
Ruin For The Past

Her fingers moved to where she could still feel the touch of his hand, frowning as her body reacted to the way he was pulling her towards him. His words upset her - "he took the same persuasion" - did he believe she was going to use her body to try and persuade the CEO of Pearl X not to take action against her twin?

She frowned, wondering what she was expecting. She hoped explaining the situation would suffice, and now wondered how naive that thought was. She kicked off her shoes and pulled her feet down, suddenly feeling very tired, waiting for his inevitable return.

She waited for more than an hour, her eyes getting heavier and heavier, and the only sound was the ticking of the classic clock that her eyes purposefully watched. The room was warm, the large chair was comfortable, and despite her best efforts to fall asleep, the sleepless nights the previous day had cost her, as Jaya had finally succumbed to a blissful calm.

Alfonzo Peralta returned to his suite quietly, his expression serious. His meeting with the ambassador took longer than he expected, and his mouth froze when he told himself she should be left to wait. It was unexpected to see her at the prom, not to mention how much she's changed over the past five years

She was always awkward as a young girl, but there was always something about Jaya Cabrera that fascinated him. He thinks she's different from her controlling bully father and goofy twin sister, however, when Jaya fires him for fabricated theft, he realizes that she is indeed her father's daughter.

After making a fortune from the initial shares his father gave him on the condition that he change his name - no problem for Alfonzo, his mother would never win any Parent of the Year awards - he Added that small stake to a billion-dollar company. He always planned to avenge himself by the Cabrera, and when he turned against them in a hostile takeover, finding out how badly their company was doing seemed like a signal from above.

After taking over the company, he was stunned by what he found, and ironically, he didn't forget as he reveled in his impending revenge. His plan was simple: get the family publicly kicked out of the house, put Jara Cabrera in jail, and drag their good names into the mud. His only regret is that there is no direct way to get to the one he hates most, Jaya Cabrera. The woman who stood so calm and cold told him he was fired and told him if he didn't leave she'll throw him in jail.

He got closer, trying to shake her awake, but his hand stopped and his eyes fell on her. She changed from the girl he knew. She was beautiful back then, but always liked to wear shapeless clothes, too large for her at least, and her hair fell on her face to hide her features.

The thick-framed glasses she wore back then were too big for her petite features, giving her an almost comical figure. Now, however, in a tight cocktail dress and her hair pulled away from her face, she's gorgeous. Long lashes brushed against her creamy smooth cheeks, her lips were big and red - so kissable.

After a pause, he squatted down beside her, and his eyes were filled with everything about this woman, the woman who annoyed him more than anyone, and a slight smile appeared on his face. Yes, humiliating Jaya Cabrera is enjoyable in many ways. He let his fingers caress her lips, Jaya moved slightly in her sleep,

Her lips parted, her little tongue protruded, and the little movement was like a punch to his stomach, lust slammed into every part of him. Alfonzo leaned forward to cover hers with his lips, his tongue slid slowly over her silky lower lip, and as he deepened the kiss, he left her with a soft sigh, her mouth was shaped with him as she kissed him back, moving slightly before she opened her eyes.

Jaya woke up. Her eyes opened in confusion and panic, and she tasted Alfonzo's tongue against hers, and she wept and pushed him away, jumping up from her chair, her voice still heavy with sleepiness and anger. "Wh... What the hell are you doing?" Alfonzo also stood up, grinning, a predatory smile, without the slightest warmth. "If you have to ask, maybe I should show you again." His mocking voice made her back further, her eyes darting from him to the door.

"You...why did you do that?" Her eyes fixed on him reproachfully, her breasts heaving up and down, panic filling her as she tried to catch her breath. "That seems to be the best way to wake you up," was his only response, and he made up his mind to move around the table and sit in the big chair.

"Sit down, Jaya," he ordered her, and she frowned, not knowing what was going on, feeling as though she had only just recovered from her slumber. Back in the chair, her movements uncertain, she sits on the edge, her body stiff, he leans against the chair, the epitome of coolness and relaxation.

"I've been thinking about your situation." His statement made her look up, her eyes turned to him. "Imagine Jaya finding out that your sister and her boyfriend swindled me out of nearly ten million dollars from the company I just acquired." Jaya's stomach drops as she sees all the funds stolen. His accountants soon, and their own, are still trying to pinpoint the deceit and fraud committed by Jara's boyfriend Arzen Valencia.

She slowly closed her eyes, feeling her whole body sagging.

"That much?" She could only cope weakly as he watched her fall apart in front of him. "My accountant told me that most of the money was moved through an account called Valencia Group, but they were finding more and more money every day." Jaya looked up at him, eyes pleading. "My sister has nothing to do with this, Alfonzo. The only crime she commits is stupidity. She trusts Arzen, my sister trusts him.

He looked at her carefully. "I know. Your sister isn't smart enough to be involved in this kind of thing...but you know she does sign a loan." Jaya's only response was a slight moan, she nodded, and he frowned slightly. "What about you? Do you trust him?" Jaya shook her head.

"No. I never trusted him, but I went to college and have some relationships with other guys. I've never been allowed to be in this business...so I don't know what he's doing. We have a private detective looking for him and he has some leads...we just need time to bring him to justice."

There was a few seconds of silence between them before he leaned forward. "I'm interested in your relationship seeing you bring it up... It seems like you haven't made much commitment for six months. I know you only got divorced last month. Well it's a business marriage, right?" He saw the surprise on her face, and he knew the fact of her marriage, then her eyes became stiff and she looked away from him. "My relationship status has nothing to do with you." Her tone was soft and firm.

He sat back down again, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair, his fingertips touching, and looking at her thoughtfully before speaking, his tone was emotionless and truthful. "Your sister is responsible for your soon brother-in-law's actions. Stupidity is no excuse in the eyes of Legal, Jaya, who stares back at him, her lovely sunflower brown eyes full of pain.

"Please Alfonzo. I beg you, please don't do this." The look of him holding her became solemn. "Are you asking me to show the same consideration for you as I did years ago, Jaya?" His tone was softly accusatory. Jaya nodded. "You may not believe it, Alfonzo, but what happened was much better than my grandfather wanted, and yes, I ask you to show the same generosity that I showed you." As his hands clapped on the wooden tabletop When she got up, she jumped up.

"Generosity! You branded me a thief who couldn't help myself. Everyone I know believes I stole that money. Your grandfather called everyone he knew and told them I was a thief and a liar. No one wanted to hire me and I had no choice but to return to my hated family. So, don't pretend to be tolerant and insult me. ' Disdain and hatred dripped from his words as he roared at her, desperation seeping into every part of her as she looked around at herself.

"Look at what you've accomplished, Alfonzo. If you were in prison, do you think you'd have that? So, yes, I do think you show generosity, and I ask you to show the same Attitude. He became quiet as he looked at her again, even though he knew that if he was in prison then he would never build his empire, the fire of his desire for revenge still burned in his heart.

"Maybe Jaya...but I'm innocent. I grew up in an area where you were a priest or a thief. I managed to avoid being one of them, which was harder and harder than you can imagine being a spoiled little guy. Difficult. So being branded by you and your goddamn family..."

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth tightened, and Jaya moved nervously in her chair. "What do you want from me? You know Jara is innocent... Are you going to destroy my entire family just because of the past?"