
Foster Family

"Wake up sweetheart,"I hear a woman's voice say. I wish it was my mother but when I remember what happened to me I knew I wasn't going to wake up to my mothers face or my brothers shouting and I would have to live with another family that knows nothing about me.

"I'm awake. Are we going now to meet the family?"I ask impatiently. "Yes, but after breakfast obviously, my husbands already waiting for you but I convinced him to let you sleep,"she says kindly as she helps me sit up. I then push the blankets off me and make my way to the bathroom to freshen up. I then walk into the kitchen. The beautiful aroma of the food brings me to life because I haven’t had such food in forever. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, sandwiches and orange juice. I am extremely happy but I am worried about being brought back into civilization after a year especially school and it’s dreadful society.

We finally go to the car, the both of them following me as I refuse to smile because I wasn't taught to be that way. We finally arrive and the house looks medium-sized but still amazing even the garden is stunning. The daunting pathway to the door is the scariest thing I have to experience at this moment in my life. Yes, I've been tortured and I have been taught to hide my feelings but anxiety is my biggest problem and right now my heart is pounding.

"You guys go first please,"I say nervously. They look at me and nod. "Don't worry darling they'll love you, ok, they asked to take care of you. Their son is in grade 11, one year more than you so don't worry. He begged his parents to allow you to stay," he says kindly.

I walk slowly behind them and the shrill sound of the doorbell ringing made my heart pump and I start hyperventilating. They immediately notice and I start to go pale. The officer carries me to the car in order to calm me down but it isn’t helping me at all. I couldn't meet these people and then my nightmares came true the door opened to reveal a woman and I did the worst possible thing, I burst into tears and I couldn't control my breaths just yet.

"Is she ok?"the woman asks with concern etched on her face. "I think she has a problem with anxiety," the officer’s wife says patiently. I feel that they will punish me for seeing me crying so I grab onto the officer for dear life and I tell him, "They're going to punish me because I cried. Please tell them I'm sorry.” I speak like a baby. "O darling they won't hurt you. They're not like him at all,"he tries to convince me but I don't believe him. Oh come on guys you seriously think I'm going to be completely fine after a year of torture.

I noticed they are all at the door even a tall young man and they come closer at the officer's command. "Let go for a second, ok, so I can tell them what you said," he says patiently. I slowly release him but still hold his hand to make sure he doesn’t leave me. He tells them exactly what I said and they nod and the boy says, "We wouldn't hurt you, we will never hurt you. No one ever will and I'll make sure of that." I still shake my head and refuse to go so the officer says, "Come let's go inside and I won't leave you till your ok." I nod gently.

He grabs my hand and pulls me along with him and I immediately dry my eyes and sit on the couch next to the officer. They bring me snacks that look amazing, but I am trying to convince myself that they can never be my family and I think the officer notices that thought. "Listen darling, they're not replacing your family they're just trying to help you and that's why I suggested that you stay at home and go a few places for a week," he says kindly.

He left after that because I agreed that I'd be fine but as soon as he left I feel my luck is going to repeat. The young boy comes over to me and says, "Hi, my names Timothy and that's Janice and James, my mom and dad.” He smiles and gestures for her to speak as well. "I'm Hannah, my family is far away from here,"I say sadly and he hugs me, I tense. I haven't had one of those in a while.

After a week, I have to start school. I am used to the family but I didn't really like the parents and I have become attached to my new brother even though I miss my brother. I have told my new brother everything that happened and we cried together. Though I'm not one to cry a lot.

My brother is holding my hand at the gates of the school. "So grade 10 right?"he says nicely. I nodded but I am extremely nervous and he can see it. "Don't be nervous,"he says sweetly. "I'm not nervous,"I say while biting my lip. He gives me this look that says I know your lying. "So today I'll show you your classes and I'll meet you outside each one. Then at lunch break you'll meet my friends,"he says kindly. "Ok but I can't guarantee that I'm not going to run away,"I say seriously.

I walk to the reception with him to get my list of classes. Our shoes squeaking against the marble floors. "So today trigonometry, physics, PE, algebra, lunch, Art, Literature, chemistry. Seriously your list is terrible," he says sadly. "Why, because it has subjects on it?"I ask teasingly. "No,"he says laughing but defensively. And then we walk to trigonometry but I have to use the bathroom and I meet an enemy for life in there.

She glares at me, who knows why. "Wow, look who it is an orphan,"she says trying to spite me. "I'm not an orphan,"I say seriously. "Then why are you living with a foster family?"she asks stupidly. "It doesn't matter, I have a class to go to,"I say but she blocks my way. "As long as your not dating him, no one cares. So stay away from him,"she says and moves out of the way. So I go out to see him standing there. I haven’t even used to bathroom "Come on you're late,"he says and I glare at him.

During lunch break, I go to the cafeteria to meet his friends and eat. "Ready to meet my friends,"he asks. "No I'm not,"I say seriously. He sighs. "Can't we at least try? Please,"he asks pleadingly. I nod. When I walk in, the noise and everything happening around me is too quick for my brain to process so I start to feel dizzy and luckily my brother notices. My brother drags me out of the cafeteria and I follow blindly. "Are you ok?"he asks gently. "No, it's too noisy there's too much happening. My brain can't process it,"I say nervously. "Let's try again. I'm not giving up. Come on,"he says straightforwardly. I nod knowing I don’t have much of a choice.

We walk in and he pauses for me to get used to the sound and then he continues walking slowly towards the line but when people see us holding hands everyone goes silent and stares. I want to die and when my brother realizes this he sees me hiding behind him. And everyone bursts out laughing except for a certain group but I could see my brother getting furious. "STOP!"he screams and it echoes and everyone goes silent. "GET BACK TO WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING AND STOP STARING OR I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO STARE AT!"he shouts at them. And everyone continues what they’re doing, no one dares to look at me and as soon as we get lunch the devil walks in and comes to push past me toward my brother but as soon as our hands separate I am on the verge of an anxiety attack.

My brother immediately moves towards me and holds my hand but the girl isn’t happy. "What do you want Marlene?"he asks rudely for the first time. "I just want to ask you on a date,"she says flirtatiously. I want to throw up. "Nope, I'm busy taking care of my sister,"he says calmly. And he and I walk to his table of friends, when we sit down he lets go of my hand. And I meet his 3 boy friends and his 1 girl friend. John, James, Tobias and finally Bailey. Bailey isn’t talkative just like me, while the boys are laughing. My brother then looks at me and asks, "Are you ok darling?" "Yes I'm fine,"I say and then the most unwanted question was asked. John asks, "So how'd you get your sister?" My brother replies, "It's not important and she'll talk to you guys if she wants to." I whisper to my brother, "Tell them. It's ok." He nods and tells them about how I ended up there but not all the gory details which I later told him to mention.