
A businessman in the Naruto world

In the Naruto world dominated by formidable ninjas, this story unfolds the extraordinary journey of Hiroshi, an ordinary man thriving in the shadows with his keen mind. As he endeavors to build a business empire, Hiroshi navigates a realm saturated with chakra and bloodline abilities, facing challenges unique to a civilian amidst the powerful ninja society. The story delves into the complexities of intellect and resilience as Hiroshi strives to carve his path in a world where brains can be as potent as jutsu. In short, this is the story about a normal guy making money in Naruto world. There will be a single heroine, Mc will do some normal stuff, The Naruto world in this story is set in an alternate universe (AU) for the convenience of the narrative. (for the convenience that if I remember something wrong, then it's AU parts.)

yourtypicalyouth · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 17: the attack

That evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the village, the trio wrapped up their day's labor and began their journey back to the prestigious Hyuga compound.

Inside the Hyuga compound, the reception differed greatly from their experiences outside. Here, people greeted them with admiration and respect, appreciating Hiroshi's independent efforts to strengthen the Clan and Itami's mastery of the new ninjutsu techniques as both a prominent member of the main family and the first to learn them. As for Mia, well, sorry Mia

It's not that people outside the clan didn't recognize Hiroshi. In fact, he was even more famous among the common folk, as humans tend to admire the rich, especially the 'intelligent' rich. However, in this world without mobile phones and the internet, many people don't even know what his face looks like.

The trio separated from Hiroshi's house as Mia went inside to prepare dinner, while Itami and Hiroshi went to the patriarch's house.

"About the situation of your attack, the clan's decision is to fully support you in figuring out and making the culprit pay the price. And considering your safety, we have decided to assign a ninja for your protection during this period of time," the one who had the conversation with them was not Hyuga Kazama, but Hyuga Hiashi, the acting patriarch of the clan.

While the old patriarch was not dead, the hidden injuries he sustained when he was young had taken a toll on him, and he was not expected to live for long. As a result, he appointed Hiashi as acting patriarch, and only important situations would have his presence.

And the attack on Hiroshi apparently did not belong to this category.

"Hey, you don't need to, I'm gonna protect him." Sitting in a totally unculture posture, opposite from the elegance of Hyuga Hiashi, Itami said without any respect in her voice. 

As if thinking of something, she added, "Never mind, just put a ninja to guard his house, might be useful."

"Alright, I'll follow through with your words". Hiashi took a cup of tea on the table, took a small sip, and then answered in an elegant gesture.

Hiashi's refined demeanor behavior irked Itami, causing an agitated expression to gradually emerge on her furrowed face.

The displeased expression didn't seem to bother Hiashi as he continued unaffected.

"As things stand, it doesn't seem that your presence today is solely related to that issue," Hiashi remarked.

"Of course, Hiashi-sama," Hiroshi straightened his back, organized his words, and responded with a confident tone.

"Actually, I already know who was the culprit behind it, and I would like your assistance in this matter."

Hiashi showed the first surprised face they had seen today, asking curiously, "And who is that?"

"Danzo," Hiroshi answered concisely, looking unwaveringly into Hiashi's eyes. He already knew that this information would cause some hesitation for Hiashi because Danzo was notorious enough, and nobody would want to come in contact with him unless they had a compelling reason.

Hiashi's brows furrowed in deep thought. "Danzo? That's a serious accusation."

Hiroshi maintained his steady gaze, his expression unreadable as he held Hiashi's eyes. "I have evidence linking him to the incident. From Itami."

Hiashi's brow furrowed in concern. "Then that would be difficult if I wanted to assist you..."

But before Hiashi could finish, Itami, never one to mince words, interjected with a sharp tone, "Hey, didn't you just say that the clan would fully support him? Why are you being bitch now?"

Hiashi's remained calm. "You have to understand that I stand for the clan's overall benefit," he explained, "Going against Danzo seems like a serious loss with little rewards, no matter what."

