
A Certain Chaotic Wild Horse

Ranma Saotome from Ranma 1/2 was reincarnated in a crossover anime world as Kamijou Touma!? What will happen to him in a new world as a character that have a luck that sometimes much more worse than his old chaotic life?( A lot of character from many animes will appear here) *Story will be a bit different from original source material *And Touma in this novel will not heroic but a bit lazy and love a good fight. Support me in Patreon.com/Raylight25

Raylight25 · Anime und Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 15 - Luck Manipulation

"Until now I'm confused, why Chitose-Sensei who is a level 4 Gemstone Esper that can manipulate a luck can still use her power to maximum level, in the unfriendly area for Esper like Yuragi Sou," Misaki said. "It is a mystery to me."

"Chitose-san's power is 'Luck Manipulation' so that power is not considered a dangerous power with a destructive capability by the mysterious force that suppresses the Esper power in Yuragi Sou plus Chitose-san have that power for decades to the point she has absolute control over that power. So even if Luck Manipulation is suppressed to level 1, her Luck Manipulation will still have a decent effect because of Chitose-san's astonishing ability to control her Luck Manipulation," Touma explained to Misaki.

"Sigh no wonder Chitose-Sensei can still use her power on Yuragi Sou quite effectively," Misaki said with a sigh. "It's all because she has an absolute control over her power and also because Luck Manipulation is considered a non-destructive force. That was really unfair, even though my power isn't have a destructive capability at all!"

"But your Mental Out is a Level 5 power, so even if it's not destructive at all it will still be suppressed to the maximum," Touma said. "I think if you train Mental Out to the absolute level, maybe you can use your power in Yuragi Sou to some degree."

While Touma and Misaki were still busy chatting, Chitose called Misaki to the kitchen to help her cook a dinner and started her cooking lesson together with Chitose. Misaki then said goodbye to Touma and went to the kitchen to help Chitose and learn to cook from her.

A few seconds after Misaki went to the kitchen, Shizuka came with groceries along with Kumokawa Seria. The two of them greeted Touma and then Shizuka went to the kitchen with groceries for dinner. While Seria was sitting in the living room with Touma, because Seria purpose by going to Yuragi Sou is to talk with Touma.


Touma wasn't too surprised by Seria's appearance in Yuragi Sou. Because from time to time Seria will come to visit Yuragi Sou to talk things over with him and Shizuka. But this time Touma knew that Seria's appearance was a disaster, because Misaki was also visiting Yuragi Sou.

Seria and Misaki are like dogs and cats, the two of them never get along wherever they meet and they always fight. Their relationship is much worse than that of Mikoto and Misaki, who are rivals in Tokiwadai. And the only person who can stop the fight between Seria and Misaki is Mitsuari Ayu who is currently in the hospital because she had a traffic accident after saving a small child who was almost hit by a car.

"You've been quiet all this time Kamijou-kun," Seria said who sat opposite Touma while smiling at him. "Is it because you feel nervous about being with your beautiful and sexy Senpai?"

Touma didn't want to chat too much with Seria at all, because Seria was somehow always able to manipulate the conversation between the two of them in a direction that was in Seria's favour. In his former life as Ranma, he was not someone who have a good communication skill.

And in his new life, for Touma someone like Seria who has a high intellect and is good at talking and manipulating people with just suggestions and words was the most difficult opponent to face for him.

"I'm not nervous Kumokawa-Senpai," Touma said. "I'm just reluctant to talk to you, because at the end of the conversation somehow always ends with something bad for me and good for you."

"Ah, all of that was just your feelings and mere coincidence," Seria said while smiling. "Besides, if I may be honest, seeing you go through a bit of misfortune is one of the things in this world that allows me to relieve stress a bit and enjoy my life."


"Kotori-chan, may I know what is the relationship between Misaki Shokuhou and Kamijou-san?" Asked Saten with a very serious face. "Why do the two of them look so close?"

Mikoto and Uiharu who had the same curiosity as Saten looked at Kotori seriously. Because the two of them also wanted to know what the relationship between Misaki and Touma was.

"Tssk Onii-chan saved the blonde bimbo when she was in a depression and wanted to erase all her memories so she can be free from depression," Kotori replied while biting her thumb nails with an annoyed look on her face. "And since then she sometimes likes to come to Yuragi Sou to meet Onii-chan or learn to cook from Shizuka-Nee-san and Chitose-san."

"I see," Saten said who felt a little scared after seeing the anger on Kotori's face. "She was able to get close to Touma-san because she was also saved by Touma-san just like myself and Konori-Senpai."

"But this is surprising," Mikoto said. "I had no idea that someone like Misaki could be depressed."

"Misaki Shokuhou isn't someone with your background Mikoto-san who still has parents and gets a lot of love from your parents, Misaki Shokuhou is an orphan who happens to have the potential to become a level five Esper so it's not strange that she cam easily depressed, it's all because maybe Misaki Shokuhou never got any support or affection from anyone," Kotori said who explained a little about Misaki to Mikoto. "And Onii-chan who helped her and gave her a support is someone very precious to Shokuhou Misaki who made her experience the happiest moments of her life."

"Chief, you seem to know a lot about Misaki Shokuhou," Kuroko said. "Don't tell me you used your connections in Judgment to find out about Misaki Shokuhou."

"No I know a lot about Misaki Shokuhou from someone who goes to the same school as Onii-chan," Kotori said. "Someone I don't want to be my enemy."


In a building with no windows in district seven, the residence of one of the founders of Academy City Aleister Crowley.

"It seems that Index Librorum Prohibitum has been successfully secured into Yuragi Sou," Motoharu said who was standing in front of a glass tube. "What are you going to do with Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl Magnus? Do you want to let the two of them into the Yuragi Sou or prevent them from entering the only places you can't enter in Academy Town?"

"Let them go inside the Yuragi Sou, then let Kamijou Touma or Chitose Nakai take care of the two clowns from Necessarius," Aleister said who was inside the mysterious glass tube that was his life support device. "I want you to investigate something for me Tsuchimikado."

"Ooh is there something you're curious about that you want me to investigate?" Asked Motoharu.

"There are rumors on the supernatural side that Kamijou Touma is the Fourth Promigenitor whose existence has been very mysterious, to the point that the Lion King Organization who doesn't want to interfere with Academy City sent their Esper members here to keep an eye on Kamijou Touma," Aleister replied. "And I think it's most likely the Zodiac who spread the information, I want you to confirm whether the infromation is true or not."

"The Zodiac spread word that Kami-yan is one of the four most powerful vampires? What are they thinking!" Motoharu said. "Why would a criminal organization with such obscure goals spread such obscure news! And since when did Kami-Yan become a vampire!? Imagine Breaker will automatically prevent him from becoming a Vampire so there's no way Kami-yan is the Fourth Promigenitor."

"That's why I want you to investigate this Tsuchimikadou," Aleister said. "Because I'm also curious about this, whether Kamijou Touma really is the Fourth Promegenitor or not…"

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