
214. An Ning and Su Liangxiao were half-brother and half-sister. It was said that their mother was... ...


Gu Yanqing's expression froze for a second.

His expression instantly darkened.

Then, he turned around and walked into the house.

Song Beibei was stunned.

Gu Yanqing rarely looked like this. It was as if he had been stepped on a landmine.

Song Beibei stayed where she was for a while before returning.

When Song Beibei returned to the House, Gu Yanqing was smoking on the balcony.

Song Beibei looked at his back and actually felt that at this moment, his back was very similar to Su Liangxiao's back.

It was so lonely, as if he had fallen into an emotional state, unable to extricate himself.

Song Beibei walked over and stopped beside Gu Yanqing.

She directly took the cigarette from Gu Yanqing's hand and said, "You promised me that you wouldn't smoke anymore. "

Gu Yanqing turned around and looked into Song Beibei's eyes.

For a moment, Song Beibei was stunned.

Gu Yanqing's eyes were empty, as if he was looking at someone else through her.

Song Beibei asked in a daze, "what's wrong? What are you looking at? "

Gu Yanqing raised a hand and touched Song Beibei's cheek.

He stared at her for a while, then slowly turned around and said, "anning's full name is Su Anning. "

Song Beibei was also surprised, "her surname is Su too? "

Gu Yanqing's voice was distant, as if it was covered with a layer of time dust.

He said, "Su Anning is Su Liangxiao's younger sister. "

Song Beibei was slightly surprised.

But when she knew her surname, she had guessed this.

Song Beibei said, "is she also the younger sister of the orphanage? Just like you and Gu Wanjing, you both have the surname of the nanny who raised you? "

Song Beibei did not know why, but her heart suddenly ached.

It was probably Gu Yanqing's sorrowful expression.

Although Gu Yanqing's expression was calm and his tone was steady, Song Beibei could see that his eyes were slowly stirring up a storm of blood.

Song Beibei actually couldn't bear to see it.

Gu Yanqing replied, "No, an Ning is Su Liangxiao's biological sister. She's Su Liangxiao's only relative in this world. "

Song Beibei was too shocked.

Because the chances of the orphanage adopting biological siblings were too small.

Song Beibei asked, "are an Ning and Su Liangxiao twins? "

"An Ning is two years younger than Su Liangxiao. "

"How could this be? "

Song Beibei couldn't believe it. What did this mean.

It meant that Su Liangxiao had a family, and this family sent their son to the orphanage and then their daughter to the orphanage.

If that was the case, how could they be the only family.

Song Beibei asked her own questions

Gu Yanqing said, "an Ning and Su Liangxiao are half-siblings. It's said that their mother is a prostitute. "

Song Beibei seemed to understand something at once.

She only felt incredulous.

However, the image of Su Liangxiao's ferocious face on the balcony appeared in her mind. He said one sentence: My an Ning.

Su Liangxiao must love this sister very much.

Song Beibei asked, "how an Ning died that year, does it have anything to do with you? Is that why Su Liangxiao hates you so much, and why you always avoid him? "

Gu Yanqing said, "it's been fourteen years. It's been so long that I feel like I can forget about it and let it go. I still remember that summer was especially hot. That day was an Ning's birthday. An Ning asked me to meet her in the water curtain cave. However, it suddenly rained that night and I was trapped on the way. However, when I rushed over, an Ning was already in trouble. The wooden planks on the iron chain bridge that she had to pass to get to the water curtain cave broke. An Ning fell off the bridge and fell into the Grand Canyon. Six hours later, an Ning's body was found... "... "..."

Gu Yanqing fell silent, as if he couldn't continue.

Song Beibei heard Gu Yanqing's words and felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't remember what it was.

Song Beibei Patted Gu Yanqing's shoulder. "actually, it wasn't your fault. It was an accident. "

Gu Yanqing turned around You caressed Song Beibei's face. "It was a long time ago. To me, I've already let it go. An Ning is a very good girl. Her personality is very similar to yours. She's sunny and happy. There was never any sadness in her eyes. At that time, all the children in the orphanage liked her. When an Ning left, the one who was the most upset wasn't me, but Su Liangxiao. The loss of his only family member was fatal to him. Since he was young, he had placed all his attention on an Ning. All these years, he didn't hate me, but he had to find a reason to live on after losing an Ning. That's why he chose to hate me and oppose me. Actually, this is good too. I owe an Ning. If I had been a little earlier, such a tragedy might not have happened. "

Song Beibei shook her head vigorously. "This isn't your fault at all. Su Liangxiao hates you because he can't accept the fact that he lost his sister, but this really isn't your fault. "

Song Beibei was very anxious because she didn't know how to comfort Gu Yanqing.