The only reason Hiashi had the patience to explain himself was because Itami was present. As an only child in her family, the position of Elder would inevitably fall to her. Moreover, her recent acquisition of a substantial share in Kanbi, combined with her status as the first person to learn all new ninjutsu from Hiroshi, had elevated her to a position of significant influence within the clan.

Had it been anyone else speaking to him in such a manner, Hiashi might have resorted to torturing them by caged bird seal a long time ago. But with Itami, he found himself begrudgingly willing to listen.

"Sounds like an excuse," Itami remarked bluntly, her gaze unwavering as she turned to Hiroshi. "But don't worry, Hiroshi had a plan when coming here."

Hiroshi nodded, his expression serious as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a scroll. With a respectful bow, he handed it over to Hiashi, silently conveying his confidence in their strategy.

Curiosity filled Hiashi's face as he carefully examined the contents of the scroll. Itami and Hiroshi exchanged a knowing glance, taking a sip of tea as they waited patiently. They observed the subtle changes in Hiashi's expression, from intrigue to contemplation, and finally, a slight smile gracing his lips. It was a small but significant shift, signaling that their plan had succeeded. Itami and Hiroshi exchanged triumphant smiles, knowing that the deal was set in stone.

After their conversation with Hiashi concluded on satisfactory terms, Itami and Hiroshi departed, each with their own plans for the evening. Itami intended to speak with her grandfather, while Hiroshi returned home alone.

Upon arriving at his house, Hiroshi noticed Mia bustling about in the kitchen, preparing food. He approached her with a gentle smile. "Wait a while, Mia-neechan. Itami said she will be back soon."

Mia paused, setting down the dishes she was carrying. "Then I will heat them up while we wait for her," she replied, resuming her task.

Hiroshi retreated to his room, changing into a comfortable pajama before returning to the dining room. Gesturing for Mia with 'come here', he leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "The hidden door leading to the underground space is in the storage next to the fish pond. Go and familiar with it."

Mia nodded slightly before quietly slipping away.

Some time later, Itami returned home and found Hiroshi scribbling something on a scroll. She approached him with a curious expression. "Where is Mia-oneechan?" she asked, but before Hiroshi could respond, Mia opened the sliding door, and entered the room from the courtyard, her demeanor composed as she addressed Itami.

"Let's have a meal since Ojou-sama has returned. Wait for me to bring the food up," Mia suggested smoothly.

The trio sat down to a meal together, the atmosphere harmonious as they enjoyed each other's company. Mia subtly suggested that she and Itami sleep together that night, a proposal that Itami happily accepted, much to Hiroshi's satisfaction.

Before retiring for the night, Mia gave Hiroshi a secret nod.


In the dimly lit confines of his secret hideout, Danzo sat at a sturdy wooden table, his keen eyes fixed on the gleaming kunai resting before him. Shadows danced around the room, cast by the flickering candlelight, adding an air of mystery to the atmosphere.

Danzo's eyes narrowed as he gazed upon the kunai, his expression twisting with a mixture of fury and indignation. The sight of the iconic symbol of the Flying Thunder God technique emblazoned upon its surface sent a surge of anger coursing through his veins. How dare Minato, the so-called Yellow Flash, dare to threaten him in such a brazen manner?

Namikaze Minato, who revered as a hero throughout the shinobi world, but actually in the mind of Danzo was just a foolish person who took on the Hokage position after Hiruzen abdicated due to the responsibility for the village's loss in war, and totally not worthy of being a Hokage. The very truth that he dared to threaten him in this manner, was nothing short of humiliation.

Clutching the kunai tightly in his hand, Danzo's voice echoed through the dimly lit confines of his hideout, each word dripping with righteous indignation and simmering fury.

"How dare you, Minato!" he thundered, "To think that you would resort to such underhanded tactics, to threaten me, for what? a Hyuga brat? I can make him contribute much more to the village in Root. Sure enough, I am the most suitable person for the Hokage position!"

"You underestimate me, Minato," he continued, his voice cold and cutting like the edge of a sharpened blade. "No one can threaten the darkness itself."

