


It was a night of tempestuous birth, marked by the celestial display of lightning streaking across the heavens and the deafening roar of thunder rumbling through the earth. As the storm raged outside, I found solace in my mother's comforting embrace, shielding me from the chaos that unfolded as the first Luna ushered her newborn into the world.

In the instant when the echoes of her mother's agonizing cries faded into the night, a piercing wail erupted from the infant, reverberating through the air like a symphony of life. It was then that a searing bolt of agony surged through my being, a harrowing sensation that compelled me to transform into my lupine form for the very first time. Miraculously, I survived that harrowing night, cradled by my mother's unwavering presence.

Throughout the hours that followed, my mother remained steadfast by my side, her presence a pillar of strength in the wake of the tumultuous events that had transpired. The following morning, a tearful maid entered our chamber, bearing a fragile babe in her arms, her eyes brimming with unshed sorrow. With gentle hands, my mother enfolded the child, her voice tender and exhausted as she sought to soothe the infant's cries.

In my human guise, a mysterious force tugged at the depths of my soul, compelling me toward the child with an inexplicable urgency. In a sudden, uncharacteristic movement, I stumbled from the bed, my mother's alarmed gaze following my descent. Strangely, I felt no pain, only an intense pull drawing me closer to the infant.

Disregarding my mother's apprehension, I approached the baby, my voice resonating with a single word that hung heavy in the air, fraught with a significance that even I could not comprehend. "Mine."

Recollections of the first time I beheld her flood my mind, memories that refuse to be buried by the sands of time. My heart pounded erratically, my hands trembling uncontrollably as I clasped her tiny fingers in mine. She lay there, a mere babe in her cradle, her features still unformed, yet radiating an undeniable strength and joy that captivated my very essence. Following the loss of a child, my mother was appointed as her wet nurse by the court, binding our fates together in an inexplicable bond.

In that moment, a profound realization washed over me, an epiphany that defied rational explanation but resonated deep within my soul.

I fell in love with her instantaneously. A fierce, unyielding need to protect her engulfed me, enveloping us in a tapestry of destiny that would shape our lives for eternity.

"Behold her exquisite beauty" my mother's words pierced through the veil of my contemplation, freezing time itself.

The little girl gazed up at my mother with a grin devoid of teeth, yet her innocence shone through, rendering her perfection in my eyes. My mother enveloped me in her embrace, drawing me closer to the child in her arms, her voice carrying a hint of reverence. "Her mother was the first Luna, your father's second wife" she whispered.

"But she's a bastard" A fleeting shadow crossed my mother's face as she continued, "Now, she must be lulled to sleep, for her nourishment demands her slumber."

The weight of her words settled upon me, the ache of parting after the day's tumultuous events settling in my heart. I clung to the child's fragile hand as we made our way out of the room, while my father's entrance heralded a storm brewing in the background.

"I had decreed the erasure of my second mate's name and memory," his voice rumbled with authority, and my mother bowed in deference.

"Understood," she murmured.

As I attempted to close the door discreetly, my father flung it open, grasping my trembling arm with a fierceness that threatened tears. "Why eavesdrop son?" his tone carried a blend of anger and confusion.

Struggling to stifle my sobs, I felt his grip slacken momentarily before he sank to the ground, weariness etched upon his features. My mother's gaze remained steady, cradling the child as my father divulged his intentions.

"Belkam shall inherit the mantle," he announced. My mother's visage remained inscrutable, concealing her true emotions beneath a mask of composure. A frigid question hung in the air as she fixed her gaze upon the child in her arms, her voice devoid of warmth.

"Wasn't he already?" The words dripped with frost, devoid of sentiment.

"You're my only wife now" my father clarified, eliciting a flicker of relief before a new wave of apprehension clouded my mother's countenance.

"Do you not desire our son to ascend?" confusion laced my father's voice.

"Of course my Lord" she countered, her words cutting through the air like a blade.

With a heavy silence hanging between them, my father rose to his feet. "Belkam shall wed a pureblood of noble lineage, untainted by... inconveniences," his eyes flickered toward the child in my mother's arms.

"He has claimed her by word," my mother murmured, her voice a mere whisper.

My father's gaze lingered upon me before he turned away, his decision final. "Our business here is concluded."

That day, amidst the tumult of love and duty, I glimpsed not only my heart's desire but also the path set before me. A future entwined with destiny and sacrifice awaited, shaping my life in ways I could scarcely comprehend.