

Scene was clear.. but esme was blind and weak to take decision against her best friend she was just searching ways to forgive and restart with enac..

She agreed to compromise just to maintain relations

As she was the one to believe that relations are unable to break..

So she wished that, no matter what even if enac lied to convince her she wil forget everything..

but enac showed 0 wilingnes..

Esme took some time.. but realized that relations are made to break.. and nobody stays in your life forever.. some times, time seperate you, some time situations..

But what you should never expect is consistency..

Only Chnges are constant..


As asme was already full of light and positivity she maintained distance from her friend

Not because she was hurted but because she had to explore more and more about the thing that always protected her and not the thing that made her cried alot and never wanted to stay with her..

So she tried to search the thing that always stayed by her side

The touch...

Magical touch that always supported her

And the touch that was the source of light for her

She wanted to know further about that touch and that feeling that always inspired her to stay positive..

Now she wished to know what was the actual existence of that touch...