
Chapter: 4

Inside a Large forest a young man is currently leaning on a tree, with a mortal wond in his body.

He's wearing a high classic armor. that you will only see, from a medival royal family in Ancient Times.

"My King!" Girl on a Horse gasp her breath. when she saw the young Man condition, She quickly got down to give him an Aid but The young man raises his hand with difficulty to stop her.

Then He showed her his large wounds, under his armor. "You know, What this means right..? -!!" A blood start to drip from his lips.

"My King... I... I..." The girl stuttered in her voice, she kneels near the young man. Her eyes is already filled with tears.

The young man took a beautiful Golden Sword from his side. He reachs it to the girl, giving it to her "I entrust the holy sword to you..... Bedivere"

The girl hugs the sword unconsciously, She saw The young man hand drops to the ground. after handing the sword to her.

"Bedivera..... im feeling tired... can i sleep....?" The young man mutters in low voice, as his eyes starts to dim.

Bedivere heart broke when she heard him saying that... because she knows how many hardship and challenges. this young man have experienced. after he became the king of Britain with his young Age...

"Y-yes! My king you can rest a-as much as you want!" Bedivera cried choking in tears. She even gave The young man. the best beautiful smile she could give...

The young mans corner lips curls up a bit, before taking his last breath...

Bedivere wipes the tears on her eyes. she reach her hand out, to touch The young man cheeks. closing her face towards him, She whispers

"You will always be my one and only King... I love you..." Bedivere gently kiss, The young mans forehead..


-Danmachi in a random Dark Alley-

The Sun starts to rise again in the Orario city. The streets already become bustle! with the street vendors standing their shops at the side's to sell their goods and Many Adventurer's wake up early, So that they can earn more money in the Dungeon

But in one corner of a random dark Alley where no people pass by. A person is still asleep while sitting on the hard Floor.

"Im a King....." Paul mutters in his sleep. A large amount of tears gathers on the corner of his eyes.

When he said the word (King) the Streghthening of his body become two time's faster than before.


"Morning came!" A white-haired pretty boy that just came out from the inn streches his body a little. "I hope This day, i can find a Familia that i can join!"

"I already asked the Familia's near this streets, i should go to the west side of the city, to try my luck... lets take some shortcuts." The white haired boy Turn to corner of a street, entering the Dark alley

He Skipped his steps so he can Pass through there faster but when he turn to the side. He saw something that made him stop.

A handsome boy with armor on his body, is currently sleeping in the hidden dark corner of the Alley.

The white haired boy notice him, because Paul have an eye catching Golden Hair and there's some tears flowing down his face.

"He's crying...? don't tell me. that he didn't have a familia like me.... and he can only sleep in the street because he doesn't have money... well thats impossible with his Armor appearance he must be a strong adventurer...." The white Haired boy contmeplate. the scene infornt of him, rumbling his honest thoughts.

Paul wake up from the loud noise near him, He look around the place. then he see a person near, making him suddenly stood up from there.

*clank* Paul leaned on the wall as he stand up. he felt some stiffness in his legs and body. He didn't remove his armor after all. when he slept on the floor.

why? because a skilled theif, might steal it from him without knowing. if he placed it on the floor and his body will become defenseless. so he decided to not take it off.

"woah!" The white-haired boy seems surprise at his action, backing away from him.

The sleepness in Paul head disappeared when h saw an intruder in his place. He thought his a theif at first but after observe the white haired boy for a minute. A surprise expression appears in his eyes.

'White hair check, Red eyes check, innocent looking face check!'

He know this white haired boy!! His name is Bell Cranel the Main character of the Anime Danmachi! and One the reasons why he decided to stop watching it.

The Main character in Danmachi anime is too innocent and Naive...? hmm lets say. he's not that Naive. He just still haven't experience. The cruel and dark side of the anime Danmachi.

because he didn't even know, that his life is always being manipulated by some gods and goddesses like their playthings, all the time. But Paul know that Bell would not be able do anything, even if he knows the truth.

Thats how Powerful. The gods and goddesses in this world. so Paul will try avoiding them if possible.


