulb popping over his head. " I guess I should follow her." He thought to himself, as he stood up from his seat to follow the mystery girl.

As he was about to leave, his mind halted him, reminding him of a common important task.

"Crap! I forgot to pay!" He thought, as he rummaged through his pockets in search of his wallet, a few moments later the leather brown wallet with a small Uchiha symbol on the side popped up.

"Got it!" Itachi smiled in triumph as he proceeded to open his wallet to get the money yet another problem had came in as his wallet was revealed to be empty, except for a small certain picture of Izumi displayed on a small space.

Sensing another disappointment, He sighed. He also took a glance to see that the mystery girl was now far away from the shop and his time was running out.

"Kisame!" His mind released another idea as he turn his focus towards his blue skinned friend, who was still enjoying his meal like a little kid.

Meanwhile, Kisame was having the time of his life, he had great food in front of him, lovely atmosphere, and all the time that he had to enjoy, he was chit-chatting with fellow customers and even the staff too. Although, it was short-lived and he would be soon swept away.

While munching two dumplings at the same time, he slightly turned his gaze towards his Uchiha friend." Hey man! Don't worry, The money's on me." He said, bringing up cash from his pocket. However, there was no response from the man himself, but just a shadow lingering over.

"Itachi? Are you still listening to someone's conversation that's why you're-"

"We got no time, let's go!"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence as the the Uchiha quickly grabbed him by the arm and he took off like just like that with the blue skinned man being comically dragged by his friend towards the unknown.

This left the rest of crew and customers bewildered and dumbfounded.

"What was that all about?" Ayame asked focusing her eyes on the two, who were in a sudden hurry for whatever reason and left a trail of smoke and the floating cash landing on the counter.


"I have seen those two customers before, and I still wonder why they were so weird all the time."



His world halted around him, his thoughts were immediately gone the second he laid his eyes on the certain girl, who he hadn't seen for Kami knows how long already.

His whole body froze in shock and his mind was in disbelief. His big eyes widened like an owl as he continued to stare at the girl.

"No, this not true! How could she possibly been...?

"But How?

"Was this really her or I'm just imagining things?"

"She looked exactly like her! No, the girl is actually her if you removed that patches on her cheeks!"

The crimson fox's mind was in a current conflict, stuck in between believing whether this was real or not, that girl could be anyone in general, but somehow the majority part of him was telling him to believe that it was really the Uzumaki girl.

If it was her then, why does she looked older? She looked as if she had aged two years or maybe that was just his mind trying to interpret the scene in front of him. Other than that she looked like a young lady!


He muttered her name, also hoping for her to hear it, yet unfortunately the busy and noisy aspect of the restaurant had finally reached the area that he was currently in causing the fox to grit his teeth in annoyance and frustration.

The question was, how was he pull out his best approach? He didn't want to go towards the rude way and just call out her name in the most random fashion. He also didn't want to sneak in as it would make things worst making him look like a stray.

"Dammit! What am I gonna do!?" Kurama thought, venting out his frustration. He found himself walking back and forth while time was running fast.

His eagerness to meet the young lady became the turning point for him to finally decide and head straight out of from under the table.

In the midst of that action, which was ultimately prevented by an untimely event.

"I guess, we'll take this table."

It was a random customer's voice which said those lines, meaning that the table where the fox was currently at had been taken.

"Nah, just one or two customers." Kurama shrugged it off as he continued on with plan, yet again he was prevented the second time, when he was about to emerge.

There was a big movement that occured starting with the table as it suddenly moved and changed positions. A startled Kurama was forced to back up towards the middle, a little later on, the chairs began to adjust and moved simulteneously.

From the other perpsective, it was revealed that a group of six customers, specifically a family had taken up the table and proceeded to sit on their respective seats, trapping the poor fox under.

For Kurama, he came face to face with six different feets surrounding the area and the gigantic legs blocking every way out.

Not long enough, he could smell the food being served and thus the family had began their very long lunch which was a bad thing for the fox himself.

