
A D&D Wizard in DC

Alexzander is your not-so-average nobody. He wakes up, goes to work, comes home, and sleeps. Only the occasional superhero battle breaks his days of mediocracy. Then one day everything changes. Suddenly he gained the ability to cast magic and not just any magic. No, he gained the spells and abilities of a high-level magic caster from D&D. Not only that but he gained the ability to use powerful rituals. However, life won't be easy for Alexzander as old wounds from a past best-forgotten open. ...... This fanfic is a slow burn. So don't expect major plot points to happen quickly. Additionally, this is kind of my " Don't think too hard about it fic", so don't expect a masterpiece. Also, the Cover Pic isn't mine.

ForThe_Lolzs · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

The Storm Approaches (2)

A/n: Things are finally going to start ramping up.


~Gotham: Monday, 9:55~

Alex browsed various products in a small grocery Store thirty minus away from his apartment silently. In his left hand rested a basket already containing a carton of eggs, a jug of milk, and eggs.

Picking up a package of ground beef he looked at it critically wondering if the meat was spoiled or not. The expiration dates on the package didn't mean much since stores in Gotham tend to change them to keep food on the shelves.

' Wait. Can't I just cast { Purify Food and Drink} to guarantee it's unspoiled?' Alex asked himself as he read over the Cleric cantrip.

After reading the description of the cantrip the young spell caster tossed the meat into his basket before moving to the canned goods section.

There he picked up a few cans of Chicken Soup, Ravioli, and a very specific brand of Vienna Sausages called Degerno's.

Giving the aisle another glace, Alex's eyes landed on a section dedicated to dog food.

' Lexi doesn't need to eat with her being a celestial, but I'm sure she'd enjoy it either way.' Alex thought as he picked up a can of dog food.

Honestly, he didn't know a whole lot about dogs and whatnot. He's never really put any thought into taking care of a pet before.

' Though there was that Kimono Dragon I helped take care of,' thought the mage with a wince.

While in captivity of the court Alex wasn't just a "stress toy", despite that being the main thing he associated his imprisonment with. He also helped with various "chores", such as cleaning and taking care of a Kimono dragon owned by his 'handler'.

A frown suddenly marred Alex's face as he felt a memory attempt to surface at the word "chores". However, it quickly faded to the back of his mind when he attempted to access it.

" Whatever, if I forgot it's probably not important." He said aloud as he put the can he was holding in his basket.

Walking up to the cash register, which was manned by a pretty portoricaine woman in her mid-twenties, Alex smiled at the cashier and waited silently as she scanned the items.

~Gotham rooftops: Monday, 10:00 Pm~

Batwoman, otherwise known as Katherine Kane, stalked the rooftops of Gotham as she patrolled its streets.

Normally she wasn't one to go actively patrolling Gotham, she was too busy with individual cases for that, but things had been relatively quiet as of late. No grandiose plan to kill the bat family by the various supervillains in the city, or any big moves by the mafia families to secure more profits. Not even a new serial killer to catch.

"Not that I'm complaining," Batwoman mumbled to herself.

Currently, the pale-skinned woman was crouched next to a gargoyle on top of a tall building in the more desolate parts of Gotham. This area had been seeing a sudden spike in activity lately due to a new drug called Assina de miedo, or "Fear Killer". So she had been patrolling it for the past few weeks while Batman investigated its origins.

Moving from her position next to the statue, Batwoman began hopping between buildings to patrol a different section of the area when she heard a scream.

" Help! Someone Hel-" The voice, a female's, yelled out before being interrupted by a louder masculine voice.

" Shut up bitch! Keep yelling like that and you'll be kissing more than my dick!"

Katherine didn't hesitate in swiftly changing directions toward the voices. Her body moved in almost a blur as her peak human condition kicked into high gear. Within half a minute, she was above the ally in which she heard the voices.

Looking down she saw two people. A beautiful African American woman in her early forties with black hair with red tips, light brown eyes, and a large six-foot tall man holding a knife to her neck.

Seeing the situation and taking note of the alleyway for possible ambushes and other issues, Batwoman jumped from her position above the alley, her cape billowing behind her.

" Now if you get on your knees. I might be generous enough to let you li-ugh!"

The man couldn't finish his sentence as Batwoman kneed him in the back, causing him to skirt across the ground away from the assaulted woman. Surprisingly, that attack didn't put him down, as he quickly got up a moment later and glared at Katherine.