Danzo's mind whirled with crazed thoughts as he considered his next move. On one hand, agreeing to provide the masked man with information about Kushina's due date could be seen as a betrayal of the village, a compromise of his principles as a shinobi dedicated to its protection. Yet, on the other hand, the opportunity to undermine Minato's authority and prove his own worthiness for the Hokage seat was too tempting to resist.

(the reason why black zetsu cannot figure it out himself is because nine-tails can sense his presence.)

"How can a ninja like Minato be worthy of being a Hokage?" Danzo mused arrogantly, his fists clenched in frustration. "Only I possess the strength, the intellect, the unwavering resolve necessary to lead this village to greatness."

As he spoke, a sense of righteous indignation swelled within Danzo, fueling the flames of his narcissism to new heights. In his eyes, the village deserved a leader who was unafraid to make the tough decisions, to do whatever was necessary to ensure its survival and prosperity. And that leader, he believed without a shadow of a doubt, was none other than himself.


(a few days later)

The air crackled with tension as Kushina, her brow furrowed with the exertion of childbirth, lay upon the bed, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. Time seemed to pass at a painful and slow pace, constantly etching worry into Minato's face. After a wait like an eternity for him, the sound of 'eoh eoh' echoed from the delivery room. Getting permission from the nurse, he walked into the room with anticipation. There, lay the haggard Kushina who was breathing tiredly, in her arms was their newborn child. 

Suddenly, the commotion outside interrupted the original happy atmosphere, the gradually gloomy Minato instructed the nurse around to protect his wife, as he hurried outside to investigate, an unsettling feeling gnawing at his senses.

From the scene before him, it was clear that someone had incapacitated the guards outside, while the ongoing commotion on the rooftop hinted at a fierce struggle. Just as he moved to lend assistance, a sudden scream from the room behind him pierced the air, sending a shiver down his spine. "No, it's a trap," he realized with a sinking feeling in his gut.

Minato teleported immediately into the room by using the seals imprinted on Kushina's body beforehand, but it was still too late. Had he arrived just one second earlier, he might have thwarted the masked man's attempt to snatch his child, for by the time he reached the scene, the intruder had already made contact with his child

Swift and decisive, Minato, revered as both Hokage of the strongest village and the fastest being on Earth, unleashed his attack, but to his dismay, the kunai in his hand passed through the body of the masked assailant without effect.

Recognizing the futility of his initial assault, he swiftly altered his strategy, teleporting his wife and son Naruto to safety. However, despite his efforts, only he and Kushina were successfully transported, as he was unable to make physical contact with Naruto's body.

"My child, Minato, please, you must save our child..." Kushina's voice quivered with unease and exhaustion, tears welling up in her eyes as she spoke in a wailing tone.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Minato remained composed, swiftly teleporting them back after a brief moment of contemplation. Kushina, upon seeing her son, immediately attempted to rush towards him, but Minato held her back firmly.

"Who are you?" Kushina's voice dripped with hate as she glared at the figure still clutching the child in their arms. Beside her, Minato, known as the Yellow Flash, stood unwavering, his eyes scanned everything around.

The masked figure remained silent, his gaze piercing as he stared at the family. Then, to their horror, without uttering a single word, the figure callously threw the child in the opposite direction. 

Minato seeing this, threw out his kunai and teleported to Naruto's position, hugging the child in his arm. However, as he turned his gaze back, a wave of dread washed over him as he realized Kushina had been pulled into the vortex space, disappearing alongside the masked man.

The masked figure cast one final smirking glance back at Minato, their eyes locking for a fleeting moment. With a chilling whisper, He uttered, "The fastest man is late to save his wife, huh?" before vanishing entirely into the vortex space.

Resisting the overwhelming urge to immediately pursue Kushina, Minato's mind raced as he swiftly formulated a plan. He teleported himself and Naruto to the secret hideout he had prepared beforehand.

Carefully laying Naruto in the safety of his bed, Minato whispered reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'll retrieve your mother immediately," before disappearing in a flash of light.