He could only vent out his frustration in his most calmest way possible.

"For crying out loud!"


"It seems that the most uninteresting things would always happen to me nowadays."



Yum! Yum! This Ice cream really good!"

Commented by Hanabi, as she was in the middle to the end of finishing her cup of sundae fudge ice cream.

"You're right, this is nice." Neji gave his own comment about his perfectly plain vanilla cream.

Himawari smiled." This Mangoes are phenomenal!" She commented, referring to her Mango flavoured Ice cream.

All three of them were currently enjoying their respective desserts. It was actually Neji, who had suggested that they should add three different ice creams on their Menu and it was literally the best moment of their lunch.

"I gotta say, I'll be coming back here every once and in a while for this!" Hanabi gladly said, finally finishing the rest of her dessert." Since, I'm on a break."

Neji gave sigh." Hanabi, you got like hundreds of the desserts back home, I don't any see reason why would you buy more Ice cream." He said, referring to his cousins heavenly storage of sweets and desserts.

Hanabi then gave a chuckle." Oh come on big cousin, I'm not the only one who eats all of them." She replied, flashing a wink towards the older Hyuuga and also the Uzumaki girl.

At this moment, Neji gave a guilty blush." Fine, those were good and I eat it for a reason." Neji explained, as he can't even count the number of Ice cream packs to which he took for his usual midnight snacks.

Himawari could chuckle about it. In fact she recalled that there was a certain fridge in the compound, where all the sweets and desserts were stored. She heard stories that it used to be jam-packed with containers of ice cream, and she realized that it was mean't for her Aunt and Uncle, who often take desserts from to time.

Comparing it to its present situation, the fridge was eventually turned off and stored for years now since her uncle's passing. Himawari knew the real reason to which she chose not to talk about it right now.

Besides the fridge, her mind drifted to a certain person, and it was her young mother, to whom she would possibly be seeing during tonight's dinner.

She still had that little butterflies on her. She was nervous everytime and that was a fact.

"Hima, are you alright?"

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she was finally brought back to reality.

The Uzumaki girl blinked a couple of times before seeing both of the two giving her concerned looks. Both of their respective Aunt and Uncle sides coming out of them.

"Yeah, I'm fine, It's just that I remembered something." She explained with a smile.

Both Hanabi and Neji gave their own version of confused faces trying to figure exactly what their future niece was exactly thinking. They were both placed into concern since they've seen the girl giving sad faces just awhile ago and that made them a little worried.


"To see them with a really concerned look, It's quite heartening for me, even though we're different eras apart, the connection was still there somehow."



It already felt like a century under, at least for Kurama, who was still trapped under the table with all the legs and feet surrounding him in every corner, while in actual fact it only had been thirty minutes since.

The crimson fox had chosen to wait it off since under his watchful eyes, it seemed that the Uzumaki girl and the Hyuga cousins had not left their tables yet.

He had spent the rest of his time thinking of anyways to get out of here rather than literally do something at first. He wouldn't take action if there was no concrete plan on his own table.

He observed his surroundings, trying to find a trigger point in order to make a way out. The legs and feets blocking him consists of parents, grandparents and the kids themselves who were probably most noise and naughtiest, since they couldn't stop moving and playing their feet around.

There was one time to which Kurama tried to force himself out and thus he got kicked straight in the face by one of the kids' legs, at least two times in a row.

He could only sarcastically laugh about that kind of stupidity. He was a tailed beast and yet he couldn't get passed through a kid's legs and feet.

"Unless..." He then narrowed his eyes as an idea came into his mind like saving grace.

A mischevious grin slipped across his face as he finally knew what to do. Taking a deep breath, the fox channeled his chakra through his nine-tails, which morphed into a more large version, and six of it stretched far towards every feet to execute one little tiny move.

"I'm so sorry about this." Kurama muttered as he proceeded with his move, as his tails touched every feet, channeling a small hit which stung every one of them.

