
A Call from the Abyss

Eru Frost who runs a small cafe suddenly gets a call that has a very weird lines - Ding! - Hello dear host! You are selected by 'He who one cannot be named' to complete a very important mission! Eru thought it's words were nonsense and didn't took it to heart when suddenly- - he wakes up to see himself in a different world with his phone that has goldens letters on the screen with [Abyss] written on it His eyes widened slightly as he thought 'Isn't this...my novel?' ... .. . Only at the very end did he found out everything, only then did he found out about a painful truth...a hidden scar that hasn't been touched for a long time finally cut open...

Iceb18 · Spiele
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22 Chs

Chapter 16: Guess Who? [Arc.1] (14) (End of arc.1)

"Um, so, you think that, this will work?"

Nathan asked as he looked at Samur with doubt in his eyes

Samur looked back at him, raised an eyebrow and snickered as he said "Ofcourse, having one overthink a conclusion and try to think steps ahead of the enemy makes it much more easier for the opponent to see through them"


Samur heaved a sigh as he said "Imagine if you heard such a conversation and you know very well that there's a 99% chance that your identity is already exposed and that they are plotting on something on you, what will you do?"

Nathan lowered his eyes as he pondered over about it, same goes for Austin on the side

Nathan: "If it were me, I would try to counter attack it"

Samur: "Correct, and what will you do to counter attack it in this situation we are in?"

This time, before Nathan could even think or answer, Samur spoke first as he parted his lips and said with a dangerous smile "Kill"

Nathan and Austin froze, there was a loud 'thump' sound in their heart the moment they heard this word

They looked at Samur waiting for him to explain, and so he did

"If it was me, the only way left to counter it is to eliminate everyone, meaning, kill all of you"

"See here, I'm the imposter and as he explained on the first day of the game he said that my requirements is different from players"

"If so, then I can't think of anything else other than breaking off your trust from each other before killing every single one of you"

"Tomorrow is the end of the game since it's already the sixth day currently and there are still eight of us left alive, then wouldn't his time be too short to eliminate all of us?"

"That's why, right now, there's nothing else that would come to his mind other than to kill us as fast as possible since I doubt it would be easy for him to eliminate all of us in one go, afterall, he is still mortal"

Nathan: "...I, see..."

Nathan had his mouth open in disbelief as he thought 'How the hell did this kid think of it so far ahead in just a matter of time?'

'No, wait, how did he even "think" about doing such things? He's just a kid...'

'To actually think about it and calmly say the word "kill" like it was nothing and plain...wait'

"One, two, three...seven...wait, huh?"

Nathan counted on his fingers, blinking several times he looked at Samur as he said "Wait a minute, there are only seven of us if we include Cozbi"

Samur stared blankly at Nathan for a moment before burst out laughing

Nathan raised one eyebrow questioning 'What's so funny?' on Samur

"Hahaha, sorry sorry, I just realised you don't know it yet"

"Huh?" Nathan wanted to ask more but it seemed like Samur wouldn't be answering it

He then shifted his gaze to look at Austin, waiting for an answer

Austin was also confused before he widened his eyes as he let out a gasp sound and thought 'Oh yeah, that guy was also here...'

"..." Nathan was speechless and felt left out seeing that both of them knew something that he didn't

"Anyway, you don't have to ask anything else, all you have to do is to follow our plan"

"But, what if it fails? Or, what about the real Cozbi, who will-"

"Like I said, everything will go according to our plan, understand?"

Samur cut off Nathan as he said this words

Nathan couldn't comprehend where Samur got the confidence but he doesn't have any choice anymore and so could only put his faith and trust on him

Samur then opened and the door and left with Austin

He thought 'Ofcourse this plan would work, afterall, it was him who planned all of this'

'We are nothing more than a mere pawn, playing right into his palms'

'But, I am really surprised he predicted this, or, did he already knew it?'

