
A demon reincarnated girl from the time of war.

A girl who wants to find a true peaceful life within herself, she also dreams of the meaning of a struggle with the results of her hard work and also wants to make many friends while on adventures. she is name Alena Calliope as the main character and also has beautiful red eyes and long black hair

Revcienst · Fantasie
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2 Chs

« Secret revealed »

「 "...I woke up from my nap, but I don't remember who I really am and I only remember that I have been revived to the present..." 」⁩

Someone called her from below, she was a royal princess from the kingdom of East Angila. It was a large empire and the center of the merchants and the great guilds stood within it.

A king and queen of the kingdom only have one daughter, namely Alena Calliope, the new name of the reincarnation of the demon of destruction. Alena Calliope who is 12 years old is currently in the stage of physical and instinct training so that when she grows up she becomes tough and strong. Feeling called from the voice downstairs, Alena immediately got up from the bed and went downstairs.

「 "Alena!! Alena!!" 」⁩

「 "Yeah yeah, I'll be right down." 」⁩

「 "what's calling me?" 」⁩

Prince Kyle is coming.

「 " ...what's the point of him coming here eh..." 」⁩

Suddenly, Alena became dizzy when she remembered her shadow in the past, Alena had not realized who she really was and likewise Prince Kyle came before her, Alena fainted.

「 " ...w-what? I fainted?..." 」⁩

「 "Thank goodness you're awake." 」⁩

Elena was surprised with a red face.

「 "p-prince K-kyle?!" 」⁩

「 "What's wrong Elena?" 」⁩

「 "it doesn't matter." 」⁩

「 "...huh that's surprising..." 」⁩

Alena got up from her bed with the help of Prince Kyle to stand up, Alena also gave permission to Prince Kyle to take a bath for a while but he refused so that Alena didn't go anywhere first.

Prince Kyle advised Alena not to come out at this time, because the monsters from the forest had drastically improved their abilities, they didn't know what was going on.

「 "Alena, stay in the palace until the outside is fine." 」⁩

「 "Really, what's going on out there?" 」⁩

「 "The monsters went on a sudden rampage, destroying part of the forest and wanting to attack this royal capital!" 」⁩

「 "Isn't there long ago there was a peace treat that contained no more fighting each other?" 」⁩

「 "True, but monsters that cannot be spoken to or monsters controlled by someone or whoever triggers them must be killed!" 」⁩

Prince Kyle also left Alena in the room, Alena fell dizzy again because every time she wanted to know about the things that the Prince had talked about, she was always dizzy and likes to imagine what really happened in the past.

4 years have passed, now Alena Calliope has grown up with her current age of 16 years. He was even more cheerful when he heard that he was going to enter the magic academy. She who always wanted that she could master all existing magic techniques except forbidden magic, Alena also wanted to know the secrets of this world and to achieve her wish, Alena wanted to travel around the world and find her comrades in arms.

「 "...I am Alena Calliope, a Royal Princess of the Crown Kingdom of East Angilia..." 」⁩

The Kingdom of East Angilia is a country that stands as the center for guilds and international trade in today's world. East Angilia is also the place where other races of half-animal humans, demons, monsters, angels and even gods enter the lower realms of East Angilia's work.

Alena who can't wait to enter the academy, she trains every day to improve her skills and to get a passing grade. Alena also struggled for a long time because the schedule for entering the academy was 5 months from now.

「 "Yo Alena." 」⁩

「 "Ah, Prince kah? Welcome here" 」⁩

「 "I just came here to talk to your father, Alena." 」⁩

「 "Yes, let me send it." 」⁩

Alena who was resting in the middle of her training, she also met Prince Kyle and escorted Kyle into the palace where the King was leaning.

「 "I'm Prince Kyle, let me in." 」⁩

The 5 meter high door was opened and the King was waiting for what Kyle wanted to talk about.

「 "I want to cancel my fiancee with your daughter, Alena Calliope." 」⁩

Alena was surprised.

「 "w-why suddenly Prince?" 」⁩

「 "Sorry, I already have another partner so I decided to cancel this fiancé." 」

「 "Take what you want Kyle, I want to rest." 」

「 "Alright King." 」⁩

Not long after, the monsters went berserk again after being massacred by Kyle 4 years ago and accompanied by Alena who was very dizzy and screamed.

「 "Aaaaaaa!!!!" 」⁩

The king who had left because he wanted to rest, he looked behind the sound of his princess screams, and his eyes turned to his daughter, Alena Calliope.

「 "Alena! what's wrong with you?" 」

「 "D-don't know, why do I always have a headache when those monsters rise up in a rage." 」⁩

「 "There may be a reason, as being responsible for the annulment of our fiancé. I want you to be safe first." 」⁩

The prince asked the king for permission to take his daughter out of the palace and headed towards the monster to find out what really happened.

But the King refused, because he loved his only daughter he had. Of course, Kyle wouldn't stand still, he would go to the herd of monsters with the palace guards without taking the Princess with him.

「 "Okay, let me go but with a few palace guards." 」⁩

「 "I will give my guard to accompany you." 」⁩

Alena detected bad intentions.

「 "wait!!!" 」⁩

「 "What's wrong my daughter?" 」⁩

「 "No, no way. He is the Prince of Darkness." 」⁩

「 "W-what are you saying Alena?!" 」⁩

「 "hahahahaha!" 」⁩

「 "Yeah right, I'm the Prince of Darkness, my name is Kyle Renaissance." 」⁩

「 "Impossible! The Renaissance is an SSS-level demon that has become a worldwide threat." 」⁩

「 "The Renaissance family is mankind's enemy but with a peace treaty, you won't be able to attack and declare war!" 」⁩

「 "Oh really?" 」⁩

「 "I am not bound by the law of peace, and I will surpass the demons who have come to the peace treaty." 」⁩

「 "You can never surpass him!" 」⁩

「 "I'll prove the difference in my strength with him, hahaha." 」⁩

Kyle suddenly gave off his aura of urgency, as soon as the earth shook rapidly. Kyle was constantly urging the King and Alena as well as with his royal guards who couldn't contain the aura.

Kyle also disappeared before the king, the vibration stabilized again but not with Kyle's words.

「 "I will come again to your capital with my troops!" 」⁩

Kyle with his anger, he even declared war between the demon races and humans for a second war. But the demons who often come to the capital instead side with humanity, because they don't want to lose the human King like they felt when they lost their Queen.