Right afterwards, it caused a chain reaction which made the whole family to react to the small pain as all of them exclaimed and rose their feet up thus giving the fox an opportunity to escape from his short imprisonment.

"Here goes nothing."

Kurama muttered before taking off in fullspeed bursting out through the chair near the trio's table. By the time he got out, a sudden swell of emotion fell upon him. He felt sad and happy at at the same time. He had waited for this moment, an impossible moment of reuniting with a loved one and he couldn't help but yell out the name.

"Himawari!" He exclaimed, highly expecting for his voice to be heard and known. He had his eyes closed at the same time.

He waited for about a few moments before the silence came in as a response. The fact that there was no one in front of him really. Kurama quickly opened his eyes and saw an empty table with plates and leftovers.

"B-But How?"

This really gave the fox the surprise and confusion, wondering what the heck had happened to the rest, especially the girl. Although, he was quick to think and he turned around to his left to see the three, who were already at the exit door and were about to leave the place.

The fox's eyes widened as without any hesitation, he took and dashed off from his current position en route towards the spot where the three were currently at.

Kurama was getting desperate every moment. He wasn't going to let this opportunity go and it was only a matter of time before he could reach her.

If this was really Himawari... Yes! It is her!"

He thought as a smile went across his face.

Although, unbeknowst to him he had left of trail of damage along the way. With his very fast dash, it caused a lot of clumsy trouble as plates and drinks were falling on the floor, customers and crew members accidentally bumping into each other thus making them do unbalanced stunts, which caused them to either slip or fall to the floor.

He literally left a trail of clumsy destruction.

As for Kurama, he was finally nearing his goal. The fox was prepared to yell out once more in order to finally get the girl's attention and it was nearing to fruition. "Almost there!" He thought as he opened his mouth to yell once more while giving a good jump.


Yet, he was suddenly cut unexpectedly by a certain orange haired girl, who grabbed him while he was on the air. "Where do you think you're going?" She said, with a playful tone of voice.

A very shocked Kurama then gave a little struggle, frustration was now taking over him.

"Hey quit it! I need to catch up to..." By the time he looked up, the trio had already left and his chances of meeting the supposed Uzumaki girl had vanished for good.

"You look really disappointed, Kuu-chan?" Moegi commented, obviously not aware of the situation.

Instead, she looked to her left and saw the trail of little chaos that the fox had left behind. Plates and glasses everywhere on the floor, waiters still trying to fix the mess and ends up slipping to the ground due to the multiple drinks spilled and families with shock reactions and some babies crying.

Moegi failed to realize on what had transpired before her and continued to her business by cuddling the poor fox aggressively.

Kurama just sunk in defeat as he failed to get the opportunity to reunite with the girl. He just gave this sarcastic whine in return along with remaining hope, which was trying to comfort him in someway.


"Welp, there goes another one, I was this fricking close and that brat had to grabbed me along the way!" (Tears coming outq


"Well, that was a really the best lunch I ever had!"

Hanabi couldn't contain her joy, she really had to release all of it. After weeks of countless training sessions and busy studying, she finally had that freedom to do whatever she wanted.

"So what now?" Neji asked, as his mind slowly shifted to the fact that he had another training session to attend to, this coming mid afternoon.

Himawari gave him a smile as to tell him that the next plan would be an old fun.

Seeing this, the older Hyuga checked his watch once more to find out that he still had an hour left remaining of his free time and he was looking foward to enjoy it. However, that free time would soon be occupied as the younger Hyuga teen gave an immediate announcement.

"Alright, let's go shopping!"

Once she made that announcement, Neji's face had turned from aspiration to full shock and horror. His eyes widened as if he had been sentenced to endure Rock Lee's marathon run.

"Are you alright Uncle Neji" Himawari took notice and asked the older Hyuga with a cute worried look.

"Don't worry Hima, He'll be fine!" Hanabi commented with great confidence for her big cousin." I promise that I won't buy 13 shopping bags this time." She gave a grin

With both girls anticipating his answer in silence.

