
A cripple in medieval world (Rewritten version)

This is the rewritten version of the original book "A cripple in medieval world". For some personal reasons I'm publishing it using a different account. In this version, I'm hoping that I can create a work deeper in character development and can bring more excitement to my readers. A notice will be given in the original novel so I will not be accused of plargism =.= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akira Takahiro, an orphan who's abandoned by his parents because he's a cripple from the moment he was born. Despite his disadvantages, he rises up to be one of the most influential men in the city of Tokyo. Ironically, he dies saving an unsignificant child. His soul is transmitted into a world similar to feudal Japan in the body of a child suffer the same fate as him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English is not my mother tongue, so I welcome any constructive opinions that can help me to improve the quality of my novels. Enjoy.

Kyo_Wargod · Krieg
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: The first steps

The Ice Temple is the holiest place in all of Iceland. In this place, the monks record the history of the Shogunate and train powerful warrior monks that play an important role in the military strength of the Akira Clan. Thus, the monks here have to enroll in many lessons from the wisest scholars and also participate in hard training lessons from the warrior monks, the fighters that are as deadly in fighting as the Samurais.

Meditating under the waterfalls is one of the lessons that warrior monks do every day in order to train their minds to never lose their calmness. However, today the warrior monks have a strange newcomer that joins them in the lesson the crippled son of the Lord of Iceland, Akira Takahiro. Normal people can sit with crossed legs and use their legs to maintain balance under pressure from the water; however, Akira Takahiro can't. He is continuously knocked into falling' every time he falls, the young boy crawls back to his position and continues to grin harder even though several wounds have appeared on his body.

(Young Akira Takahiro's PoV)

(Old Takahiro's sentences will be put in [...])

I climb back to my position after being pushed down. Using my hands to change my position into crossed legs and using my back muscles to strengthen my sit, I continue to meditate. I can feel the blood from some of the wounds leaking out; However, if this pain can make me walk again as that old man spoke, then I will feel this pain millions of times more.

[Do not think anything. Use your mind, skin, nose, and ears to feel the environment surrounding you. Once you can completely master the art of "Chi", we can move on to our next step] The old man speaks. He is standing next to me; his costume is what I've never seen before. Last night, when my mind was at my lowest and I decided to end my life, this man suddenly appears.

He looks old but the muscles and scars on his body show that he must have been training very hard and has been through countless battles. At first thought, I think he is an assassin sent by my uncle until I threw the sword at him, which went straight through his body and pierce the wooden walls behind him. A Samurai rushes into the room after hearing the noise; however, he did not see the old man even though the old man is right in front of him. Thinking that I just threw the sword for entertainment, the Samurai left the room after apologizing for disturbing my peace.

- Are you a ghost?" I asked him.

- [I reckon you can think about me that way. However, only you and I]

- Why do you tell me that I would regret it if I killed myself?

- [ Because you are only given a set amount of time to live, ending it is just a pitiful way to escape reality]

- What do you know about my suffering? '' I yell to him. Then, I tell him all about the thing that I could not tell other people: about how disgraceful I felt crawling on the ground and looked down on by other people; about how pitiful I feel when receiving my father's love, which I do not deserve. However, the old man just looked at me with a warm smile and spoke:

- [ The Gods have given you a terrible fate, it is your responsibility to rise up and be the master of your destiny]

- How? I am just a cripple. No matter what I do or how hard I study I will never be able to become a Samurai. My people will not accept a ruler that cannot fight.

In response to my words, the old man simply revealed his feet. I lost my words when looking at his feet: it is covered in thousands of scars, big and small.

[I was born with the same leg condition as yours. When I grew up, I realized that the problem is simply that the muscles in my legs were too strong; As such, the nerve systems in the legs can't control them, making me a cripple. Desperately, I had my doctors cut my legs thousands of times to initiate the sensitivity of the nerve systems, making I'm able to walk again, although weakly. Later on, I discover another method to strengthen my nervous system, but it was too late.]

