
Chapter 99: Percy Takes The Sky!

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"I hate you so much right now," Miguel growled.

"That's it, I say we tie him up and throw him into the black lake," Michael suggested looking positively murderous.

"Oh come on you guys! This world is an amazing and beautiful place! Why do you want to waste away your week end here in this small room when we can be out exploring a magical fucking castle?!" Percy pleaded.

"Percy, you are new here, so I'll let you off the hook. But for future note, I do not like being woken up," Michael growled, "least off all on the weekends!"

"So you are just going to laze around all day?!"

"Yes!" they all shouted drapping their blankets over them trying to go back to sleep.

Percy groaned, "lazy shits," he drew back the curtains and walked out off his drom. He would have liked it if they had come with him, but Percy knew he couldn't force them to do anything they didn't want to do.

Percy walked out of Hogwarts castle and walked down the small hill that lead up to the school. The area around it was large open and flat.

A few students were outside walking around with their friends or playing frisbee in the field. Some sat near the lake side enjoying the peaceful morning.

Percy reached into his backpack and pulled out his hover board. He placed it on the ground and stepped on it. Kelly poked her head out off Percy's hoodie and looked down cheering in joy.

Percy turned to her, "that's right Kelly, we are going to fly. Hang on!" Kelly cheered as she grabbed his clothes with both hands and tucked herself into his hoodie.

Percy leaned forward and felt the board rise up. Slowly the board started to float higher and higher in the air as it slowly moved forward.

Percy pressed his front foot forward causing the board to move forward faster. He glided through the air before slowly he brought the board back down on the ground.

He tested it a few more times, remembering all the commands he placed on them due to simple shifts in the rider's weight. And to insure he wouldn't fall off Percy also placed a rune to stick his shoes on said board.

Finally he was ready. He looked around and noticed a few people looking at him curiously, wondering what he was doing. Percy grinned, he looked at Kelly, "time to put on a show."

Percy leaned forward and the board rose up into the air. He kicked the back of the board kick starting the thrusters sending him blasting forward at an angle.

"WAH HOO!" Percy cried out in joy as Kelly cried for her life. Percy tore across the sky, twisting his body to change the board's direction. He lowered his center of gravity and the board reacted accordingly speeding up, ripping through the air current.

Percy's face was blasted with the cold morning air as they began to tear up. Percy however ignored that as he smiled enjoying the feeling of once again flying through the sky. It wasn't like flying as a pegasus, but it was close enough.

Percy twisted sideways causing the board to spin around in a corkscrew motion, Percy yelled in joy as he then jerked upwards flying upwards in a near 90 degree angle. He then bent backwards performing a giant loop in the sky, before eh twisted back straight flying horizontally.

"Ah!" Kelly cried out as her fingers started to loosen. Percy realised what was happening and immediately leaned backward brining the board to a screeching halt. Kelly flew forward but Percy managed to catch her before she fell down.

"I'm sorry Kelly, I sometime forget you are there," Percy sighed. The veela looked pissed as she yelled at him in incoherent screams, Percy simply hung his head as he slowly brought the board back down toward the castle grounds.

Percy looked down and saw several students looking up at him in awe. Percy blinked, 'huh, I never guessed so many people would be that interested.' Percy landed down softly on the ground and immediately people surrounded him.

"Wow! What is that?!"

"Did you just do a corkscrew turn?!"

"Where did you get that thing?!"

"Can I have a go?"

Percy put up his hands, "one at a time people! I have two ears and one brain!"

"What is that?!" an older looking Gryffindor boy asked.

"I call it a hoverboard," Percy grinned.

"Wait?! Are you serious? That's a hover board?! Like the kind in Back to the future?" a young Ravenclaw girl asked.

Percy nodded, "yup! You saw that movie huh?"

"Yeah," the girl nodded.

"Selina, what is a hoverboard?" asked another Ravenclaw girl.

"It's like a broom, but instead of a flying broom you use a broad," Selina explained while gazing at the board. She looked up at Percy, "where did you get it?"

"I made it," Percy grinned.

"What?! You made this?" a Gryffindor asked.

"Yeah. I didn't really like the idea of flying on a broom, so I figured, 'hey why not make a hoverboard?' so I did," Percy grinned.

"Can I have a go?" a little Hufflepuff boy by the mane of Zack asked.

"Sure little Badger, give it a whirl," Percy tossed him the board and began instructing him on how to use the thing.

The boy took it slow at first, managing to make it hover for a moment. But when he tried to go faster Percy called him down, "sorry kid, but I'm not going to risk your life. If you want I'll let you practise on it later, but for now just stick to hovering."

"Jackson you have got to make me one of those," the Gryffindor boy whistled in amazement.

"Yeah, sure, let me just patent it and then I'll make you one," Percy chuckled, 'although that doesn't sound like too bad an idea.'


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