Standing at her full height of 5"11' the red-haired vigilante met his glare with one of her own while subtly motioning the woman behind her to get back. Unfortunately, the ally was too small for the civilian woman to simply flee while she dealt with the thug. The only exit was blocked by the tall man who she faced.

The man moved first.

Reaching into one of his pockets the man reached for a pistol. But Batwoman wouldn't give him the chance.

Moving faster than most Olympic athletes, Katherine closed the distance between them and went for a quick jab to the temple to knock the man out. However, that plan fell through as he managed to duck under the strike and counter with one of his own, which she managed to block easily.

Within the next few seconds, it became very clear to Batwoman that this man wasn't your average thug. He wasn't as good as her skill-wise in close combat, but he was close. His physical strength, and surprisingly his speed, was greater than hers, however, and it showed with how her arms ached slightly with every blocked attack.

As she fought, Batwoman's mind went over the mental database of criminals she's encountered over the years.

' Tanned skin, Six feet in height, curly black hair, brown eyes, muscular frame, slightly above average looks, and a tattoo in the form of some sort of Nordic rune. Skilled in boxing, kickboxing, Judo, Taekwondo, Muay Tai, and Krav Maga. That doesn't fit anyone I've heard of or encountered. He must be new.' Thought the vigilante as she analyzed her opponent.

Jumping back to avoid a nasty kick from the tanned male, Katherine pulled out a smoke pellet and quickly threw it into the ground causing it to burst. Smoke covered the ally obscuring everyone's vision but Batwoman's.

Taking advantage of the situation, Batwoman rushed over to the black-haired woman and was about to get her out of here when something unexpected happened.

The woman who she was trying to save grabbed her arm in a vice grip. At first, she thought the woman was just scared, but then she noticed the woman's smile. A familiar smile she's seen many times on the faces of villains when they believed they caught her in a trap.

Unfortunately, by the time she realized that it was too late.

"Tire." The woman said softly.

A sudden surge of something overwhelmed Batwoman's senses causing her eyes to droop at the orders of the black female. Her body felt sluggish, and her senses dulled. She couldn't even feel her legs.

At least that was the case until she was hit by a wave of pain in her abdomen waking up any dulled feelings. Looking down she was greeted by the sight of a dagger plunged into her stomach.

Katherine tried to move but was stopped by the honeyed words of the woman stabbing her.

" Tsk tsk, we can't have that, now can we? So how about you ignore this little thing inside you and completely relax?" The black-haired woman said sweetly as she pushed the dagger deeper.

Despite the pain, Batwoman felt all resistance within her fade as her body shut down. Whatever the woman was doing, she couldn't resist it.

" Butch! I got her, you can cut the act." Yelled the woman to the other end of the alley.

Suddenly a powerful force of wind swept through the area causing the smoke to disperse immediately. In the epicenter of this was the man Batwoman was fighting moments ago.

" Bout fucking time! Do you know how hard it was to resist breaking her little neck? Bitch hits hard." The now named Butch said as he rubbed his jaw.

Batwoman had managed to get one good hit on the man during their combat. It was the man's jaw.

" Oh don't be so sensitive, you barely felt that before it healed." The woman said as she rolled her eyes.

In response, the man shrugged before putting his attention to Batwoman, who was still attempting to resist the overwhelming need to sleep.

" Did you do what you needed to do, Fish?" Asked the man.

The now-named Fish gave a nod of the head before looking Batwoman in the eyes and speaking.

"What is your real name?" Asked Fish firmly.

Batwoman's eyes widened as she felt her mouth move on its own.

"K-Katherine Ka-Kane" Gritted out the woman in a bat suit.

At her declaration, the female controlling her looked surprised.

" The cousin of Bruce Wayne?"

Once again Batwoman's body moved on its own as she nodded.

" Does your cousin know about your nightly activities?"

Katherine gave another shaky nod.

Fish looked contemplative for a moment, before a look of comprehension spread across her features.

" Wait, who is Batma-"

Then before the woman could finish her sentence a wisp of white light appeared in front of her face.

" What?" The black woman said confusedly.

At the same time, Batwoman felt a presence enter her mind and leave a message.

' Close your eyes.' A voice said.

Not seeing any other choice, Katherine listened.

A moment later her eyelids burned as the wisp of light exploded.