Meanwhile, on the other side, concealed behind the Hokage Rock near the forest of death, Kushina found herself deposited out of space dimension by the masked man. Unable to resist, her recent childbirth had left her weakened, the toll on her body immense.

Obito gazed down at his teacher's wife with an unsettling lack of emotion, seemingly indifferent to the kindness she had shown him in the past. Perhaps overshadowed by the haunting memory of Rin's death, or perhaps simply because he didn't care, he approached Kushina with the intention of unlocking the seal within her belly, his primary objective for the day.

However, just as he was poised to act, a sudden burst of yellow light materialized beside Kushina, and before Obito could react, Minato's swift touch had whisked her away. Bewildered and surprised, Obito found himself unable to prevent or obstruct the sudden disappearance of his target.

"Damnn itttt".

The masked man bellowed in rage as his meticulously laid plans seemed to crumble before his eyes. Frustration boiled within him as he pondered Minato's unexpected actions and the apparent lack of crucial information provided by Danzo.

'Why did Danzo not provide me with information about the Thunder God Seal in Kushina's body? That useless bastard,'

Before he could dwell on these thoughts any longer, Minato reappeared with a burst of energy, his gaze sharp and unwavering as he confronted the masked figure.

"Now, can I know who you are?" Minato's voice held an edge of steel, his once gentle smile replaced by a cold, expressionless countenance as he drew several kunai from the pouch on his back.


The fight went out just like the original anime, no, worse than the original anime, Minato didn't have to hold back his attacks on Obito, not worrying about protecting the village or Kushina. Even after hitting the masked man with the Oodama Rasengan, Minato kept relentlessly chasing and attacking Obito, using the seal he had imprinted on Obito's coat to his advantage.

In the dimension space of Kamui, Minato's Rasengan found its mark on the masked man's body for the second time, causing severe distortion to his left arm and hurling him to the ground with tremendous force. However, rather than reveling in his apparent victory, Minato's expression betrayed a mix of complexity and doubt.

"Illusion?" Minato muttered, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Suddenly, the torn and battered form of the masked man reverted back to its original state, as if the injuries inflicted upon him were nothing more than illusions.

"Don't underestimate me. I am Uchiha Madara," the masked man growled furiously.

[Wood Release: Wooden Dragon Technique]

With a swift hand gesture and a surge of chakra, tendrils of wood erupted from the ground, intertwining and coiling together to form a formidable wooden dragon.

As the two wooden dragons surged forth from the masked man's position, hurtling towards Minato with ferocious speed, the Hokage maintained his composure despite his doubts. With a calm resolve, he swiftly teleported back to Obito's body, fully intending to strike him once again with the Rasengan.

Minato completely ignored the approaching wooden dragons, understanding that no matter how powerful a ninjutsu may be, if it fails to find its mark, it sucks.

But this time the masked man seemed to be prepared, he vanished into a vortex, leaving Minato stranded in the strange space alone, and returned to the real world.

However, due to the seal he had imprinted on Obito during their earlier confrontation, Minato was able to swiftly teleport himself back to Obito's side in the real world.

Before Minato could resume his attack, a mysterious figure wearing a black hood emerged from the ground, launching a surprise kunai strike at him. Reacting with lightning speed, Minato teleported to safety just in time to evade the attack.

In the chaos, Obito wasted no time in severing the portion of his coat containing Minato's Flying Thunder God seal, while the disguised Black Zetsu provided cover. Together, they made their escape through the spatial vortex of Kamui.

While the attacker had already run away, compared with his primary plan, which was to release Nine-tails to destroy the village, this was already a very good outcome.

'He is definitely not Uchiha Madara, his fighting experience is far too lacking. But the Mangekyo... Uchiha clan?' 

Shaking his head at this thought, 'No, considering he still wields the Wood Release of the First Hokage and only shows a single Sharingan eye, it's unlikely he came from the Uchiha clan, but rather ... Danzo?'

Squinting his eyes and clenching his hand tightly, a dangerous expression overtook Namikaze Minato's usually gentle demeanor. 

