
A Demon's New World

Before Meliodas's betrayal, before the holy war, and even before the existence of the Ten Commandments, there was a civil war within the demon race. A war between a controlling father and a rebellious son. A war between the Demon King and his eldest son, the older brother of both Meliodas and Zeldris. The son who was erased from the history of his kind, after he lost in the civil war and was banished from the world. But where did he end up? "Dragons? Demon Lords? A mysterious voice that belongs to the world? A talking overpowered slime? Guess I won't get bored in this new world..."

TheHunter12 · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

A Hero

"These guys are weak..." Akuma stated as he entered the guild in the morning, and saw that the guild was empty, except for very few adventurers. The reason he said that is because the day before, was a holiday in memorial of Blumund's founding, so there was a big drinking party at the guild, so currently almost everyone was still sleeping.

"Akuma-San!" he heard a familiar voice calling for him, and he turned to see Eren approaching him alone, a rare sight considering she always had Kaval and Gido with her

"Eren, where are the others?"

"They're still asleep after yesterday, so I thought that maybe... the two of us can go on a mission on our own?" Eren said in a shy tone, looking down and taking peeks at his face to see his reaction.

"Sure, let's go pick a mission!" Akuma said, causing Eren to smile brightly, and the two started to walk to the missions' board but were stopped by Lorelei who approached them.

"Good morning Akuma-Kun, Eren-San!"

"Good morning Lorelei. I see that you are dedicated to your job as always" Akuma said

"The same thing can be said about you, considering the amount of liqueur you drank last night, and yet you are here first thing in the morning. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering what happened in the drinking contest a few weeks ago"

"What can I say? I'm-" Akuma started to say but was interrupted by the sound of a door being opened violently, shifting everyone's attention to the entrance of the guild, seeing a soldier of Blumund's army standing in the entrance, panting, and after a few seconds he used to regulate his breath, the soldier exclaimed:

"Someone call the Guild Master, it's an emergency!!"

"What happened?" asked Lorelei

"A horde of wyverns is approaching the city!" the soldier stated, shocking everyone

~~~ Scene Change ~~~

"How did no one notice it earlier?" asked Fuze as he stood in the Blumund king's office, together with the king, the queen, the army's general, and the princess.

"It's because of yesterday. All the soldiers and adventurers were celebrating, so no one observed during the night, what allowed the horde to get closer, without our knowledge" explained the general

"Then what can we do? And when is the horde will get here? How many there are?" asked the king

"We're working on waking all the soldiers and adventurers, but most aren't in a state capable of fighting... we have at least an hour before the horde gets to the capital. Their number, according to our scouts, is close to 500" stated the general.

"Then, we can't do anything? We are doomed to be slaughtered by wyverns!?" exclaimed the princess in panic, despair slowly appearing on her face

"Relax, Mio. There must be something that can be done, right?" asked the queen, hugging her daughter to her bosom, sending a pleading look to the general

"We already sent a request for help from our neighbors, but it'll take at least a day for the closest nation to send us reinforcements..." said the general

"I'll take care of the horde" they all heard a voice saying, and they all turned in the direction of the voice, to see Akuma standing by the door, leaning on it, with a smirk on his face.

"And who are you?" the king asked, but before Akuma could answer, the princess said:

"You're... the Red Demon, right? The adventurer that rose to rank A in one month, right?" asked the princess, hope starting to return to her eyes.

"I am" Akuma confirmed

"Can you do it? Can you defeat the horde and save the capital?" asked the queen

"I do. Though I will be expecting a good payment for my services" stated Akuma

"You'll get anything you want if you truly defeat it..." said the king

"Are you planning on going there alone?" asked Fuze

"I am. If anyone else will come, it'll only slow me down"

"Good luck, young adventurer. May God be with you" said the queen

"I won't even need his help..." Akuma said with a smirk as he walked out of the office

"Can he truly defeat the horde?" the general asked Fuze

"I don't know, as I haven't ever seen him in action, but I'm going to do so right now..." Fuze said

"Then we shall come with you. The royal family shall be with our people in their time of crisis" stated the king

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

Akuma was standing outside of the capital's walls, using his enhanced eyesight to zoom in on the approaching horde.

"Akuma-San/Akuma-Kun" he heard voices calling for him from behind, and he turned to see Eren and Lorelei running to him

"You two should get inside the walls. It's safer there" Akuma said

"Even if you're strong, there's no way you can defeat a whole horde of wyverns!" exclaimed Lorelei

"At least let me come with you! I can help, even if only a little!" exclaimed Eren

"Do you really think I'll fight a horde of wyverns by myself if I wasn't sure of my victory? There's nothing to worry about. Get back inside, and you'll soon see bodies of wyverns adorning the ground" Akuma said with a smirk and a confident tone

"You better don't die out there. If you do, I'll kill you" Lorelei said with a glare, and then hugged him tightly.

"Please come back safe. I believe in you" Eren said and hugged him as well

"You two worry too much. I guess I should show you just how strong I am, so you won't have to worry anymore. Now hurry and go back inside" Akuma said and turned towards the horde

Once he was sure that they were inside the wall, he smirked while thinking:

'Well, I guess I should use my magic power. Make it an overwhelming win to impress the royal family, especially the princess. She's my ticket to rule this country. Good thing I stumbled across this horde's nest. It was easy to steal an egg to draw the horde here.

This way, I'll garner the attention of the princess, as the hero who saved her life and her people, and as a young princess, she surely is a sheltered girl who hadn't had a lot of contact with men outside of her family, so it'll be easy to slowly gain her affection, and eventually marry her, becoming the future king of this nation, and from there, it'll be easy to arrange an "accident" to the king, making me the king.

Now, let's finish this...' Akuma thought with a devilish smirk, and then raised his hand and said:

"Combat Territory!"

~~~ Scene Change ~~~

Standing on top of the wall, they saw how Akuma raised his hand, and then a barrier was erected around him and the horde, blocking their sight of what happening inside.

"This is no normal barrier. I haven't seen anything like it, and I can't analyze its effects too" Lorelei told Fuze

"Is he planning to lock them inside the barrier so they can't run to the city?" asked Eren

"I don't know..." Fuze said, however, only after 30 seconds, the barrier was dispelled, and to all of the spectators' shock, 500 bodies of dead wyverns were on the ground, and Akuma was standing in the same place he stood before, nothing indicates he fought 500 wyverns, except for his clothes, which were soaked in wyvern's blood.

"This is..." said Fuze, no more words came out of his mouth, incapable of comprehending what he saw at that moment.

"Amazing..." the princess said with stars in her eyes, looking at Akuma

"What is this? This is outrageous! He took out a horde of 500 wyverns in less than a minute!?" exclaimed the general

"This is a miracle... a blessing from God..." said the queen

"No. It's the birth of a new hero.

A bloodied hero, whose enemies' blood is soaked in his clothes" said the king

In the future, this day will be remembered as the starting point of the emperor of the strongest empire in the west.

The Blood Emperor.