
Tries and Tries..

She asked about Enac's closer ones

Esme being Aria asked

"Who is your best friend"

Enac tried to ignore her question

And said that their is no one closer to her..

Enac thought she was telling Aria...

But in actual .... Asme was there...

Esme could not understand the reason.. for her best friend's such reply..

As Esme always loved her..

Every day she kept in touch with her..

And never let anybody took her place..

But for Enac Esme was no more..

Esme realized her value.. her existence.. and the reality behind every feeling shown by Enac..

She was astonished..

That her best friend... Enac...

Clearly said that their is no one... Best for her

But on the other hand

Enac was sweater.. to Esme..

Or she was sending random repeated texts...

Like ..

"You are only best friend of mine....."

Esme .... Was dead to think..... Why lies...???

She wanted to know further.....

As there were many questions in her mind..

She thought alot...

Did she really deserve to be betrayed by her best friend

The only best friend.....????

Well she controlled her self...

She realized may be her friend is just hurt due to she could not pay attention.. or due to some aggressive talks... between them...

So being Aria..

Esme again asked..

Did you have any best friend..?

Aria replied..

"Yes I had.. but she wished that it would be better if they never meet..."

It was for Esme...

Esme... Turned pale...

She could not understand

Why Enac said like that...

Esme never wished..... like that ...

Esme was nothing without Enac....

But how easily Enac freed herself by saying

Esme wished to end everything...

And what about those moments.. that they spent together....

Their talks . .. their memories...

Nothing mattered to Enac??

She just shruged her shoulder by puting everything on Esme....

How she could do this to Esme....


On Esme's actual account

She was still sweater

But no specific talks

Just one two.. formality texts..

Esme felt pain of death...

She started considering everything a lie..

But she still tried to understand

That it is truth that she used these words...

But she did not mean that....

She was just in pain and surrounded by problems....

So she spited everything on her friend...

She thought her best friend would have understand..

But in actual their relation was ended many months back...

But for Esme..

Enac was still best...

She was not able to accept.. that everything is ended long ago...

So she decided to give another try..

Till now she was bearing many lies through her actual account..