He still managed to calm down, 'There's no proof. At least, not for now.'


After the masked man escaped, Minato turned to the ANBU operatives who just come after the commotion. standing at the ready, Minato issued a series of swift commands, his voice firm and authoritative. "Search every corner of the village, he must have companions," he instructed, his gaze steely with resolve. "And arranged for a Jounin meeting, I'll talk about today's situation at the meeting "

The ANBU operatives nodded in understanding, their faces hidden behind masks as they disappeared into the shadows, their mission clear. 

"Hai, hokage-sama."

Considering the situation had stabilized, Minato's heart swelled with relief as he hurried back to his family. As he entered the secret room where Kushina lay, a sense of overwhelming joy washed over him at the sight of his beloved wife cradling their newborn son in her arms.

"Kushina, Naruto," Minato breathed, his voice choked with emotion as he rushed to their side. With tears of happiness glistening in his eyes, he enveloped them both in a warm embrace, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude.

But even as he reveled in the joy of their reunion, Minato's thoughts turned to the masked man who had threatened their happiness.

'He almost succeeded. If I had not planted a seal in Kushina's body in advance...' his thought was interrupted as Kushina opened her eyes slightly, asking with concern, "Is everything alright?"

Gently kissing her forehead, he put on a confident and sunny smile. "Of course."

He still had a meeting later to discuss today's issues, for example, how someone could silently bypass the security system of the village...

But for now, Minato allowed himself a short moment of peace and contentment, knowing that his family was safe and that the village was still having a good sleep.


Upon his arrival at the Hokage's office, Minato wasted no time in organizing an emergency meeting with the village's most skilled Jounin. However, conspicuously absent from the meeting were the Third Hokage Hiruzen and the elder advisors of the previous administration, as per the Hokage's direct orders. This omission did not go unnoticed, and a thoughtful look appeared on the faces of those with keen intelligence.

As the gathered shinobi filed into the room, their faces etched with concern and tension, Minato stood before them, his expression grave and determined.

"Thank you all for coming," Minato began, his voice resounding with authority as he addressed the assembled Jounin. "I have urgent news to share. The masked man who attacked Kushina earlier has self-proclaimed himself to be Uchiha Madara. However, I don't believe this claim to be true, as his strength is not worthy of the name Asura. Nonetheless, we can use this as a direction for investigation."

A murmur of disbelief rippled through the room at the mention of the legendary Uchiha's name, the gravity of the situation sinking in among the gathered shinobi. For years, tales of Madara's battle with the First Hokage in the Valley of the End had been passed down through the years, his name spoken in hushed tones of reverence and fear.

"That should be impossible," one Jounin spoke up, his brow furrowed with skepticism. "Uchiha Madara died a long time ago. How could he possibly be alive now?"

Minato nodded grimly, acknowledging the disbelief that gripped his subordinates. "I share your doubts. But even if he was not, the truth is he also had the Mangekyo Sharingan," he replied, his voice steady and resolute. "The masked man possesses weird and unpredictable abilities with his Sharingan. And while I don't have any doubt about the Uchiha clan, just to make sure, are there no ninjas in your clan that have the Mangekyo?"

"Absolutely not, Hokage-sama. I swear with my name on the line that this attacker had nothing to do with our clan," Uchiha Fugaku stood up and explained agitatedly.

Nodding slightly, Minato began to outline the masked man's abilities and tactics, the Jounin listened intently, their faces set in grim expression. From his mastery of the Mangekyo Sharingan abilities of space-time dojutsu, to the legendary Wood escape, it became clear that the masked man posed a formidable threat to the village and its inhabitants, even if he was not Uchiha Madara himself. 

Nodding slightly, Minato began to outline the masked man's abilities and tactics, while the Jounin listened intently, their faces set in grim expressions. From his mastery of the Mangekyo Sharingan's space-time ninjutsu to the legendary Wood Release technique, it became clear that the masked man posed a formidable threat to the village and its inhabitants, even if he was not Uchiha Madara himself.