'Welp, who cares aslong as it entertains me, nothing else matters'

Actually, before they got to Austin, Samur and Eru talked about a plan on how to end the game

Eru explained his conclusion on Samur, all the possible outcomes and all the possible flaws

He explained everything and even made all types of possible solution if the other fails and the other works

Samur's role was nothing more than to be the 'hero' who will lead the group and explain their parts

This time, Eru said that Samur should explain to them the plan but only half of it and so he did

Then after so, once he senses that Cozbi was about to pass by, he needs everyone to act like they just heard it for the first time and deliberately exclaim it out loud so that Cozbi would hear it

Eventually, he would eavesdrop, then Samur would pretend as if this wasn't meant to happen and make them silent

Cozbi would then be fooled to think that they were trying to keep it a secret

After so, he would be using his clones to separate everyone and then kill one by one

But Eru already predicted it and made Samur warn everyone, also teach them some self defense

However, when Samur asked 'what about the real Cozbi?' Eru just said 'You don't need to worry about it'

Thinking of all of this, Samur felt a little sad knowing that he wouldn't be able to see what Eru will do to Cozbi


That's when he thought of something suddenly and smacked his palm as he thought 'That's it! I'll finish my job quickly and go find big brother Eru to watch the show!'

Austin on the side was confused but felt a shiver when he saw Samur's smiling face and decided not to question any further.



Knock Knock

Alex and Irene looked towards the door as they heard a knock, they then heard the person behind the door say "It's me, Cozbi"

Alex stood up and walked towards the door as he opened it, then he saw Cozbi has his head lowered

Confused he asked "What's wrong-" But before he could even finish his sentence, he felt pain below him

He looked down and saw that his abdomen was pierced by a dagger and his eyes shook violently!

He looked up and met Cozbi's eyes, gritting his teeth he shouted "Y-You bastard-!!"

Irene didn't know what happend but after hearing this and seeing Alex completely frozen, she stumbled backwards as she asked "W-What's wrong...?"

Alex let out a painful groan as another sound of 'peuk!' was heard

Alex took a few steps backwards and Cozbi pulled out the dagger from the abdomen of Alex he stabbed plenty of times

Alex covered his abdomen as he coughed out bloods and fell to one of his knees

Irene was in horror as she screamed "Alex!"

Before Alex could even react, a shadow covered his vision as Cozbi slit his throat!



Alex couldn't speak anymore as he fell to the ground and died with his eyes wide open and blood flowing out from his throat and abdomen

"Ah- ahk-...ahhh!!"

Irene screamed and cried as she fell to the ground whilst clasping both of her hands


She looked up and asked Cozbi but all she saw was Cozbi smiling playfully with those horrifying gaze

There was no guilt or fear but only pure joy and irritation

Crouching down, he pointed his sharp dagger underneath her jaw


There was a small wound on it from the dagger and teardrops of blood leaked out from it

Irene did not dare to move, fearing that if she moves it would definitely cut her

Cozbi then said with a sadistic smile "You know, you're an annoying woman just like the others"

"You cling on someone powerful so blindly hoping to touch it's golden thigh that could save and help you"

"Not only are you useless but also very troublesome"

"And yet, haha you expect me to save you?"

"Afterall, I'm the imposter can't you see?"

Irene's eyes shrank at those words as more tears came out of her eyes and her body trembled uncontrollably

"Well, hehe, in the first place even if I was not the imposter I had no intention in helping any of you, I just wanted to gain your trust so that you could give me all your coins blindly"

In this last moments, Irene felt despair more than anything, in her irises reflected Cozbi smiling

From those kind and warm smile, to this cold and demon like smile as he took her life.



[00:11:20:18:42] At the same time in another room.

Knock Knock

Nathan and Austin both looked at the door with a frown on their faces

They thought 'He's here'

"Hey, aren't you guys gonna let me in?"

Both of them flinched when they heard the person behind the door speak

It was not because of the words but instead, it was because it sounded like Samur's voice

Austin was frightened and didn't know what to do, when he turned to look at Nathan, he saw him had his face lowered as he strode forward towards the door

Austin's eyes widened and just as he was about to reach out to Nathan

Nathan already had his hands on the door handle and with a 'click' sound, opened it.


Step Step

As Samur was walking through the hallway with his hands hidden in his jacket's pocket, he suddenly stopped

In the distance, there was a silhouette walking towards him

Squinting his eyes, he saw who was coming and he opened his lips as he muttered "Austin?"

"Ah! S-Samur...I-I'm glad it's you!"

Austin exclaimed as he trembled and ran over to Samur immediately

Hugging Samur, he said "I- I'm sorry, I, I don't know why I'm like this...but-!  I-It's because...because-...."

