
A Crafter’s Adventure

A young man going by Ben gets isekaied(with consent though he does not know it) into the world of Minecraft. Join him on an adventure into creating and exploring new dimensions and structures in a world he loved from the other side of the screen feel free to send tip if you want https://ko-fi.com/chrollo2123 ps: this was made for fun pss: I have no update scheduled whatsoever but after I uploaded the first chapter I wanna stack up and release it when I’m content with it pss: the cover is a place holder until i find a better one the art is from reddit by u/_justkieran

ChrolloLoth · Videospiele
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3 Chs

Chater Three: Dungeon Dive sorta and the Village I guess

Chapter Three: Dungeon Dive sorta and the Village I guess

Hello and welcome back to my story I still can't believe people enjoyed the first chapter of this well the second chapter will be out by the time that I've hopefully done this and not messed up the scheduling.

Anyhow thanks for reading and hope you enjoy

Ps: I seriously don't have a schedule for this and no planning whatsoever this is coming directly from my head and I'm making shit up on the way and putting it on my phone I do use a notes app called Noted so that is where I'm primarily writing

Enjoy d( ・ω´・+)


Ben walked to the dungeon and looked in through the entrance the ground floor surprisingly didn't have a spawner like he had imagined but it did have some chests.

Opening he found a collection of items like food and some ingots and he gladly took one item he found a loot bag it was a light green one so it would be an uncommon one he would open that later he had a dungeon to conquer.

Heading up the stairs he saw that it was a zombie spawner and what looked to be five zombies already there wearing a variety of different clothing and armour not though full armour one had an iron helmet another gold leggings and the last was a diamond chest piece.

He walked to the one closest to him which was in front of a window looking out through it was small the zombie was distracted like the rest of them.

The zombie didn't have any armour on so he took care of it by slicing off the top half of its body and sending the sword through its head and it poofed.

The other zombies now noticing his presence walked to him he took out his axe and threw it at one landing a headshot while re-equipping his sword dashing the remaining ones and bashing them with his shield.

They were knocked back and one staggered in front of him so he took care of that one with a thrust of his sword easily.

Running to pick up his axe from the dead zombie and stomping its head he focused on the last two remaining zombies and quickly pulled out a torch and set it down near the spawner.

A zombie lunged at him but he blocked with his shield moving back and slicing down his sword managing to cut the head down to the groin of the zombie.

The final one had stayed its distance but then ran at him catching him off guard and making him fall with the zombie on top of him he raised his sword and sent it into its head from one end to the other.

It poofed and he breathed heavily he then realised how much of an idiotic idea it was for him to do this since there were five more stages before he could reach the top.

Getting up he made his way to the spawner and broke it he didn't want anymore to fight he was tired as he was he caught his breath and turned his eyes to the three chests that were there.

Opening them he was rewarded with an epic loot bag some enchanted iron tools and two pieces of diamonds as well as some cobalt which would be used as upgrade materials but that would be for later.

"I change my mind I'm out I'll do this later too many mobs to fight will be troublesome to deal with at once I'll just block this off so that I can finish it later and no mobs can get in"

He re-evaluated his situation and thought it would be best to do it with better gear so he blocked off the entrance made a waypoint with his journey map and then headed to farm some materials.

Chopping some trees he realised something "Wait wasn't there a village in the distance from the dungeon how did I forget about that" he checked his map and found himself seemingly now far from it so he headed there.

A few minutes after walking he found himself at the entrance of the village he saw some villagers walking around and doing some minimal tasks like planting crops and talking to one another.

"Huh now that's something" he said to himself and walked into the village

He saw some villagers looking at him since he was a stranger and thought he was for some trading so one went up to him and spoke

"Hello traveller my name is Grendel what brings you to these parts of the world?"

The now-named Grendel said he was your standard villager from the game a long nose but not too long to be unsettling with light brown skin and a brown robe that looked as if everyone was wearing except a few that were doing tasks.

"I was clearing well attempting to clear a dungeon not too far from here and decided that it was better to get a good set of weapons and armour to clear it fully so I came here since I saw it from a distance. My name is Ben"

"Ah yes there are some dungeons around these parts though fewer in the forests so that was a good idea coming here you could trade with some of us if you need anything" Grendel said in a jovial tone he seemed glad to be meeting someone new.

"You can head to the blacksmith for tools, weapons and armour if they need fixing or you would like to commission something"

"Right thanks for that hey do guys have a place to eat by chance I don't have the necessary equipment for a kitchen"

Ben sheepishly said with a smile

"Of course, you are welcome to join us in the village halls it's where we primarily go to eat the chefs do make such delicious meals"

Grendel indicated to the big hall that was not far from a windmill and what seemed to be the clergy's home.

"Excellent my good friend I'll be headed there in a moment I'll just have to visit the blacksmith can you show me the directions?"

"Of course follow me"

They both walked with each other and Grendel gave Ben a tour of the place there were a few good places to get trading done like the librarian, fletchers, masons and even the farmers the place even had a train station but there was no train I asked about it but all he said was.

"We stopped the construction because of the resources it would take to actually complete it"

I didn't need to hear more but we finally arrived at the blacksmith saying my thanks and goodbye to him I headed into the place.


That's a wrap folks thanks for reading I wasn't sure what to do with the villagers since in vanilla they are literally the only people you can interact with but I made it so that they were sentient since pillaging the place was a definite no-no.

[★тндйκ чoμ.゚+。☆ ]ョ´∀`) for reading this it makes me happy that people actually enjoy what I'm doing

See ya next time p🖤qω・´)

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