
How it goes

After hearing that am carrying a soul, to me it became a great joy filled with fear .... Well let me say everyone criticized the idea of being a mom especially a young mom with no way out of porvety nor education but the thing is if i still aborted the baby i would be criticized without hearing your side. Nine Months now and delivery day, being at the hospital it brought joy and fear also doubts... The joy in all this was am going to be a mom and I loved the soul from hearing i carried one and also knowing that that's where am gonna know true love, My fear was what if i lose my baby or what if i don't make it through he will grow up alone in this cruel world or how will i cope and lastly my doubts was what will my peers say about me, what kind a mom will i be, am i fit enough to be one?, and all this questions came the moment am supposed to give birth and let me tell you it was scary to a point i think i put my baby at distress and i had to go to theater