
A Collection of Short Stories: Reincarnated into Another World

A protagonist who gets to have a second chance at life but in another world. Stories in order: 1. Reincarnated as a knight (BXG) "Claude" The Crown Prince of the Salian Empire. A gentle and loving prince to his people. Has been in love with Elise ever since he first saw her. "Elise" Reincarnated as an orphan who got taken care of by the Marquis couple. She is a prominent knight serving the Crown Prince. 2. Reincarnated as a capturable character (BXB) "Alastair" The second prince of Agatonvia Empire. He is betrothed to Kareem. "Kareem" Reincarnated as the second son of the Duke. A famous swordmaster. Has a love-hate relationship with Alastair. 3. Reincarnated as a villainess (GXG) "Beatrice" The protagonist of the otome game. She is a saint well-loved by the capturable targets. She is an avid fan of Odelia. "Odelia" Reincarnated as the villainess of the game. She is betrothed to the crown prince. She avoids Beatrice so the condemnation event will not happen. 4. Reincarnated as an assassin (BXG) "Edward" The second prince of the enemy country "Elendezia". He almost died at the hands of Adela. Both got trapped in a dungeon. "Adela" Reincarnated as an orphan who was raised as an assassin by the greedy Emperor of Rozinya. Hates the Rozinya Empire and the Emperor. 5. Reincarnated as an extra (BXB) "Alaric" The sole heir of the Esteron Dukedom. He is a cold, reserved and strict person who hates interaction. "Augustus" Reincarnated in the novel "Rejecting the Dark" as an extra. He is blessed with a large amount of mana and became Alaric's right-hand man.

HenriettaLarson · Geschichte
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8 Chs

reincarnated as a knight pt. 4

Over the course of two months, Elise and Simone have been closer than ever. Hence, Simone invited Elise to her home to reveal that she was a noble.

As Elise sat in the grandeur of the castle, surrounded by opulence, Duchess Simone finally revealed her true identity as a noble and the Duchess of the Visconti Dukedom. Elise listened attentively, taking in the revelation with a calm and accepting demeanor. The surprise of the disclosure had faded into an understanding smile, appreciating Simone's choice to keep her true identity hidden for so long.

"Ma'am, you don't have to apologize. I understand why you kept your identity hidden, and I'm honored that you trusted me enough to share this with me," Elise replied, sincerity evident in her words.

Simone smiled gratefully, relieved by Elise's understanding. "Thank you for your understanding, Elise. I value our friendship deeply, and I didn't want my title to come between us."

Elise nodded, placing a reassuring hand on Simone's. "Our friendship means the world to me too, and your title doesn't change that."

Simone's smile widened, touched by Elise's unwavering acceptance. "I'm glad to hear that. Please, don't feel the need to address me with formalities. I much prefer to be called Simone when we're together as friends."

"Of course," Elise said, her voice warm and full of affection. "Formalities have no place between friends."

The Duchess's shoulders visibly relaxed, the weight of keeping her identity hidden now lifted. She appreciated Elise's genuine openness and the ease with which she embraced their friendship. It was a rare and precious connection that Simone treasured, one that transcended the boundaries of their respective social statuses.

After a moment of sipping their tea, Duchess Simone looked at Elise with a gentle smile. "Elise, dear, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I couldn't help but wonder about the father of your child," she said delicately.

Elise's eyes flickered with a mix of sadness and uncertainty. She took a deep breath before responding, her voice subdued. "It's complicated," she replied, her gaze momentarily dropping to her tea.

Duchess Simone sensed Elise's unease and decided not to press further. "I understand if you're not ready to talk about it," she said compassionately. "You don't have to share anything you're not comfortable with."

Elise's shoulders relaxed slightly, appreciating the duchess's understanding. "Thank you," she said softly, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "It's just... there's a lot that happened, and it's a story I've been trying to come to terms with myself."

Duchess Simone reached across the table and placed her hand over Elise's, offering a comforting squeeze. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to listen," she said warmly. "But I want you to know that no matter the circumstances, you and your child are welcome here."

Elise's lips curved into a small, appreciative smile as she looked into the duchess's eyes. "Thank you, Duchess Simone," she said, her voice carrying a hint of emotion. "Your kindness means more than you know."

Simone knew that Elise's heart held a secret, one that weighed heavily on her. Instead of pressing further, she decided to change the subject, aiming to lift Elise's spirits. "You know, when I was your age, I faced my fair share of challenges too," she began, sharing a glimpse of her own past. "But life has a way of surprising us with unexpected joys as well. Perhaps this little one is a blessing in disguise, a source of love and light that will brighten your life in ways you never imagined."

Elise looked at Simone with gratitude, finding comfort in her wise and caring words. "I hope you're right," she replied softly, allowing herself to believe in the possibility of a brighter future.

As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, the two women shared moments of laughter and camaraderie, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. In Duchess Simone, Elise found a confidante and a true friend, someone she could rely on during both joyous and challenging times.


Elise felt a mix of excitement and nerves as Duchess Simone extended another invitation to meet her husband, the Duke of the Visconti Dukedom. Having become quite fond of Simone and grateful for her support, Elise couldn't help but wonder how the Duke would perceive her.

With a fluttering heart, she accepted the invitation, determined to present herself with poise and grace. The day of the meeting arrived, and Elise found herself standing in the grand halls of the Visconti Castle, where the Duke awaited. Now, as she waited for Simone to join her, she couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to unfold.

When Duchess Simone entered the room with a warm smile, offering tea once again, Elise returned the smile, appreciating the gesture. Then, the moment Elise had never expected arrived - the Duke of the Visconti Dukedom himself entered the room.