Samur was surprised but patted Austin's back as he said "Calm down, breath...what happened? Where's Nathan?"

With this words, Austin flinched and he grabbed onto Samur's shoulders much more tighter, he said with his face lowered "He-...he...he...was, attacked..."

Samur then widened his eyes as he muttered "Is he...dead?"


Austin begun to trembled more as he hung his head low

Samur also lowered his head as he muttered "I see..."

Feeling Samur lowered his guard, Austin suddenly had a mischievous smile

Underneath his sleeve, a small dagger slid to his hand

Raising it, as he was about to stab Samur he then heard him say "You know, it's quite unfortunate that I remembered your personality, or should I say-"

Samur's lips curled up as he added "-The real Austin"

Hearing this, Austin who was fake was about to stab Samur only to be kicked by him on his stomach




He was repeatedly kicked from his stomach, chin, and then the head

There was blood flowing from his temple but that didn't stop him and continued to run towards Samur



The fake Austin kept swinging the dagger trying to cut Samur

But Samur just avoided it swiftly going back and forth, lowering his head down then to the side

It was repetitive until the fake Austin finally made a big move on doing it from above

Samur's scarlet irises reflected on it as it came closer before he caught it with his own hand



Dark bloods dripped from his palm that was holding onto the dagger's blade

The fake Austin added strength into it making the wound on Samur's palm deepen and a huge amount of blood overflow from it

Samur was being forced back by the strength of the fake Austin

Even at this situation, the fake Austin looked at Samur's face only to see something horrifying

Samur was smiling with a grin on his face and his eyes narrowed in a very pleasant manner indicating that he was enjoying it

Those red irises reflected the fake Austin's face, looking at it made it shiver despite it being a clone only

It felt like a prey being watched by a hungry predator

Unfortunately, since it was only a clone it's knowledge and understanding is poor which made it only follow it's instincts and command of it's master


It's master's order was to kill Samur but it's instinct were telling it to flee!

It didn't take long when Samur gripped on the dagger's blade much more tighter before stealing it from the fake Austin's hand

The fake Austin was taken aback and stumbled backwards

Samur took this opportunity and kicked him on the knee before swiftly turning the dagger on his hand making the blade now pointed at the fake Austin




The fake Austin fell to it's knees as blood splattered from it's nape where Samur slit it with the dagger

The fake Austin disappeared and turned into pixels

Samur watched all of this until he was finally left alone in the hallway



Dark red blood dripped continously onto the floor, that large and deep cut seemed very painful but even so, Samur never made any painful sounds or even reacted to it

Instead, his face showed, boredom

He thought 'How sad that I wouldn't get to see the real Cozbi suffer before my eyes'

He placed the dagger on his other hand that wasn't injured and after so, he raised his injured one and stared at it

He then turned around and left, heading towards his room where the bathroom is to wash off the bloods and to stitch up his palm


It was his childhood hobby, whenever he gets injured his parents would say that it was a waste of money to heal it

If he used a blanket, handkerchief, or any other cloth, his parents would say that it would waste those from the dirty blood of his

That's why, he instead always stitched up his skin.


Cozbi who was on the third floor looked up at the floating screen above him

[Task completion: 8/12]

[Time limit: 00:09:56:38]

Cozbi couldn't help but smirk, but then that smile instantly disappeared and was replaced by a frown

'Why aren't they all dead yet?'

'What's more, where the hell is that guy?!'

He gritted his teeth and clicked his tounge in dissatisfaction

Only nine more hours to go before it officially ends and yet, there are still four of them alive, not to mention one of them is still not found!

He then asked "System, can't you find his location?"

[System1972: Location cannot be detected]

Cozbi's face turned more ugly as he muttered "Useless, I'll just have to-"

"Go find me yourself?"

There was suddenly a cold voice that interrupted him and he froze

That voice, even though he had forgotten it, there was no one else who he would not know the voice other than-!

Turning around he saw a silhouette standing by the end of the stairs

Since the third floor was dark, it was hard for Cozbi to recognize it's body, but...

