
A Cheater in a Magic Academy

In the enchanting realm of Eldoria, where magic reigns supreme, lies the prestigious Avalon Academy, a renowned institution for young sorcerers. Enter our cunning protagonist, Drake Nightshade, a mischievous and quick-witted rogue who stumbles upon a secret method to cheat his way through the magical curriculum. Armed with his wit, a dubious artifact, and a dash of audacity, Drake embarks on a hilarious and unpredictable journey that disrupts the very foundations of the magical world.

Vandolph_Ferrer · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: The Bumbling Professor

Chapter 3: The Bumbling Professor

The sun cast a warm glow over the enchanting grounds of Avalon Academy as Drake Nightshade, the unruly scholar, prepared for his next mischievous adventure. Today, his sights were set on Professor Mortimer, the bumbling instructor who had unwittingly become the perfect target for Drake's pranks.

Drake had observed the professor closely over the past few days and had noticed a peculiar habit: Professor Mortimer often misplaced his spellbook, causing all sorts of chaos during his classes. Drake decided to take advantage of this quirk to create a hilarious and unforgettable moment.

Armed with a touch of enchantment and a mischievous grin, Drake stealthily made his way to the professor's office. Inside, stacks of books and scrolls were scattered haphazardly, a testament to Professor Mortimer's disorganized nature.

Drake carefully examined the room and noticed a particularly worn-out book on a cluttered desk. It was Professor Mortimer's beloved spellbook. With a wave of his hand, Drake enchanted the spellbook to develop a mischievous mind of its own.

As the professor entered his office, humming absentmindedly, he was startled to find his spellbook hovering in mid-air, flipping through its own pages. A look of bewildered astonishment crossed his face as he tried to understand what was happening.

With a flick of its enchanted pages, the spellbook sent a gust of wind that scattered papers and quills across the room. Professor Mortimer, stumbling and flailing, attempted to catch the wayward items, but they danced just out of his reach.

Drake, watching the scene unfold from a hidden vantage point, couldn't help but burst into laughter. The professor's flustered state only added to the absurdity of the situation, and Drake reveled in the chaos he had created.

Unaware of Drake's presence, Professor Mortimer desperately pleaded with his animated spellbook. "Please, behave!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with both frustration and a hint of fondness.

Finally, after a series of calamitous events, the spellbook settled back onto the desk, appearing innocent once again. Professor Mortimer let out a sigh of relief, unaware that he had just been the unwitting performer in Drake's impromptu comedy show.

Drake, unable to contain his laughter any longer, stepped out from his hiding spot, catching the professor's attention. Professor Mortimer turned, his face flushed with embarrassment and confusion.

"Ah, young Nightshade," the professor said, adjusting his glasses. "What brings you here?"

Drake grinned mischievously. "I couldn't resist witnessing the spectacle, Professor. Your spellbook seems to have a mind of its own."

The professor chuckled awkwardly, scratching his head. "Yes, it does have a tendency to misbehave at times. I'm glad you found it amusing, though."

Drake extended a hand, offering his assistance. "If you need any help organizing your office or finding lost books, I'm your guy. Consider it a way to repay the entertainment you've provided."

Professor Mortimer gratefully accepted the offer, recognizing Drake's genuine willingness to lend a hand. Little did he know that Drake's helpfulness was merely a cover for the chaos he planned to unleash in the days to come.

And so, a curious friendship between the bumbling professor and the roguish scholar began to take shape. As the academy buzzed with tales of their humorous escapades, Drake and Professor Mortimer would embark on an unlikely partnership, leading to even more uproarious adventures within the hallowed halls of Avalon Academy.

Chapter 3 set the stage for a dynamic and humorous duo, with Professor Mortimer unwitting