- Is this true that you know the method to help me walk again?

- [ Yes, I do]

- " Then please teach me how to fight, master. '' I spoke and lower my head until it hits the ground. I don't know why but there is a feeling inside me that I can trust this man and the Gods had sent him into my life for some reason. If I could walk again and become the leader of the Akari Clan, I would not disappoint my father and the name Akari would not be disgraced.

I can hear the laughing of the old man before he speaks: [Alright boy, from tomorrow your training will start. Get a sound sleep today as you won't be able to sleep soundly ever again]


Cold water is falling on my body. Some of the Samurais my father sent to protect me keep persuading me to stop the exercise. I ignore them all; they are only helping me under the command of my father; if not for him, no Samurais in this land will obey my command as they only respect the strong.

The first day was a disaster, I cannot eat or sleep properly. When my body touch the bed, every muscle ache as if there are somebody using thousands of needles piercing it. Although the next days I start getting used to the pain, the old man has completely been involved in my life. He complains about the meal I ate that they do not have enough the things he calls ''Nutrients.''

After around three months, I start to feel that there's something different about my body. I feel that I can see better and notice more about things happening around me. Now even when i close my eyes, I can feel how the people around me are moving, although not accurately.

[You seem to have a talent for the Art of Chi. The first stage of master the Art of Chi is Kanjir, where you can feel the environment around you even without looking.]

After finding out I've managed to learn Kanjir, my teacher seems to be very happy as he tells me it could take a normal person up to 3 years to reach this step. The next days, aside from Chi training, I start to work on my arms. Asking me to do a lesson called push-up that lower and raise my body using my arms, the old ghost also asks me to prepare a pair of crutches. In my 9th birthday, I can start to walk around using crutches. Although I still can't control my legs, standing high places a big smile on my face and the Samurais following me.


Neverwinter, Nightingale Castle:

Lord Akira Kenji is sitting behind his office desk, hearing reports from several Samurais. The monks from the Ice Temple are responsible for writing history records while the Samurais play a more important role in governing the lands.

-'' My lord, our last harvest was not successful. There are my people starving to death in the snow and many have deserted their farms to become robbers. '' A Samurai speaks, beginning the meeting.

-'' I will have some Samurais handle this matter'' Akira Kenji responses.

-" We've spotted three raiding parties of goblins to the west of the North Fortress. We have hunted them down and hang their heads on the walls of the Fortress as a warning for another Beastmen. '' Another Samurai reports to Kenji.

- " Good, I will give you 50 more men. Increase the number of scouts; these raiding parties could be the scouts of an army. '' Lord Kenji replies.

- '' Akira Yuu has hold several parties in his mansion. Our agents notice that there are noblemen from the Western kingdoms invited. His influence is growing larger and larger every day, my lord. What should We do about it?'' A man wearing all black clothes covering all of his body including his face speaks.

- '' These cannot be used as a value reason for his treason. Increase the number of agents watching him and inform me when you find any evidence. Is there any more important matter? '' Lord Kenji speaks with a tired voice.

The Samurais look at each other before preparing to leave; none of them want to anger the Tiger of Iceland, Akira Kenji. A pigeon from outside flies into the room, disturbs the quiet. The color code on its wings show that the pigeon is sent from the Ice Temple. Lord Kenji catches the pigeon and releases it to the air again after taking a piece of paper from its' leg.

There is a single sentence written on the paper:

{After a year of training with the monks, Lord Takahiro can slowly walk using crutches}

A few of minutes pass before tears flow out the eyes of the man who has never shown emotions in front of his subordinates. He asks a Samurai:

- Lord Minoru, I heard that although being just 18 years old, your son is a skillful fighter whose skills are equivalent to a experienced Samurai, is that right?

- He just has some talents in fighting, my lord. Our family would be honored if you need his services.

- Good, ask him to come here. I have a mission for him.