
Five Years Of Problems!

After five years of living apart from but near the main Schnee family. Knight has grown to be a pain for Jacques in not following what he wants explicitly. He could say be nice to his rich associate and get a sarcasticly rude kind behavior. Attend this social gathering of high influential people and he'd instead end up at a library! He's done this enough times he and his mother are practically isn't supported by his father anymore. Which works out for them as they honestly do just fine on their own.

What scared most people is that when his semblance got unlocked. The first thing he did was scarily enough have the Schnee grimm summoning ability go a little nuts. Such a thing was completely unexpected and the cause is concerning. As it seems his uniqueness caused an error of sorts when Hyena explained it. Now onto the main problem of what all came out of his grimm summoning! What came out were all basically variants..... Variants of a Sphinx, a Manticore, a Creep, a Oppel, Geist duo, and a swarm of Ravangers.

This put several people including Jacques, Winter, Weiss, Whitley, Hallo, Devin, and Yori. Who looked at the scene before them tensed and cautious. As multiple rather dangerous grimm were just summoned suddenly. Only one person however was undisturbed that being the source of this mess who just started hugging the Oppel, a giant bat grimm!

Jacques: "Boy.... unsummon those grimm now!"

Jacques although he doesn't really care to much about this son of his. He wanted these grimm gone and for his property to be safe from damages! So he tried being cold and very threatening towards the brat before him. Only to feel multiple eye's on him to see everyone else back away, the grimm locking onto him eyes narrowing. Yori however stayed by Jacques in thought before inching forward slowly towards Knight. The grimm getting defensive the further she came but still focused on Jacques Schnee.

The Manticore breaking focus and instead staring Yori down once she stood next to Knight. Its fur hunching upwards as its tail slowly raised up, mouth opening showing its fangs. It strangely wasn't moving to attack yet trying to scare her off. Yori seeing this grinned mischievously as if she guessed what going on here. Now you may be wondering where are they that all these giant monsters and other things can fit. Well hearing that Biazar was going to get his semblance unlocked. Weiss had bugged their father to use a large open gymnasium like area. So there was no problem here with them suddenly appearing in such a large group.

Yori while smiling mischievously sat down by Knight, and rested her chin in one hand as she looked around. Whistling slightly at the sight she is taking up close unlike the others and noting the details she see's.

Yori: "Kid you caused an accident on your first day getting your semblance. But I have to say that your grimm are pretty neat looking! Can I pet this big guy as well? Never really seen such a grimm but it is a giant!"

Yori took note of the Sphinx looking a shade darker while, the bone armor and mask were slightly an ashen white color, and the snake tail being grey. She had no idea what it can likely do besides the normal Sphinx attacks. The Manticore being gray in color while the bones were black, its tail seeming to have an extra form as a cannon like form aimed at her. the Geist pair were ashen dark grey with their mask being yin yang like. The left Geist had a solid black mask with the red markings and white eye, the right a slightly dark white mask with a pitch black eye. The Creep was honestly normal looking, if you ignored its neo gold glow when its mouth opened. The Oppel the giant bat grimm sat there uh purring? It was white in color with a grey bone mask. The Ravanger was grey with a red bone mask and black markings, its wings membranes were red orange. Just in a large swarm of possibly two hundred with one medium sized in the midst.

Knight: "Its a she and sure auntie Yori go ahead if you want! Also it wasn't my intention for this to happen! It just sorta did plus I can't figure out how to unsummon them sorry!"

Yori: "Heh ahaha guess thats a problem..... Also a it really has a gender? I thought they're all genderless though."

Knight: "I don't know I'm just following a feeling since they've been summoned. Plus they are basically animals so.... besides spawning from nowhere wouldn't they also do stuff like breeding?"

Yori looked at him then around and thought about it before giving up. Admitting thats a very likely possibility so she can't say much to argue. Plus can you even really win an argument with a child? Not really they'll wear you out faster than most things so she's not going to try. Seeing

Knight not really minding Yori the Manticore sat down and watched everyone silently. While Jacques was still being unnervingly watched closely by all the grimm closely. Sweating a little bit he slowly backedvaway while everyone else but Whitley came forward. The grimm now slightly watching them but more so Jacques as he wasn't friendly.

While Whitley and Jacques were watching from a far, everyone else was getting acquainted with the grimm. Weiss.... Weiss was on the Manticores head giggling as she demanded a ride. Her normal sophisticated personality was dropped revealing one fitting her age. Later on everyone would finally figure out how to unsummon the grimm. Just one Ravanger refused to leave so Knight had it sitting on his shoulder. Given his more adventurer and military style outfit the Ravanger made him look like a strange pirate.

『 Current Grimm

Yin and Yang Geist pair

Manticore (Variant)

Sphinx (Variant)

Ravanger (Swarm) (Variant)

Oppel (Variant)

Creep (Variant)』

Hyena promptly displayed a note tab for Knight on the system. Saying his thanks mentally the day came to end after Jacques was bit by the Ravanger.