
A Cultivator's Carefree Path: Gaining A Harem As I Go

" You Must Be Courting Death! The Great Sect Master Will Hear Of This!" A handsome man yelled, as blood dripped from his forehead. His zealous eyes made his attackers step back. " Who's this 'Great Sect Master' of yours?" An ancient old lady said. A black and purple aura in the shape of a great coiling serpent. " Great Sect Master - Qin Tian Long, of course!" He laughed," You're done for! Our Great Supreme Heaven Sect, will end you! Hahahahaha! You are nothing to us! Nothing to our Great Master" He laughed even harder. " Your lying." The lady frowned her eyes, hearing that name. " You must know, Great Sect Master!" Seeing the familiarity in her eyes, the handsome man smiled ear-to-ear. " Lying! Your lying!" She yelled, making him laugh even more. ' No... No-No-No-No! He was supposed to be dead! Dead!' The old lady was mind was broken, hearing that cursed name. " We're leaving." She ordered, making her Disciples shocked. But, not wanting to be punished, they shut up and followed her. What followed was an insane laugher. A laugher she knows too well. ' Damn you! Damn you! Damn you, Qin Tian Long!' She cursed. It just had to be her luck, she just had to run into someone connected to HIM! ' DAMN YOU!!!' .. " Mm? Are my Disciples, causing trouble again?" The very same Sect Master, yawned," Eh, I'll deal with it later." ** [ EXTRA TAGS: Hololive, Hololive-EN, VTuber, Nijisanji, Vshojo | Nasuverse, Type-Moon, Fate Grand Order | Genshin Impact | Honkai Impact 3rd | Azur Lane | Arknights ] --*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- [ Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my own creations and ideas, so don't go and sue me, alright? ] [ Second Disclaimer: Don't expect Five-Star chapters and stuff, I am an amateur at best. However, due to reading, I finally decided to write, so we're both stuck with each other, now aren't we? So be good to me, it's my first-time ~(Fufufu~) ] [ Third Disclaimer: This Fanfic is for more fun than anything, so don't take anything that seriously here ]

ImmortalShiro · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter • 5: Taking The First Step To Greatness


" Mmmmm, this one is good."

" Oh? This one is quite Delicious too! Give my thanks to the Chiefs!"

" Ah! This is amazing! Such rich flavor!'

" Give me five more plates of this! And more red wine!"

Watching his new Master eat out three restaurants, Ling Fang wanted to die out of embarrassment. Especially all the looks they are getting.

" More food for the boy!" Thomas smiled, taking a bite out of the roasted chicken leg.

" I-"

" Of course Young Master Luoshen! At once!" The head owner of the restaurant yelled back from the kitchen. Ling Fang himself didn't have time to finish a single word.

" Bu-"

" Ah! Don't worry my boy! Young Master Luoshen is paying for it!" The owner said, giving Ling Fang a grateful smile.

As you see... The Owner - Hu Jia, was one of his parent's friends and they weren't doing too well... Till Thomas came along, and basically saved his whole family. Word of Ling Fang getting accepted by a rich handsome Young Master already spread throughout the neighborhood. And he how already 'saved' three families, counting Hu Jia's. These families didn't have the best food there is - but it made you feel at home and Thomas loves that feeling, seeing as his family and home were rather far away and out of his reach right now.

" Enjoy Fang'er!" Hu Jia and one of his daughters put the plates down and power-walked back to the kitchen.

" Hahhhh..." Ling Fang sighed. He truly doesn't have anything against these people. It's more the City Lord and Xue City itself. But, these people still think he hates them, no matter what he says.

" Fang'er, eh?"

Ling Fang shivered hearing his Master say his nickname.

" Don't like the name?"

" Not very much Master." Ling Fang admitted. His parents are the only people who can call him that. No one else. Not even his Master.

" Don't worry, I ain't gonna call you that. It sounds too intimate for someone like me." Thomas smiled, downing the whole bottle of red wine in one go.

Then with a glance and seeing nothing else to eat or drink, he hummed In satisfaction.

" Ready to go?" Thomas asked Ling Fang, getting a rapid nod in return.

" Then let's!"

Pulling out his fan, Thomas got up and walked out of the restaurant. Ling Fang is following right behind him, by a few steps.

" I guess, it's time we get going." Seeing the setting sun, Thomas knew this is enough exploring and eating for one day.

" Uhh, Master the sun is about to set."

" And?" Thomas glanced at Ling Fang. His eyebrows raised like swords leaving their sheaths.

" T-Then the Demonic beasts will be out."

"They're always out."

" I mean... They get wilder and bloodthirsty at night, so most people don't leave at a time like this."

" Okay?"

Feeling that aura around Thomas, Ling Fang's eyes widened.

' Master may be more scarier than those Demonic Beasts!'

" Come on."

" Right behind you Master!" Ling Fang ran to catch up to Thomas, who was already out of his line of sight.


" Leaving at a time like this? Are you crazy or something?!" The old man from before yelled at Thomas and Ling Fang walking to the gate.

" Mm? Oh... It's you again... Who are you again? We're you the begger I helped out?" Thomas looked at him and smiled.

" You know who I am!"

" I actually don't. You never told me your rank or name, Old Man."

" I'm Captain - Lei Hua!" The old man - Lei Hua announced.

" Mmm, noted..."

Fanning himself, Thomas, and Ling Fang walked through the gate. The guards let him pass as they can't do anything. They can't hold them against their will unless they did something wrong. And to their knowledge, they did nothing wrong.

" Is... Is this really okay?" Ling Fang stopped in his tracks, still at the gate.

" Stop being a sissy! Live a little, my dear Disciple~" Thomas smiled, ear-to-ear, glancing at Ling Fang.

' Come on Fang'er! Take a step forward! You can do it!'

' Come my big man! You can do it! Go show the world the power us of Fangs!'

Standing on the right of his Master is a truly beautiful mature girl with long black tied into a ponytail with a metal hairband, with icy bright blue eyes. Likewise, on the left of his Master is a handsome rough-looking middle age man, with short black hair and sky blue eyes. All there of them - possessing smiles on their faces.

" Mom, Dad!" Ling Fang's eyes dilated as tears started to pour out.

' You can do it!' We believe in you!' He heard his Mom say.

' Gahahaha! Go show them what true power is, M-'

' Our!'

' OUR Son!' His Dad said, getting a playful punch in the arm from his Wife.

" B-"

' Don't worry about us. Are we doing alright for ourselves. Just focus on you, okay?' He Mom smiled sweaty.

" Mmm! Okay!" Ling Fang said, wiping his tears from his eyes.

' Remember we love you. We will always love, no matter what you may do.' After saying this, both of his parents gave Thomas a grateful smile and patted his shoulder, disappearing.

" I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" Ling Fang yelled, taking a step forward.

Forward towards greatness!


---[ Goddess Of Death (???) has blessed you! Goddess Of Heaven (???) has blessed you! ]---

' Eh?!' Was Thomas's reaction to seeing the blue panel appear. It seems he did two Goddesses a solid without knowing...

' *Sigh* I'll leave these troubles to future me.'

Sometimes Thomas doesn't get cultivation Worlds. They're worse than Nasuverse sometimes. Truly, he gets a migraine just thinking about them.

He's better off not thinking about them at all...

' Yep. Let's go with that. I can do that.'

Liking his thoughts, Thomas smiled and restarted walking. Ling Fang right behind him, smiling also.