Neji shook his head as he finally made up his mind. He took a deep breath followed by a firm look." Fine, just don't buy anything related to pumpkins or anything spicy." He said.

"Awesome!" Hanabi jumped for joy as she automatically grabbed their hands and pulled the two, dragging them towards the busy district of the village in a more comical way.


"Shoot, Here we go again."


"I really feel sorry for Neji-nii, must be hard for him to carry those shopping bags, and What does he mean by pumpkins and anything spicy? It couldn't connect the dots."


"I'm sure Big cousin we'll be alright, He'll enjoy this trip in fact!"



The day continued on as usual, Business was running smoothly, people were everywhere, and the atmosphere overall was lively.

Itachi wasn't really expecting to be in this kind of situation, struggling to locate another person besides the Uzumaki girl, he went from street to street just to catch up with the mystery girl known as "Miyuki"

She had been the subject of his mind for quite sometime now. To think that she personally knew the Uzumaki girl was the most far fetched story that he had ever heard so far.

He had really never seen her before, inside and out, and he was looking throughout the positive side of things that he might be able to locate the girl through this mysterious Miyuki.

He was walking faster than ever, eyes moving around, but not using his Sharingan, due to certain reasons. His blue skinned friend was also getting exhausted of catching up to him.

"Hey man, will ya stay slow?" Kisame whined, holding his chest and catching up to his breath.

Itachi suddenly stopped his tracks on a certain intersection once the man had said his statement.

Kisame thought this was finally over as he leaned on a nearby alleyway wall." Did you finally foun-"

"Alright, we go left this time Kisame-san" Itachi immediately cut him as he was about to finish his sentence.

The Uchiha took off again leaving Kisame, who was still catching up to his breath." For crying out loud man!" The blue skinned shark man exclaimed as he pushed himself once again. He also wondered on when will this long search end? He wanted to redeem himself later on by continuing on his lunch which was horribly interrupted.

The two men continued their unknown journey throughout the streets in search of the girl.

"Well as long as we're not being followed." The last thought entered his mind. He was satisfied that no enemy village or group would be spying on them all around because of their convincing disguises. They were professional members of a powerful organization.

Unbeknownst to them, there was certain a figure, who stood above a roof of a nearby building. The familiar white cloak could be noticed as the mysterious figure continued the current goal of monitoring the two men and their every move.

Especially, the Uchiha himself.


AN: First of all, thank you for all of your support. I've been going through a rough time recently since the passing of my Grandpa and the overall pressure of writing a lenghty good chapter. For the past weeks, I've taken a break from writing to pursue other stuff to clear my mind and recover.

The great motivation that I once have when I first started writing wasn't there anymore. The high expectations and demand fueled my decision to rest for awhile and I tried to find a way to somehow continue the story slowly.

It was a good thing that a fellow author advice me to write a chapter bit by bit so I could have the time to recharge, hence why I was able to finish this chapter, although its quite short.

Speaking of this Arc, it will pretty much start as a Slice of Life with a little dose of Action until it finally gets to the main arc of the Shippuden. (Hidan and Kakazu Arc probably.) I've also learned that it's not about how many word count a chapter could get but quality is the most important and I'm still learning right now which is crazy.

Speaking of which, Boruto Manga Chapter 47 came out and it's freaking awesome! Ishiki Otsutsuki has fully reincarnated using Jigen's body and Kashin Koji aka. the Jiraiya Clone will probably have a hard time escaping the fight.

I'm not really sure but the Boruto Manga confirms that Ishiki was Kaguya's partner when she came to the human world and coincidentally before the manga could even reveal that idea, Back in 2018 or 2019 when I first started the story that I implemented a similar idea of Kaguya having a partner, who escorted her towards earth and then a fight broke out between them.

I think the idea is in the Learning the Truth Chapters as a part of Miyuki's explaining.

Anyways, Thank you again for your support for the story :)