*Gulp* Bell Cranel felt a Tension in the air. When He see Paul staring at him. He couldn't help but stare back.

*Stomach growls* A sound broke their staring contest.

Paul have a small blush on his cheek, He rubbed the back of his head feeling embarressed. Bell stare become weird. Then he took something inside his small bag.

"Mister are you hungry? you can have this..." Bell handed him a clean Apple warped in paper.

Paul accept it unconciously.

Bell run off when he saw Paul accept the apple. Then he shouted as he run "Mister you should wipe your tears. its really such a waste for your handsome face!!"

Paul stay there in his place... still staring at the apple then at Bell disappearing back

"Thank you!!!" Paul suddenly shouted at the far away Bell when he realize what just happened.

Bell wave with back of his hand disappearing in the crowd.

*sigh* Paul know that he shouldn't be embarressed in accepting the others help. His in another world, not in earth.

He should learn to accept it with gratitude, so he could pay them ten times later.

*Munch munch* Sound of eating apple.

After eating the apple, Paul took off his gloves and wiped his tears with his hand.

"wait why did i cried again...?" Paul said in confused tone. then a Hazy memories came to his mind. He start to remember the dream that he have earlier.

"Im a King" Tears flows down again from Pauls eyes, but He felt the Streghthening speed of his body become doubles making him feel happy.

After 20 seconds the Streghtening speed slowed down again. "

Paul said again to test something "Im a King"

His streghthening speed increase again. Then after 20 it came back to normal.

Paul tried it 5 more times and the result is the same so he got some idea 'if saying my Cosplay accupation streghthen the speed of my transformation into heroic spirit then what if i say her true name and her legend?.'

"My name is Arthur Pendragon! and im The King Of Britain Kingdom!" Paul said with some excitment. then as he thought, He felt his blood flow rate become faster and faster until it stopped into the level he can handle. it made him feel a bit light headed.

After the adrenaline Paul got an idea again on how he can use The others item now that he have with him. Closing his eyes, He chanted in low voice


The King of the Swords!

The Hope of huma-!!"

Paul wanted to say some more chant in describing the Excalibur but His new energy is being drained so fast that he couldn't sustain it. so stop there because he already confirmed his Test.

The Golden Excalibur inside his Body Moved a little, as if wanting to go out there. When he describe its origin.

"so thats how it is!! i can use my powers when i describe their origins!.. but i felt something is missing" Paul is really happy in his progression. In discovering how to use his powers, but He still isn't satisfied because there's like a someone is hinting inside his mind that its not enough...

So he put his hand to his chin, in thinking pose. He again, analyzed all the events that just happened. After transporting here in another world but nothing cames to his mind.

"Ill put my powers aside for now, at least i have discover how to use the sword and other items."

The reason Paul can't use them is, because of his small energy reserve. He just need to wait till his body become Heroic Spirit or strong enough. so he can try it again by that time.

"i should find some job and a place to stay for now..." Paul remove some dust on his armor, with determined face he walked towards the streets full of bustling people.


4 hours of going through the crowed and asking some shops. they all rejected him. some are polite while some are rude in making him leave their shop.

Paul thought that its easy to get a job here in another world but it seems he underestimated of how The business work here. Its Even more hard to get a job here than Earth!! well the one his talking about is the earth part time Job and not a full-time job.

*Sigh* He is currently sitting on a coach inside the Guild, Paul is trying his luck here too but sadly fate aren't on his side.

"Sorry sir, you need to become adventurer first before you can go inside the Dungeon" A beautiful Elf with brown hair pushes her glowing glasses up, She's wearing some kind of waiter atire for female "I heard Mister Paul don't have a Familia? You need to join a Familia first before you can register as an Adventurer here in Orario City. Plss understand it Mister Paul."

Paul have a serious expression on his face then he sighed.

"sorry for disturbing you miss Eine" He stand up from his sit to leave.

"How about i recommend Mister Paul to some Familia so he can join? They will accept you, even if you have that delicate and femini-" Eine said when she saw his depressed figure. " *Cough* what i mean is They will really let you join their Familia, without considering your looks."

