

Lysia and Hayden strolled hand in hand through familiar streets, heading to Cherry's—a cozy café filled with memories. Lysia's auburn hair swayed in the breeze, matching her radiant smile, while Hayden's disheveled, chestnut hair framed his face, giving him a laid-back charm. Their attire, a mix of soft tones, reflected the comfort they found in each other's company.

Seated by the window at Cherry's, they ordered their usual coffee, the scent enveloping them like an old friend. Lysia's fingers played with the edge of her cup, adorned with delicate rings, as she looked into Hayden's tired eyes. Despite the weariness from his struggles as an aspiring writer, there was a warmth that once drew her in.

Feeling Hayden's hand wrap around hers, Lysia noticed a small scar, a memento from a childhood accident. It comforted her, a tangible connection to the countless moments they shared.

As Lysia held her cup, her fingers trembled with unspoken anticipation. An unspoken unease lingered, fueled by Hayden avoiding her gaze. Trying to ease the growing discomfort, she took a sip of her coffee, the warmth failing to dispel the chill settling in her chest.

Their conversation unfolded, Lysia attempting to bridge the growing distance. "Hayden, you've been distant lately. Is everything okay?" Her voice held a touch of concern, a plea for understanding.

Hayden's responses, once filled with charm, now became dry and distant. "Yeah, just going through some things," he mumbled, his eyes avoiding hers, widening the emotional gap.

Continuing to talk, Lysia's fears solidified. The once lively exchanges turned into monologues, punctuated by Hayden's detached responses. His hand, still wrapped around hers, became a silent plea for understanding in the face of an unraveling relationship.

Lysia felt everything break. They had been together for so long, even going on to live together, and support each other. She could hear the sounds of their laughter slowly fade out of her ears. It was over. Seated in Cherry's, their special place, the weight of Hayden's words sank in, the air heavy with the finality of their shared dreams unraveling.

Lysia, her hands trembling now, felt a sinking disbelief settle within her. "Why, Hayden? What have I done?" she asked, her voice quivering with the weight of impending heartbreak.

Hayden, his gaze still avoiding hers, replied gently, "It's not about you, Lysia. It's just... things have changed. I've changed. We've changed."

A cloud of confusion lingered in the air as Lysia struggled to accept the unraveling of their relationship. Her mind raced through the years they had spent together, the countless nights she stayed up to support his writing dreams, the compromises she made to ensure their happiness.

"But we've been through so much together. Can't we work through this?" she pleaded, her eyes searching for any sign of the man she fell in love with.

Lysia looked up to meet his gaze, a desperate attempt to find a connection in his eyes. Hayden's response, initially calm, took a more desperate turn as Lysia's persistence grew. "Lysia, it's not that simple. People change, and sometimes we have to let go." His tone, once gentle, now carried an edge of frustration.

As Hayden's words hung in the air, Lysia's mind replayed the scenes of their shared life. She remembered the nights they stayed up talking about their dreams, the laughter that echoed through their apartment, and the comfort of his presence in the quiet moments.

Lysia, desperate for clarity, pressed on, "Tell me what's wrong, Hayden. We can fix it together."

His demeanor shifted, growing unhinged as he pushed back. "You just don't get it, do you? It's not about fixing anything. It's about moving on. I need space, and you need to accept that."

Tears welled in Lysia's eyes as she struggled to comprehend the sudden shift in Hayden's tone. "Hayden, please. I need to understand. I thought we were happy together."

His face contorted with a mix of disgust and frustration. "Happy? This isn't happiness. You suffocate me, Lysia. I can't stand it anymore. Your constant need for reassurance, it's unbearable."

Lysia, her heart breaking, found herself questioning the reality of the situation. "But everything we've been through... all the sacrifices I made for you. Doesn't that count for anything?"

His response grew harsher, "Sacrifices? All you did was hold me back. I can't believe I let you manipulate me into thinking you were doing it for my sake."

Lysia, hurt and defeated, looked back down, her gaze dropping with the weight of disappointment. She had supported him through thick and thin, believing in his dreams even when he doubted himself. The apartment they shared, the life they built together—it all seemed to crumble under the weight of his accusations.

His dark brown eyes, oh those eyes. Once they were filled with such love that made her feel like she could do anything. But now, it's simply a pool of disgust and resentment.

"Hayden, I just want to make things right. I don't want to lose you."

His response grew harsher, "Make things right? You don't get it, do you? It's not about making things right. It's about you and your insecurities. I can't deal with it anymore."

Lysia's desperation intensified, "But we were happy, Hayden. We can find a way to be happy again. Just talk to me."

Hayden's patience wore thin, his words more cutting. "Happy? Look around, Lysia. Does this look happy to you? I can't be with someone who lives in a constant state of doubt and neediness."

Her voice wavered, "I can change, Hayden. Please, give me a chance."

But Hayden's response, now tinged with resentment, cut deeper. "Change? You've been like this from the beginning. I can't believe I put up with it for so long."

Lysia, hurt and defeated, whispered, "What do you want me to do, Hayden?"

His answer, more callous than before, shattered the last remnants of hope. "I want you to leave me alone. We're done, Lysia. It's over."

As Hayden abruptly rose from the chair, leaving Lysia alone at the table, the once-cozy café transformed into a haunting space filled with the echoes of their shattered dreams. Tears streamed down her cheeks, an unspoken ache in her chest as she sat there, grappling with the reality of their broken relationship.Alone and lost in the wreckage of what was once "us," Lysia clutched the empty cup, its warmth long gone, mirroring the cold emptiness that now consumed her. The world outside blurred, the vibrant colors now muted by the gray haze of despair that enveloped her senses. His words, the raw rejection, replayed in her mind like a haunting refrain.

What do I do now? How did we end up here? Questions swirled in her mind, each one more painful than the last. She stared at the remnants of their shared moments—the laughter, the dreams—and wondered how everything could unravel so quickly.

Then, in the midst of this heartache, her phone buzzed, interrupting the turmoil with a message from work. Reality crashed over her like a cold wave, demanding her attention, pulling her away from the intimate wreckage of their love.

In that moment, Lysia gathered what was left of her composure. With a shaky breath, she wiped away the stubborn tears and faced the outside world. The café, their haven, held the weight of their broken love story, but duty beckoned, and responsibilities awaited. Even if her world was gone doesn't mean that her life was. She had to continue.