
A dairy: an lgbtq journey

Join Z on her journey to find out about her true self, who knows? Her true self might be something you would never expect (My life but In fiction.)

Daoisthc7PLT · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Becoming a boy

*family dinner*

<i>door slam</i> "AHH, I hate when adults say I have to wear dresses" lays<i> down</i> "It's like they picture every girl has to be submissive all of the time" <i>pat, pat</i> "I know but just deal with It till you enter college" "She even said I'm acting like a tomboy can you believe that!?" Sigh "I just want to wear my hoodie In peace, wearing a bra Is too uncomfortable

Meanwhile In the other room: <i>*Listening through the wall*</i> (..why do I relate to her too?..")

*Next day*

"Wearing a hoodie makes me feel like a boy" <i>Looks around</i> ("I'm sure It's just a one time thing.") <i>whoa</i> "It's so comfortable not having to wear a bra!" <i>hehe</i> "Is this what she was talking about?

*3 years later*

<i>concerned</i> "hey.. why do you wear hoodies all of the time? It's literally so hot right now" looks down ("I'm wearing a hoodie?") "I just like wearing It!" <i>pulls off hoodie</i> "we're at home you don't need any reason to wear one" ("This Is uncomfortable..")

In case you guys are confused this Isn't really a novel, well It kinda Is but In first person (by first person I mean my pov) by the way this took place 4 years ago and I've been wearing hoodies ever since

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