Gu Yanqing looked at her anxious expression and smiled He patted her head. "Alright, you know the INS and outs of the matter. This is also the reason why I've been unwilling for you to get close to Su Liangxiao all this while. Because he doesn't have good intentions towards me, it's difficult for him to have good intentions towards you. No matter what, you have to stay away from him in the future. "

Song Beibei hurriedly nodded. "Don't worry, I'll definitely stay far away from him in the future. "

Song Beibei thought the same at that time

People really loved and hated people like Fox Su

Actually, from an outsider's point of view, the incident that happened more than ten years ago couldn't be blamed on Gu Yanqing.

Back then, he actually set fire to Gu Yanqing and wanted to perish together. It was extremely terrifying.

But from Su Liangxiao's point of view, she could understand.

After all, he was the only family member in this world.

Moreover, children who grew up in an orphanage should care more about family ties than anyone else.

Song Beibei had another dream at night.

Song Beibei Actually Dreamt of an Ning.

In the dream, the girl was only twelve or thirteen years old. It was Song Beibei's imagination.

The two of them were facing each other. Song Beibei actually felt that they were so familiar, as if she had seen them somewhere before

An Ning stood opposite her and smiled at her. "You have to take good care of Gu Yanqing and my brother for me. Don't let them hate each other again because of me. "

Song Beibei didn't say anything.

An Ning smiled at her again. "You have to take a good look at this world for me. This world should be very beautiful and big, right? "

Song Beibei nodded. "It's very big. There are many countries. "

An Ning smiled calmly. "I still have a wish to fulfill. "

Just as Song Beibei was about to ask her what her wish was, she suddenly woke up.

It turned out that Gu Yanqing had patted her to wake her up.

Song Beibei opened her eyes and saw Gu Yanqing looking very worried. "Beibei, Beibei, are you okay? "

Song Beibei was still a little confused. "What happened to me? "

Gu Yanqing said, "you were dreaming. You kept calling an Ning's name. "

Song Beibei didn't know that she had always called an Ning's name in her dreams.

It was clearly someone who had nothing to do with her.

Song Beibei said with a sudden realization, "Gu Yanqing, I dreamt of an Ning. Why do I feel that she's so familiar? I can still see her face. I feel very close to her, as if we're connected by something. She said that her wish hasn't been fulfilled, but I don't know what other wishes she has. "

After hearing Song Beibei's words, Gu Yanqing's face turned pale.

He lay down slowly and held Song Beibei in his arms. "Don't think too much. You have nothing to do with her. Go to sleep. "

Song Beibei went to sleep and never dreamed of peace again.

However, this name and that face were deeply imprinted in Song Beibei's mind.

Song Beibei felt that it was familiar. That face was too familiar.

The next day, they set off for Xia city.

Song Beibei stayed in the Hexi Garden for over twenty days.

Although it was luxurious and luxurious like a palace, Song Beibei really felt that it was worse than going to jail.

The moment the car drove out of Hexi Garden, Song Beibei felt that even the air seemed to become lighter.

It was already late August.

In a few days, she would start school.

Thinking about it, it was a pity that her entire summer vacation was gradually exhausted like this. ...

On the flight back, she actually bumped into Su Liangxiao and Gu Wanjing.

They happened to be on the same flight.

Because they were both in First Class.

Therefore, there was only a aisle between Song Beibei and Su Liangxiao.

Su Liangxiao was quite happy to see Song Beibei. "Little Missy, I didn't expect to meet you so soon. Did you miss me? "

Thus, Gu Yanqing decisively switched seats with Song Beibei.

After returning, Song Beibei felt that she had finally returned to her base camp.

After resting for two days, school started!

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... August. Thank you for your continued company

creators' thoughts