"But why would he target Konoha?" another Jounin asked, appearing to be a civilian Ninja, his voice tinged with concern. "What is his purpose?"

Minato's expression darkened at the question. "The Nine-Tails," he admitted, his tone grave. "Some of you may not know, but Kushina is the Nine-Tails' jinchuuriki of our village, and his goal was to release the Nine-Tails inside our village."

Surprise rippled through the meeting room. While most of the clan ninjas had known this news for a long time, civilian ninjas didn't have that privilege. The focus of the clan ninjas shifted to another aspect. "He wants to destroy our village by using the Nine-Tails," someone uttered, their voice trembling with disbelief and anger. 

"How dare he," another voice echoed, expressing outrage and a determination to protect their village at all costs.

"What if he manages to unleash the Nine-Tails?" a worried voice piped up, brows furrowed with concern. "That could be a disaster."

"Silence!" Minato shouted, interrupting the emotional reactions of the people in the meeting. Everyone was enraged because they knew that their families would be in danger if the Fourth Hokage didn't stop the masked man at that time.

For a while, all eyes showed deep respect and admiration towards the young Hokage, further solidifying his prestige and fame, and stabilizing his position even more.

"Now our most important task is to find out how he bypassed our defenses, how he knew the exact day Kushina would give birth," Minato declared, turning towards Nara Shikaku, the holder of the highest IQ in the room.

"Shikaku, what do you think?"

"Hokage-sama, forgive me for being overly suspicious, but..." Shikaku began, his brow furrowed with concentration. "Perhaps the masked man had inside knowledge of Kushina's pregnancy because..." he suggested, his mind already racing with possibilities. "It's possible that someone within the village may have leaked the information to him."

Shikaku leaned forward, his tone grave. "The way he pinpointed the time and location where Kushina would give birth, while completely bypassing our village defenses, suggests that there was either a traitor who provided information or a spy who infiltrated our high ranks. However, the latter is unlikely, as the exact day Kushina gave birth was kept a secret, known only to a select few. I suggest we investigate all individuals who had knowledge of this information. We should be able to uncover something. But..."

For Shikaku, his role was to analyze and provide suggestions to the Hokage. As for how Minato would act upon his advice, it was not for him to decide. He knew that all the individuals privy to this information were either members of Minato's ANBU team, or high-ranking officials like the Third Hokage, and... Danzo.

Minato's expression darkened at the suggestion, the idea of betrayal from within the village striking a chord of unease within him. "It's a troubling thought, but one we cannot afford to ignore," he admitted, "We must investigate every possibility, no matter how unlikely. I'll do what you suggested." 

Indeed, touching those two people was a very complicated matter, but this problem today concerned the safety of the entire village. Someone wanted to raze the village to the ground. This was not just a problem of internal fighting or power-balancing anymore. 

And... his wife almost died. No one, no man, would be able to endure this.

Minato's mind churned with a mixture of anger and suspicion as he made his way back home. At the forefront of his thoughts stood Shimura Danzo.

But despite his gut feeling, Minato knew that he lacked concrete evidence to support his suspicions. Taking action against Danzo without proof could risk alienating himself from the Third Hokage and the village elders. He needed time and allies.

Before retiring for the night, Minato took a moment to imprint a seal upon Naruto's body, a precautionary measure to ensure his son's safety in the face of looming danger. 

Before this, he had only imprinted one seal on Kushina, concerned about the possibility of an attack. However, today's events underscored the importance of this precaution. Without it, there was a high chance that the masked man would have succeeded.

Contemplating this, Minato wondered whether to prepare additional safety measures for the village. "Maybe create a seal that can teleport a group of people? Or perhaps most of the village? Is this possible?" Turning his head to look at the gradually recovering Kushina, her pink color returning to her face, the once young and energetic woman now transformed into a mature figure, her beauty highlighted to another level. She smiled motherly toward Naruto, the pre-decided name for their son. Minato couldn't help but think, "Maybe I should just try it out. Kushina can also help me with this. If I succeed, it will be worth it." Bending down toward Kushina, he planted a kiss on her cherry mouth, then hugged them all into his arms.