Her heart skipped a beat as she laid eyes on him. It was like looking into a mirror, except the reflection was that of a manlier version of herself. They both had the same jet black hair, the same mole under their eyes. Elise has green eyes, similar to that of Duchess Simone.

Elise was taken aback, speechless for a moment. The Duke, too, seemed to be in a state of surprise, his gaze lingering on Elise with a mix of astonishment and curiosity. The silence between them was thick with unspoken words, as if they were both trying to process the uncanny physical resemblance they shared.

Finally finding her voice, Elise managed to speak, her words trembling slightly, "I... I can't believe it. It's like I'm looking at my own reflection, but in a man's form."

The Duke nodded slowly, his eyes still locked onto hers. "Indeed, it is quite uncanny. I have never seen anyone who bears such a striking resemblance to myself."

As they exchanged these words, the realization of their physical similarities only deepened the mystery surrounding their connection. Elise's mind raced with questions, but she couldn't find the right words to articulate them. Meanwhile, the Duke's thoughts seemed to be mirroring her own, as he tried to make sense of the extraordinary likeness between them.

As the Duke looked into Elise's eyes, a sense of familiarity washed over him, and he couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarities between them. He inquired about her origins and parents, genuinely intrigued by the possibility that she might be their long-lost daughter.

Elise hesitated for a moment, her heart racing with both excitement and apprehension. She shared the story of her past, how she had been an orphan before the Marquis took her in, withholding her memories of her previous life that had led her to this world.

The Duke listened attentively, his curiosity growing with every detail she shared. "Your story is remarkable, Elise," he said softly, "and the resemblance between us is uncanny."

He then suggested a way to put their suspicions to rest. "There is a test we can take at the temple," the Duke explained, "a divine examination that can verify if you are truly our daughter. It would be wonderful if you would be willing to take it."

Elise's heart skipped a beat at the prospect of uncovering her true identity and possibly reuniting with her long-lost family. With a mixture of hope and anxiety, she nodded in agreement. "I would be honored to take the test," she replied, her voice tinged with emotion.


Two days after the Duke set the appointment with the temple, the Duke and Duchess, as well as Elise arrived at the sacred place, ready to undergo the test that would determine the truth of their connection. As they entered the hallowed halls, a sense of anticipation filled the air, and the temple priests greeted them warmly.

Together, they made their way to the temple, where the divine examination would take place. With solemn reverence, the priests conducted the divine examination.

The temple priest, known for his divine powers, would conduct the exam using their blood to determine if Elise was indeed their long-lost child. With hands trembling slightly, they each offered a vial of their blood for the examination. The temple priest conducted the ritual with utmost focus and concentration, his eyes closed as he called upon the divine powers that flowed through him.

Elise's heart pounded with both hope and nervousness, as she awaited the revelation that would forever change her life. After what felt like an eternity, the priests concluded the examination, their expressions solemn yet intrigued. The temple's aura seemed to shimmer, a testament to the weight of the momentous discovery.

"It is with great joy and certainty that we confirm the truth," one of the priests declared, a hint of awe in his voice. "Elise, you are indeed the daughter of the Duke and Duchess."

Tears welled up in Elise's eyes as she embraced her newfound identity. The Duke and Duchess, too, were overcome with emotion, overjoyed to have their daughter returned to them after so many years of separation.

Elise's heart weighed heavy with the memories of her past, the feeling of being an orphan and waking up alone in another world haunting her thoughts. While the Marquis had taken her in and provided her with a loving family, there was a part of her that still carried the loneliness of her early years.

She couldn't help but wonder about her true origins and the family she had lost in her previous life. The void of not knowing her birth parents left an ache in her heart, a longing for a connection that she couldn't quite explain.

As she discovered the uncanny resemblance between herself and the Duke, the hope of finding her true identity surged within her. The possibility of being reunited with her long-lost family brought both excitement and fear, as she grappled with the uncertainties that lay ahead.

Despite the warmth and love she received from the Marquis family, there was a lingering sense of being an outsider, an orphan in a world she didn't fully belong to. The realization that she might be the long-lost daughter of the Duke and Duchess offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to fill the void that had plagued her for so long.

The Duke and Duchess stood together, their eyes filled with tears of joy and overwhelming emotion. It was a moment they had dreamt of for 16 long years – the moment they would finally be reunited with their long-lost daughter, Amaryllis Octavian Visconti.

Tears streamed down the Duke's cheeks as he embraced Elise tightly, unable to believe that the daughter he thought he had lost forever was standing before him, alive and well. "Amaryllis," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "My precious daughter, you have returned to us."

The Duchess joined the embrace, her tears mingling with those of her husband. She held Elise close, unable to find the words to express the depth of her happiness at having her daughter back in her arms after all these years.

The weight of uncertainty that had burdened Elise's heart for so long was finally lifted, replaced by the overwhelming love and acceptance of her true family. At that moment, she felt a sense of belonging she had never known before as if all the pieces of her life had fallen into place.

Through tears of joy, the Duke and Duchess shared stories of their daughter's childhood, all the moments they had missed, and all the memories they were now able to create together as a family. The icy north of the Visconti Dukedom witnessed a moment of pure happiness and celebration, as the long-lost princess returned to her rightful place.

As the news sank in, they embraced each other tightly, a family reunited after years of separation. The weight of uncertainty that had haunted the Duke and Duchess for so long was finally lifted, replaced by the joy of having their daughter returned to them.

As they left the temple, the Duke and Duchess couldn't help but marvel at the twists of fate that had brought them together. Elise, now known as their daughter, felt a profound sense of belonging, no longer an orphan, but a cherished member of the Visconti family.