
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Anime und Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Shinichi's Sudden Move

Third Person's View

"Information denied..."

"Argh!" Eclipse threw the laptop down the floor causing it to break into pieces.

"Sis!" Singani widened his eyes to his sister as he looked at her unbelievably. His mouth gaped in awe. "You just broke my laptop!"

Hayley glared at her brother. "Well, your help doesn't really help anyways so as your computer to track Rachel Moore's identity so it's no use anyway." Hayley plopped down the couch and lit her cigarette. She sighed heavily. "That woman is really one heck of an expert to block her files to us."

"Sure thing. I couldn't even find a way to decode all the passwords and codes they used to lock all her files about her," Singani replied and stood up. He took the cigarette on her sister. "No cigarettes, sis."

Hayley scoffed as she saw his brother stumped the lit cigarette. "For someone who's a son of a criminal, you are an angel about your sister's health," she said with sarcasm.

"Well, thank you very much for that wonderful compliment, sis," Singani replied and plopped down beside his sister. "Well, what are we doing now? You failed once through your mission."

"Correction: We failed. You're involved here, sticky head."

"Yeah right, failure boo," he replied with sarcasm. He sighed heavily. "I'm kind of tired of these kinds of things. Why don't we just live a normal life as other kids do?"

Hayley frowned. That complaint of her brother came out many times and it's still confusing her. "What do you mean 'normal'? This is normal."

"For you, yes. For me, no," her brother said. "I would like to be a doctor but our parents won't let me. They said they need us to complete the medicine they are doing. I said I could help if I could study hard from a university but I got no luck, they still refuse as always."

Hayley scoffed and rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms and legs. Hayley, on the other side, doesn't want to go to a university to study but she was forced to so it was a disadvantage for her brother.

"Why are you always on a hard mission when I'm not? I should have one like you so that I could also get on a university," Singani pouted. "Am I really that young? I'm seventeen, you know."

She glared at him. "Who knows? Maybe you're even too young to get a certificate from a school, idiot."

"I won't cheat like you did even though I have hacking skills."

"I know you would just finish the exams."

Singani stuck out his tongue. "You wish. But seriously, sis, if I would get a chance, I would definitely take it and finished my normal life and go back to Mom and Dad's world."

Somehow, Hayley felt relieved that her brother is growing up so well without the bad influence of her parents. She wished she could get out of her parent's world too but she knew she couldn't win the battle.


"Ran!" Shinichi immediately ran to Ran like a baby and hugged her so tightly. "I missed you!"

For the past few days since Ran left, many of Shinichi's memories with Ran was retrieved thanks to the Shounen Tantei and now, Shinichi was excited to see her and craving to touch her more,

"Shinichi... Can't-- breathe..." Ran choked on her own words making Shinichi pulled off.

"Sorry," Shinichi apologized and his cheeks reddened.

Ran chuckled and messed Shinichi's hair. She is always updated on what Shinichi is doing, what he eats, or he is with the Shounen Tantei. That's their routine every time when Ran is in London but little did Ran know that there will be a big surprise coming for her.


"Thank you, Shinichi," Ran said as Shinichi put her luggage to the guest room.

Ran will be living now with Shinichi. Have a confirmation of Shinichi's and Ran's parents. In short, they're going to live in one house but separate rooms since they're still aren't a married couple yet.

Yet, they still act like a couple for some reason they didn't know.

"Just put it right there. Thank you, Shinichi."

As Shinichi put the luggage down from what Ran wanted it to be, he turned to her and walk towards her. He smiled and hugged her.

Ran stilled but then, she smiled and hugged him back. "What's wrong, hmm?" she asked as she caressed his back.

Shinichi shook his head and buried his face on Ran's neck. "Nothing. I just missed you."

Ran chuckled. "I've been just gone for two weeks, Shinichi. It's not like I've been gone for months, idiot."

"Still, I miss you," Shinichi replied. He looked at her softly. "I missed you, Ran."

"Oh, I miss you too, soft boy, but for now, let's eat. I'm sure you're pretty hungry right now because my flight from London to Tokyo will be too early for your body to take so? Bon appetite to the kitchen?"

Shinichi smiled and nodded. "Bon appetite to the kitchen, but first..." Shinichi leaned in and kissed Ran's forehead before passing her, glancing at her when he got to the stairs. "...I'll change clothes first."

Ran nodded and go to the kitchen to ready their breakfast. While Ran readying their breakfast, Shinichi closed his bedroom door and called Haibara.

"Hello?" said to the other line.

"Haibara, is everything settled there?" Shinichi asked as he keeps on checking the bedroom door if Ran will knock so he could be alert.

"How many times are you asking me if it was been settled? Of course, it is, even yesterday it is perfectly settled, idiot." Haibara sighed. "Are you really that nervous to ask her on a date? I mean, it's not like a big deal to you really, Kudo-kun."

"First off, I knew her in just a few memories but I know I love her but I still don't know what to do. Second, I don't know how to act like a gentleman to her because it feels like the first time and third..." Shinichi sighed as his shoulders plopped down. "...I don't know how to confess my feelings for her."

"Because you're a smart idiot," Haibara replied and sighed. "You're disturbing me. I and Hakase are doing something here so if you may, I will end the call now."

"W-Wait, Haibara--" Shinichi pouted as the call went to an end. Then, a message popped up.

From: Haibara

You can do it, Kudo-kun. :)

That made a smile to Shinichi's lips. He closed his phone and changed to a comfortable clothes before walking downstairs, straight to the kitchen. He stilled when he saw Ran's back facing him with an apron tied up.