Back in the dimly lit confines of Root base, the masked man stood before Danzo Shimura, his form radiating with an aura of malicious power, totally in contrast with the desperate running figure form before.

Despite the shadows that danced around them, there was no mistaking the intense gaze of the masked man as he locked eyes with Danzo, a silent challenge passing between them.

Danzo regarded the masked man with a mixture of disdain and suspicion, his brow furrowed with displeasure at the audacity of this person. Claiming to be Uchiha Madara, yet unable to defeat Minato, a common ninja, was a glaring inconsistency. Though he lacked the details of the fight, Danzo knew that Minato emerged victorious, and the seal in Kushina's body remained intact.

Before Danzo could utter a word, the masked man moved with blinding speed, his hand shooting out to grasp Danzo's arm with a vice-like grip. A surge of raw power coursed through the masked man's touch, sending a shiver of fear down Danzo's spine as he felt the strength of his own flesh bend and yield beneath the masked man's grasp.

Before Danzo and his subordinates could react, Danzo's hand had already been torn from his body.

"AHHHH! Attack him."

With a loud roar, Danzo endured the pain, ordering everyone in the base to attack the masked figure. But he forgot, they were not Namikaze Minato.

After a short ten minutes, Danzo watched in fury as his subordinates died one by one at the masked man's hand, their attacks futile as they phased through his body. No one in Root possessed the reaction speed and sheer agility of Minato, rendering them unable to exploit the masked man's weaknesses, such as his inability to manifest himself for attack or his limited tangible duration of five minutes.

And if a weakness cannot be exploited, it is not a weakness.

With a triumphant smirk, the masked man tightened his hold on Danzo's arm, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction at the display of his dominance. "That's the price for not giving me enough information, Shimura Danzo," he stated, his voice filled with contempt. "The only reason I failed today was because of your negligence."

Danzo gritted his teeth against the pain, his pride wounded by the masked man's brazen display of strength. But even as he struggled against the masked man's grasp, a flicker of determination burned within him, driving him to stand firm against this new threat to his authority.

"What information? I've already given you everything!" Danzo growled, his voice low and menacing.

With a final, contemptuous glare, the masked man released his hold on Danzo's severed arm, allowing it to fall to the ground with a 'thud'. Then, the masked man vanished into the shadows, leaving Danzo to contemplate the gravity of their encounter.

"Fuck!" He growled enraged.

"Minato, masked man, You'll regret it!!"


"The fact that someone within our own village would betray us... it's incomprehensible," murmured one ninja, his brow furrowed with concern. "And they want to destroy our village, this traitor." He hit the table in front of him with a 'bang', and an angry scowl escaped from his mouth.

Another nodded grimly, his expression hardened with resolve. "And the masked man's objective... If he succeeds in unsealing the Nine-Tails, it could spell disaster for Konoha. Luckily we have Hokage-sama."

Silent nods of agreement rippled through the group as they absorbed the gravity of the situation. If not for the peculiar abilities of the Fourth Hokage, this attack would not have been stopped. After Minato addressed the Jounin, he disseminated all information about the masked man's abilities to the general ninja population in the village. Now, everyone could understand the masked man's formidable strength, with his Mangekyo Sharingan's space-time abilities and the Wood Release technique inherited from the First Hokage. Without the Fourth Hokage's intervention, they wouldn't have known how to defeat this adversary.

"Yes, luckily we have Hokage-sama," another individual agreed in admiration.

Following the public disclosure of this incident, which starkly contrasted with the Third Hokage's secretive regulations, admiration and respect for Namikaze Minato surged among the masses, for how he had stopped the potential disaster, further solidifying his position.


Gathering his clan members together in their secluded compound, Fugaku's expression was grave as he addressed them, his voice carrying the weight of his worry. "We cannot ignore the implications of this," he began, his tone measured but urgent. "If the attacker indeed possesses a Sharingan, it casts a shadow of suspicion upon our clan. While the current Fourth Hokage-sama doesn't harbor any ill intentions toward us like Sarutobi Hiruzen, we cannot allow this situation to create a negative impression in his heart."

