

When lunch was ready Steffon's mom called him down for his lunch. He sat by the table with his mother and silence filled the air. Steffon finally broke the silence telling his mother that he have to go to lessons tomorrow.

His mother says" I like to see you like this, taking interest in your school work and not roaming the streets with your so called friends looking for trouble."

Steffon looked at her in disturbance and ignored her comment. When he was done, he placed his plate in the sink and told his mother that he had to go and check up on someone. His mother reluctantly allowed him to go because she was afraid that the friends he kept will bring him danger.

Steffon left the house and went to Lane's house in order to discuss the plan. When he arrived, Lane and Jay was already going through the plan to make sure everything was in order. Steffon soon joined them and continued discussing the plan in the basement.

Jay asked "Who are we going to steal from then?"

Lane replied "We can steal from Caltio, he ain't got power in the business, so if we get caught we will be able to go easily.

Steffon said " We ain't got time for negative energy"

Jay called Calito and told him about the deal and he agreed, looking forward to his supply. While Jay was contacting Calito, Steffon and Lane was out shopping for baking soda and starch. When they was done, they hid everything in Lane's basement. The three gathered at the abandoned park near the woods to discuss the time. Steffon suggested in having a vehicle if in case Calito doesn't buy it and goes after them.

He suggested in taking his mother's car and everyone agreed. They also discussed where they will meet up at.

Lane said "That he can create the cocaine they suppose to give to Calito since the ingredients are at his house"

Everyone agreed to the plan and went home in preparation for tomorrow.