"Sorry but im really not thinking of joining familia for now hays... where can i found a normal job... should i sleep again in the street tonight....?" Paul mutters the last sentence in really low voice but Eine ears twitched a little, she heared it all because she's an elf.

Elf have a sharp hearing, a good eye sight and large magic reserve. when they were born. its one of the blessings they got. from taking care of the nature.

Eine hurriedly stood up stopping Paul. her eyes is filled with sympathy."Mister Paul How about i recommend you to some normal jobs?"

Paul depressed figure, suddenly jumped to Enie as He took her hand quick. He have a happy expression on her face "Really miss Eine?!?"

Eine seems confused at first, but seeing him happy makes her felt better. than looking at his depressed figure.

"Of course! but don't expect too much. im just recommending you after all. So it depends on them if they accept you.!" Eine notice that her hand is still being held by Paul, the cheeks on her face start to turn red. She's a woman after all and a handsome boy is holding his hands, so she couldn't help but feel embarressed.

Enie forcefuly took off her hand from his grip. she shouted to the counter clerick "Misha hold my post for a while. ill take some of my break time."

"huh! where are you going Enie!?! i can do this all alone!!" Misha who is a receptionist like Enie in the guild shouted. When she saw Eine escape the guild while she drags Paul with her.


"is it really ok to leave there like that...?" Paul said when they both stops infront of an item shop.

"Its ok! when i get back, it will work out" Eine said with some confident in her tone, She look at Paul like a big sister taking care of her little brother. "Don't Worry Paul."

'Eh she's not calling me with honorifics now? nevermind i should get to bussiness first.'

"Are you going to recommend me to this shop Miss Eine?" Paul said feeling awkward because He have gone to apply here before and was kicked out harshly.

"Yes, The manager of this shop here is one of my friend... wait did you apply the job here before...?" Eine said when she saw Paul expression.

"Yes the shop elf reseptionist kicked me out before i know it..." Paul sighed.

"Ah so you didn't reach the Annie-san the manager of this shop?" Eine.

"Yes..." Paul

"its understandable, You got here to apply while wearing that expensive looking armors of yours right? The recepsionist here doesn't like human and with that armors of your He must have thought. that your just playing around" Eine wanted to laugh

When she imagined Paul Applying job everywhere with his high class looking Armor. of course the shop owners will hesitate in hiring him. 'Pfft this boy is really careless well i shouldn't laugh at him or else it would be rude.'

Paul see Eine face, He already know whats she's thinking. he discovered it too. when he applied a Job for the 3rd time, but he couldn't do anything about it. this is the only attire he have what else can he do? so he tried his luck until the end but he failed.

So Paul learned that Relying on luck is bullshit in the new World. It He really hit him hard. thats why he learned the Shameless tactics making himself look pitiful at Eine Tulle.

He know Eine Tulle from Anime, because from his point of view, She's one of the most reliable girl. that have no Strength, She just give some advices and sometime's a small help that. she could give in the shadow.


-Night time again in Orario City-

It all worked out somehow. Tonight Paul now have a stable job and a place to stay.

He's staying in the abandoned storage room of his New work place the Manager allowed him to sleep there when. She heard his Homeless circumstance.

"Annie-san is really kind" Paul lay, on the handmade bed with only his Blue-long-sleeve Tshirt and pants.

"Annie-san the manager, Ryuu and her Friend Syr The maid, Bell The Apple boy and Lastly Eine Tulle The receptionist. This 5 people's are one's that i owned today. Ill pay Them back later...." Paul eyes began too close because going around in town all day really took a tol in his body.

When Paul Fell asleep his mutters something he didn't know. "I.... Promise.... In.... My.... King... Of... Knights.... Oaths...."

*Shook!* a sound of the wind gather around Him

A Majestic green crown materialize, Above Paul head. shining with green light.

The soothing sound of a wind. start to Dance around Paul. like its giving him their blessings.


2 Oc characters there Annie the manager And Rio from Item Shop! now comment me some Danmachi Fan Facts my knowledge are short 030

Kid_Speechcreators' thoughts