
Chapter 454 Lightning Attack!_2

As long as they were supported until the following troops arrived, the threat would naturally be eliminated.

This was why Kierdi arranged to personally discuss Lusian with Duanmu Huai. After all, she could anticipate that the intensity of this battle would certainly not be small - the more healing support they had, the more assistance they would receive. However, the other party was still unknown and could cause problems in such an important operation... Fortunately, Duanmu Huai did not take this to heart, and Kierdi sighed in relief.

Soon, dusk fell. As the moon rose, Duanmu Huai led the others on the Valkyrie Artillery Ship toward the direction of Bonn Fortress.

Duanmu Huai brought five Night Guards, with Ling'Nu and Kaname forming a team. Kierdi led Lizas Royal Guard as another team. Ann and Greiya led Manaria and the Dragonkin Alliance Army as another team, and finally, there was the Magic Guard from Seth, led by Wu Luze.