Second later, the silhouette opened his eyes revealing two pair of yellow-hazel eyes with sharp cat-eye like pupil

Those eyes glowed in the dark as it stared at Cozbi without any emotions, as if it was looking at a corpse


Cozbi's heart skipped a beat, this was the familiar sensation he felt before, the first time he saw those eyes!

Cozbi then coldly sneered as he said "Oh, you finally decided to show yourself, after staring at me with those arrogant eyes yet a coward person like you, it makes me sick"

Just by tone of his voice already shows a lot of malice and disgust towards the other party

But Eru just responded nonchalantly "Well, atleast you're showing your true color already and broke off your two-faced mask"

"Hah!" Cozbi mockingly scoffed at Eru as he crossed his arms and asked "So what of it?"

"It's not like you can do anything to stop me, actually, you even helped me to finding you"

"Now I don't have to go trouble myself searching for you"

Eru didn't said anything, he only silently stood there and closed his eyes

Cozbi frowned, he didn't understand why he suddenly closed his eyes

He had a foreboding feeling but he thought about it and figured that there was nothing a new player like him can do against him

Unless, he set up a trap in this place!

He then immediately said "System, go check if there is any sign of danger for me in this area"

Cozbi didn't bother hiding it anymore and spoke openly

Eru didn't opened his eyes but he asked "Who are you talking to?"

Cozbi just snorted at him as he said "You don't need to know, afterall you wouldn't even understand it"

Eru just replied "I see..."

The next thing, a screen floated beside Cozbi [System1972: There is no sign of dangers at all, host]

Cozbi should be glad but somehow he frowned even deeper as he asked "Are you sure?"

[System1972: Affirmative]

Cozbi clicked his tounge before he muttered "Well, whatever, I'll just end this now"


Suddenly, a black figure appeared beside Cozbi, with one word, Cozbi opened his mouth and said "Go"

Immediately, after receiving the order, the black figure dashed towards Eru at fast pace

Eru didn't move and just stood there silently

Cozbi watched this with a relaxed look, but it all shattered in an instant when-


Cozbi's body trembled not just because of that unfamiliar and horrible sound that sounded as if it bit something off in just one bite but also because he felt his neck suddenly felt numb

He slowly raised his trembling hand as he finally touched his neck

It was still intact.

But, why did it feel like it got decapitated?

He immediately sensed something wrong and looked forward, since it was dark plus his clone was a black figure, it was hard to recognize it

Fortunately though there was still some outlines and he saw a human shape infornt of him in the dark

He sighed in relief before he furrowed his eyebrows as he asked coldy "Why are you just standing? I said go and kill him-..."

Cozbi's eyes shrank back as his voice trailed off

His clone suddenly disappeared and turned into pixels

But before it completely disappeared, Cozbi somehow saw it's faint figure that made him had a terrible thought

His clone was beheaded!

Sweats begun to pour down from his head and the back of his neck

Gulping down his saliva he took several steps back but as he was about to hit the wall, Eru spoke and said "Stop"

Cozbi stopped subconsciously at the voice

Eru didn't used his ability yet, but opened his eyes to stare at Cozbi

Even though it was dark and Cozbi knew it was impossible for him to see him clearly, somehow he still felt that those sharp eyes were staring through him like he was transparent

Eru then said "I don't care if you die, but, it would be unfortunate if I can't let them have their meal after starving for six days straight"

"W-What?! What nonsense-"


Cozbi shut his mouth in an instant and froze in place, there was a terrifying growl he heard

'No way! Don't tell me-!'

Cozbi gritted his teeth as he screamed "System!"

There was a moment of silence before the familiar screen finally appeared, but...

"Hey...why are you...?" Cozbi couldn't say anything anymore, his words were stuck in his throat

[System1972: Why are you so surprise?]

His system, was floating beside Eru.

Cozbi's eyes were shaking violently, but then he remembered something and said "You-! Don't you know?! You'll be punished for betraying me-"

[System1972: I already know that]

"Huh? Then why...? Why? Why?!"

[System1972: It's because you're too much to take care of]

"You-!" But before Cozbi could say anything any further, his system spoke to Eru and said [System1972: Finish him off already]

Eru looked back at the system as he said "You didn't need to do lie to him about the danger, you wouldn't be punished then"

[System1972: It's fine, this is my own decision]

Eru stared at it for some moment before he focused his gaze again at Cozbi and said "I see"

"Well then, you can kill him now"

How Eru said it were nonchalant and calm, but those words were very cold that made Cozbi's body trembled

Gritting his teeth he shouted "Kill him!"

