

Steffon couldn't handle the fact that his mother was gone and never got the opportunity to say goodbye to her. The group decided to avenge their parents death. Jay suggested in beating them at their own game.

Lane said "in which way are we going to do so?"

Jay said" we can make our own gang and steal their clients therefore their business will suffer."

They all watched each other hesitantly but Jay quickly reminded them that they have nothing to live for, their parents and everyone they are close to are dead. He also reminded them that now their parents are dead how are they going to survive. The gang can also provide us with a source of income. Jay tried to persuade them and they finally gave in.

Steffon asked Jay "How are we going to get started though, we don't know nothing about the business."

Jay replied "It is easy. Think about when you go to a store, you pick up what you want to buy and go to the cashier. You give them the money and you take the product, simple as that."

Lane said "We can start with the money that we got from Calito to buy cocaine to sell."

Jay agrees and Steffon asked him "so where are we gonna get these clients."

Jay told Steffon that finding clients won't be a problem since he have been working with Shane for quite sometime and remembers most of his clients.

Jay contacted Mario ,one of Shane's clients and told him about his start up and asked him if he can hook him up with some clients that might be interested. Mario was happy for him and emailed him some contacts he can call. He quickly told the guys the news and they was so shocked that Jay pulled it off.

Jay and his friends drove off to a lake house that his grandfather left for him and lived there. Jay contacted one of the emails and got an appointment. His friends accompanied him to the place that was agreed upon. When he arrived, the client greeted him as "Cabron." He introduced his self as "Melino."

Melino asked him "why he brought his friends when we are making a deal?"

Jay said "Yes they are my friends but also my partners in this business."

Melino apologized for the confusion and got down to business.

Melino said "Mario told me you just entered the business and wants a few suppliers, is that right?"

Jay replied "yes."

Melino said "What would make me want to work with you?"

Jay replied " Im not sure what im going to experience in this field but i am ready for anything. We are trust worthy and respect honesty."

Melino likes Jay's confidence and accepts his proposal. He offers Jay twenty pounds of cocaine to start off with and tells him that he expects his cut every fortnight.

Jay asked Melino "how much are we looking at?"

Melino says "eighteen grand"

"Perfect" says Jay

They shook hands and left. Jay and his friends went to the bar to celebrate the new deal. At the bar, Jay ordered three shots of whiskey on the rocks and toasted to a new beginning, a new chapter.