His words hung heavy in the air, eliciting murmurs of concern from the gathered Uchiha. Fugaku could see the fear and uncertainty reflected in their eyes, mirroring his own inner turmoil. The last thing he wanted was for the Uchiha to be implicated in such an act of destroying the village, yet he knew that the possibility could not be ignored, solely due to the presence of the Sharingan.

"We must tread carefully," Fugaku continued, his voice tinged with a note of caution. "We cannot allow ourselves to be drawn into this conflict, nor can we allow our clan to be tarnished by association with the attacker."

Despite his outward calm, Fugaku's mind raced with possibilities, each one more troubling than the last. He knew that the Uchiha were already viewed with suspicion by many in the village, influenced by the Third Hokage and Danzo when they were still in power. The revelation that one of their own may have turned against the village threatened to deepen the rift between the Uchiha and the rest of Konoha.

As Uchiha Fugaku listened to the murmurs and whispers among his clan members, especially the elders, frustration gnawed at him from within. He could hardly believe what he was hearing – talk of the attacker's Mangekyo Sharingan being a potential avenue to seize the Hokage seat. It was a reckless and dangerous notion, one that filled him with both anger and disappointment.

Turning to face his fellow Uchiha, Fugaku's gaze hardened with resolve. "Enough!" he bellowed, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. "Have you all lost your minds? The same Mangekyo Sharingan that lost to our current Fourth Hokage-sama? And he still has the Wood Release on top of that. Can you truly believe he is a Uchiha, and not merely an experimental subject of someone?"

But his words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the fervent whispers of ambition that echoed through the room. Some nodded in agreement, their eyes alight with excitement at the prospect of wielding such formidable power, while others cast furtive glances at their comrades, silently contemplating the feasibility of obtaining the Mangekyo Sharingan.

The ability of 'Kamui' had been made public by Minato. while this may be seen as a mistake in giving another country free information, he was more concerned for the safety of the village's ninjas.

However, this transparency had unintended consequences, as it sparked greed and desire, particularly among the Uchiha, for the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

It was a sight that filled Fugaku with a deep sense of disillusionment. He had always believed that the Uchiha were a proud and noble clan, one that valued honor and integrity above all else. But now, as he looked upon the faces of his fellow clan members, he saw only greed and ambition, traits that threatened to tear them apart from within.

As the tension in the room reached a boiling point, Fugaku's gaze fell upon Itachi and Shisui, two of the youngest members of the clan. He could see the disappointment reflected in their eyes.

Turning away from the scene before him, Fugaku felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. He knew that he would have to tread carefully in the days to come, lest the situation under Sarutobi Hiruzen came back once again.


Itachi and Shisui huddled together in a corner of the courtyard, their voices hushed as they whispered to each other. Both boys were young, their minds still innocent and untainted by the complexities of the world around them. Even Shisui, the older one at only nine years old, felt the weight of the tension that hung heavy in the air.

"Why did anyone seem so aggressive, Shisui-niisan?" Itachi asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

Shisui shrugged, his expression troubled. "I don't know, Itachi. But something feels wrong. The elders always talk about the Uchiha's place in the village, but it doesn't seem like they really want to integrate. They want to be on top."

Itachi nodded in agreement, his gaze distant as he pondered the implications of their conversation. "I wish things were different," he murmured softly. "I wish the Uchiha could be a part of the village, without being hated or feared, without any conflict."

Shisui placed a reassuring hand on Itachi's shoulder, offering him a small smile. "Maybe one day, Itachi. Maybe one day things will change. And the patriarch is very clear about this situation, he wouldn't allow anyone to do something drastic."

Itachi returned the smile, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. "Yeah, maybe," he said, his voice tinged with optimism. "But until then, what should we do?"

Shisui pondered for a moment. "Get stronger first. As long as we're strong enough, the clansmen will listen to our voices."

"Yes, Shisui-niichan," Itachi replied, determination evident in his tone.