Immediately, two more black figured appeared and in both sides tried to attack Eru



From the shadows, two huge black creatures appeared with blood red eyes

It's fangs were seen as it brutally tore apart Cozbi's clones

One of the clones were bitten by the huge teeth and mouth of the hound but was still fighting back

It punched the hound's eye and the hound made a pained groan before it finally cut off it's limbs

Both of the clones disappeared and turned into pixels, Cozi then saw those blood red eyes turn towards him

Cozbi was about to take a step back and hit the wall, but Eru was faster as his eyes glowed and black curly lines appeared on the corners his lips

He then spoke with a magnetic cold voice and said "Stop."

Instantly, Cozbi couldn't move and his face grew in horror, he thought 'I-! I, I can't move!'

Seeing those vicious hounds getting closer towards him, he shouted "Clones! Clones!" But alas, it was all in vain as the game's voice sounded in his ear [Limit has been reached!]

[Limit has been reached!]

[Clone: 10/10]

Even though he already knew that he already used all of the ten clones, he still shouted over and over again from fear




Cozbi screamed in pain but the hounds ignored this and continued to bite of his limbs!



Blood continued to splatter everywhere and his body was in an instant, turned rigid and lifeless

His neck was being bitten by one while the other was bitting his ribs

Their long and sharp claws were pressed down on him as to not escape

The reason Eru didn't want to let Cozbi hit the wall is because he then might escape if he pass [The Wall of Trial] and if not then he would die there and the hounds would be hungry

He then felt cold behind him, turning around his head he said "Is this alright?"

The mother and baby ghost stood behind him, even though what Eru was talking about is Cozbi and the hounds, her eyes were fixed on him

After some moments, she nodded her head

She then heard Eru say "I'm sorry"

She was confused and looked up at him, he then said "I couldn't create the way to free the both of you from the bind, I'm sorry"

Eru thought that she would he disappointed or angry at him like normal people would, but contratry to that, the mother just stayed silent before she said "No, it's fine, I already expected that"

But to her surprise aswell, she heard him say "But even so, I will still keep my promise, even if not now, I will still continue to find a way to break the bind"

Eru didn't want to say anything anymore and retracted his gaze back to Cozbi

The mother also didn't say anything, but there was a tear that dripped from her eyes

It was very faint and very small that Eru didn't heard it, but she mumbled "Thank you"

The glow in Eru's eyes, aswell as the black curly lines on the corner of his lips subsided

Cozbi's eyes turned grew numb and the corner of it turned red with veins, he looked and saw the ghost in white dress behind Eru

At that moment, Cozbi finally realised it all!

He was the one that set up all of this!

He was the one that ruined everything!

It was all because of him!


Suddenly, memories flashed through his mind, it was not his...no, it was but not? He never experienced any of this but somehow, it was not unfamiliar

Finally, in that last memory, he was shot dead in the head by a gun

Cozbi didn't understand it, but all he knew was that he was killed!

And the person that killed him-


He saw those yellow-hazel eyes with sharp pupil staring at him coldly

Cozbi couldn't help but feel even more terrified, and more hatred!

He then saw those same eyes right now, staring at him emotionless before turning away

Cozbi wanted to strangle him, kill him! But alas couldn't say anything anymore as he felt his vision turning all black, his heartbeat turning deaf

The last thing he saw was...





Those sapphire blue earrings.



- Ding!

[Time Limit is over]

[Please make your final decision on who the imposter is]

Hearing the sound of the official system of the game, everyone looked up at the screen

"At the count of three, everyone shout your thoughts"




"The imposter is-"




"- Cozbi"

- Ding!

[Congratulations for finishing the game!]

[Number of survivors: 4/13]

[Congratulations every survivors has guessed correct!]

[Calculating level of players:....99%.....]

- Ding!

[Calculating complete]

[Have a nice rest dear players]



<Guess Who>

Requirements: Survive for 7 days

Difficulty: D

Reward: 150 coins

Punishment: Death


Side Task: Find out who the imposter is.


Status: [Complete]



Author: Omg I can't believe I finished the first arc! ^_^