
A Deer

Srgupta · Urban
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A Deer

One day, me and my friend decided to go in jungle. My House is near to jungle but I can't go because my father said that don't go in the jungle.

But now to family went to my Grandma house for 10-15 days I have soo much time, because we decided to go in jungle then I call my 5 friend and I take out my father's jeep and move towards the jungle.

We are moving here and there then we saw a deer with Red glowing eyes. MY friend search on internet that Red glowing eyes deer exist and there were no any this type of deer exist.

Then my friend said wait I will go and catch this deer and we say don't go, but my friend didn't listen and move toward the deer and suddenly my friend disapper.

We get scare, then we started move towards my house because my house is near, to jungle and in the street we saw our friend with that deer.

Then we said come here, come here then he give us a very scary smile then we started our jeep and going towards my house.

We reached my house, we lock all the windows and assemble in hall, and dicussing about that deer. Then anybody knocked the door, I said said to my friend go please open the door.

My friend move towards the door and my friend opens the door. There was an man who was saying, who are you and why you come in my house get out from here, then I say, uncle, this is my house and for 10-15 min tis discussion was going and I became angry.

I closed the door in front of that man. Then suddenly we got disapper in a black and white room and in front of us there was some text ( IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FRIEND SO YOU NEED TO FIND THE DOOR ).

Then I said very easy because in front of us was and door of blue color then I open that door and in that door there was 50 door and by mistake i saw my friend's shoes and there was "right 49".

Then I go to door right 49 and open it and there was my friend, then we take our friend and start running towards my jeep

then we reached my jeep, we all are happy.

This is my first story.

Grammer mistakes are there but I am Happy

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