
Chapter 12


Justin took a hot shower to get rid of the excess hair on his neck. He applied lavender-scented shampoo to his hair. He hunkered down and soaked in the bath bubbles, hunkering down so the water was at his chin. When the water in the tub had cooled, he stepped out and drained it. Justin wrapped a warm, fluffy towel around his small waist and opened the door.

"Eeek," "What are you doing in my room?" Justin asked, running back into the bathroom. He locked the door behind himself.

Chad stepped up to the bathroom door and knocked. "I'm sorry," Chad said, standing at the door. "I should've knocked," he said.

"Go away!" Justin yelled.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you," Chad said. "I'll leave you alone," he said. Chad hung his head as he left the room. A tear ran down his cheek.

"Hey, what's with the gloomy face?" Selene asked as she entered the hallway.

"I think I just fucked up," Chad said.

"Explain what happened," Selene said, as she motioned for Chad to sit down on the couch.

Chad wiped his eyes and said, "All I wanted was to see if he was ready for our date," taking a deep breath. "I didn't realize that he wasn't even dressed," he said. After Chad explained everything that happened, Selene looked at him and chuckled.

"He's not mad at you," she said. "He's been planning for this all week, and when you saw him before he was ready, it scared him,"

They turned their heads when footsteps entered the room. Justin stood in front of them dressed in a sky blue hoodie and dark gray sweatpants. His collar-length black hair was layered.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Justin said, fiddling with his necklace. Chad stood up and walked over to him.

"It's my fault," Chad said. "I shouldn't have entered without knocking first," he said.

"I didn't want you to see until I was ready," Justin said. "It's ruined—the date," Justin said, turning away.

"It's not ruined," Chad said, taking Justin's hand into his.

Chad wiped the tear that formed in Justin's eye and said, "Let's get this date started." Justin stood there dumbfounded.

"You mean we're still going?" he asked.

"Well, don't you want to go?" Chad asked.

"Yeah, I do," Justin said, nodding his head. As the boys headed out the front door, they heard Selene say, "Be home by midnight." They giggled and waved goodbye.

Since Chad already had his license, he drove to the lake, which was not too far away.

"Wow!" "Did Nanna let you use her car?" Justin asked.

"Yes," Chad said. "We couldn't walk all the way there," he said. Justin paid close attention to Chad's movements as he drove.

"What are you thinking about?" Chad asked.

"Sorry," Justin apologized. "I was watching you drive, so I can remember the movements you made," he said.

"So eager to learn?" Chad asked, smiling at him.

"Yes," Justin said, nodding his head. "I want to be able to drive and not rely on other people to transport me to places," he said.

"I could take you anywhere you desire," Chad said.

"But what if you aren't around to do that?" Justin asked.

"Stop worrying so much," Chad said.

Justin thought to himself, "Am I stressing over something trivial?" "I'd like to learn how to drive in case we both have jobs," he said.

"I could teach you," Chad said. "If your Nanna will let me," he said.

"Really?" "You're willing to do that?" Justin asked.

"You've been studying the manual, right?" Chad asked.

"Every day," Justin said, nodding his head.

They arrived and parked the car. "So, where is the lake?" Justin asked.

"Not too far," Chad said, as they started walking. When they reached the lake, Justin's legs were sore and wobbly.

"If I don't sit down, I'll fall down," Justin said.

"Sorry," Chad apologized. "I forgot that it was further away," he said. "Are you alright?" Chad asked. Justin sat on the ground and leaned against a tree.

"Give me a few moments, and I'll be fine," he said.

They stayed next to the tree and enjoyed the view of the lake. "It is beautiful and peaceful here," Justin said.

"It has its calming perks," Chad said. Justin noticed the familiar glint in Chad's eyes.

"You're up to something," Justin said.

"I'm not up to anything," Chad denied.

"I know you," Justin said. "When you're plotting something, you get that look in your eye," he said.

"Okay, you caught me," Chad said with a grin. "I was thinking that you could meditate here from now on," he said.

Justin lifted his head and smiled from ear to ear. "Only if you come with me," he said.

"Okay," Chad said. "Justin, why did you cut your hair?" he asked.

"I needed a change," Justin said. "Why?" "Don't you like it?" he asked.

"I like it," Chad said. "It looks cute on you," he said. Justin's cheeks turned bright pink. "You look sexy when you blush," Chad said.

"Are you flirting with me?" Justin asked. Chad kissed Justin on the cheek and whispered, "Maybe I am," in his ear. "Are you uncomfortable?" he asked.

"A little," Justin said. "But I like it," he said.

They were walking around the lake area when dark clouds covered the blue sky.

"Eeek," Justin shrieked and gripped Chad's hand when thunder boomed. Chad noticed Justin's eyes were brimming with tears.

"Let's head home and resume our date there," Chad said. Justin wiped his eyes and nodded his head. They headed back to the car and went back home.

The instant they arrived and entered the house, it started pouring. Justin's nerves were frazzled.

"I'll fix us some cocoa," Chad said, entering the kitchen.

"Do we have marshmallows?" Justin asked from the living room.

"I'll check," Chad said. "Just the big ones," he said after a few seconds of searching.

"Big ones are better than nothing," Justin said. Chad entered the living room five minutes later, carrying two steaming cups.

Chad handed Justin a cup and sat down on the couch beside him. He smiled and said, "You have a white mustache." Justin blushed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" "Or listen to music?" Chad asked.

"Listen to music," Justin said. "I need to wind down," he said. The rest of the evening, they listened to music and sipped hot cocoa. Around eleven, Chad heard Justin snoring softly. Being careful not to wake him, Chad rose from the couch, picked him up, and carried him to his bedroom.

Justin mumbled something incoherently as Chad laid him on the bed. Chad took off Justin's sneakers and covered him up.

"Sleep well," Chad whispered as he kissed Justin lightly on his forehead. He glanced back at Justin and smiled before heading to his bedroom. Their first date didn't start off as planned, but it ended on a good note.