Ran looks like a model when you look at her back. Her smooth hair is cascading down her back as it flows naturally to the fan's air.

Shinichi shooked his head. What am I even thinking? Daydreaming even Ran is now here.

He walked towards Ran and wrapped his arms on Ran's waist, making Ran stopped her hand midway with the spatula and glanced to her back when she felt a chin put on her shoulder blade.

She smiled when she saw that it is Shinichi. "Hey."

"Hey. What'cha cooking?"

Ran continued cooking. "Your favorite," she answered. "What's with the hug, Shinichi?"

Shinichi's hug tightened even more and he buried his face on Ran's neck. "Just want to...hug."

Ran chuckled as she cooked. She knew what Shinichi wanted now, cuddling.

"I know you want a hug, Shinichi, but let us eat breakfast first and I need to finish what I am cooking," Ran said. "If you want, you could sit down there and--"

Ran's eyes widened as Shinichi's lips touched hers. It was a second but she was stunned.

"I'll wait for you," he said before he unwrapped his arms on her waist and sat down the chair across her.

Ran sighed as she continued cooking. Her mind was in turmoil as she keeps thinking about what Shinichi suddenly did to her.

Why did he suddenly kiss me? Ran asked herself in confusion.


"Shinichi, what are you doing?" Ran asked as she was nervously walking without her seeing what's happening.

Yes, we are now on the scene where Shinichi will surprise Ran. It's now going to be an official date.


"Ran, can you stand up for a minute and turn your back on me after?" Shinichi asked Ran so suddenly. They are in the living room, cuddling to each other.

Ran frowned. "Why?" she asked but did what she was asked. Suddenly, Ran could not see anything. Something blocked her sight. "Shinichi... What's in my eyes?" Ran asked again, scared.

"Shh... It's okay. Follow me, okay?" Shinichi said and escort Ran towards the mansion's backyard.


"One step. Okay, okay. Now, took another step. Alright, be careful. There, there. We're almost there. Just a little bit more, Ran," Shinichi said as he escort Ran towards the surprise.

Ran was still oblivious of what's happening. There's so many questions to her mind that keeps on confusing her.

Shinichi was super weird ever since this morning. Ran thought. Does he...hiding something from me?

As they go near and near, Shinichi was actually pretty nervous. He could feel the inner sweating of his body, body shaking to his inner core.

"Stop." Ran stopped as Shinichi ordered. He walks to the front and put his palms together. "I know you're curious why I am acting like this--"

"Wait. How did you--"

"So, I wanted to answer your question inside your head," Shinichi continued and slowly pulled down the blindfold away from Ran's eyes.

Slowly, Ran's eyes fluttered open and the scenery made her eyes widened and her mouth gaped in awe.

There was a pavilion in the middle of the garden. A round table in the center with two chairs across each other. Fairy lights were connected to the garden wall to the pavilion's head. There's a chandelier in the upper center of it.

Ran sighed in awe. It was like she just walked through a portal and bring her to the most beautiful scenery she'd ever seen. It was like in fairytale books she used to read.

"Oh my gosh," Ran said and looked at Shinichi. "Did you do all of this?"

He smiled and put his arm on her shoulder. "Well, not really. I planned it but Haibara and the Shounen Tantei made it happen for me so thank them later."

"Is this for me?" Ran was still bewildered. Her mind was still floating in the cloud.

Shinichi chuckled. "Actually, it's for us so ahm..." He faced her and scratch his nape awkwardly. "..would you like to...go on a date with me? I mean, you can say no. My effort would not go to waste."

Ran chuckled. "You silly. Of course, I do want to go on a date with you! Oh my gosh, this is the second time you want me to come with you on a date." She smiled. "I'm glad."

Shinichi sighed in relief and smiled. "So, ladies first, I guess?"

Ran smiled as she walked towards the chair. Shinichi pulled the chair and she sat down to it and Shinichi sat across her. Once Shinichi clapped his hands twice, Ran burst into laughter as she saw Haibara, Genta, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, her Dad, her Mom, Haibara, and Professor Agasa wearing waiter uniforms.

"What are you all doing?" she asked between her laugh. She bit her lip to prevent making any more laughs.

Kogorou glared at her. "That boy told me to wear this. I thought it's for a case since he told me that it was for a case but he's a complete liar. He made me a waiter in this 'surprise' of his for you."

"At least you have a credit," Shinichi fired back. Kogorou just rolled his eyes.

Mitsuhiko and Haibara put the foods on the table. All of the 'waiters' left as soon as Shinichi told them that he wants to converse with Ran alone. As they eat silently, Shinichi suddenly talked.

"Ran, I wanted to tell you something." He held her hands. She felt his hands were sweaty, eyes were shaking in nervousness.

"Tell me," Ran said seriously.

Shinichi sighed and looked at Ran in the eyes. "Ran, I won't be going to have more obstacles or any filler in my words but can I ask you this question: Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ran's eyes widened as her mouth opened in awe. "Are you seriously asking me that? Am I not dreaming?"

Shinichi rolled his eyes. "Stop being an overdramatic idiot. I'm nervous here, hello."

Ran chuckled. "Yes! Yes, Shinichi!" Ran stood up and pulled Shinichi to a hug. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Shinichi! I will be your girlfriend!"

Shinichi's eyes glistened in happiness. "Really?"

Ran nodded. "Yes!"

Shinichi leaned down and kissed Ran on the lips. She kissed back with the same ferocity with her hands wrapped on his neck.

They have nothing to say, they didn't do anything. They just kissed. They didn't even think of anything else more than to feel the happiness that the news came in.

It was a success surprise date indeed.