
A Bond Beyond Blood

Takumi Chihara is just an average high schooler. With no particularly good looks or academic prowess, he wanders the days finding his role in life together with his friends. At least, that was what he thought was going to happen. But it seemed someone had an eye out for him, and it was... His own sister??!!

shiyon · realistisch
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57 Chs

Overflowing With Happiness + My Sister Won’t Sleep + Even While Sick She Has Lots Of Energy

We were lying together on the carpeted floor, heaving rough breaths. I could see a bit of saliva trickling down her mouth, a few drops threathening to fall onto my shirt. I wiped her soft lips but as I was enjoying her soft skin she put a finger in her mouth and started erotically sucking on it. First one finger, then two and then three. Giving off an enticing look, making me want to go further. With a cutesy look she continues to arouse me as she started to lick other parts. From my arms to my nape and then my chest, each area covered in the cold, viscous liquid. slowly the hands started joining, teasing me further into an almost unbearable state. Noticing this, she unbuckled my pants, as I shamefully looked at my twitching member, as if it itself was pleading for release.

The corner of her lips expressed a faint glee as she sees me squirm under her, me at the mercy of her advances. After what feels like an eternity, she finally begins to induge me, as she leans over my body and turns around. wiggling her soft butt toward me. with a brisk, light movement she started fondling me there as she brought her mouth closer. I could feel her breath, tickling it a bit, making it more sensitive. Without any hesitation she brought it into her mouth, genrly licking it as she did before with the rest of my body, making me heave a relieved sigh as she does so.

She started exploring around, from the tip to the base, carefully stroking it with her squishy tongue, making me feel a jolt in my body from time to time. All the while letting me see every little accompanying movement the body makes. The chest expanding and contracting with every breath she takes. The way she moves her head as to make sure the enjoys ever spot. I could see a wet spot right before me, begging for some attention too. I leaned forward, grabbed her pants and pulled it downwards, exposing her. The soft, pink colored flesh was already shuddering as she kept sucking me off. I pressed my face up against it and steadily put in my tounge, suddenly feeling her body quiver as I do so.

"Onii... chan?" she gasped, leaking out a few moans.

But I simply continued, and she started going harder too in reaction to my movements. Everytime I could feel a bit of the moisture leaking, I hastily sucked it up, and then more would drip out. Her breaths became sharp gasps and she started sucking me off harder and harder, which made me lick even deeper.

"O-onii-chan...you're-... ahh."

but instead of slowing down, we only went even further, as if trying to consume each other. We were already edging and nothing was going to stop us anymore.

"hng.. ah. ahh."

Our bodies started to spasm with each jolt as we enjoyed ourselves. Only sweet gasps and moans could be heard. Licking and sucking, a deep feeling arose inside me. At this point it was far too late to go back. With her tongue coiled around my dick, it started vigorously twitching inside her mouth. She sucked and licked forcefully, as if planning to wring it all out. She licked as much of it as she could, rubbing and rubbing, while I kept sucking as much as I could, it quickly became unbearable, and soon we gave in.

She took in every drip, relishing it as she kept sucking, as I did the same. Our body fluids becoming part of each other, we took in and forced out as much as we could. The pleasure was extremely intense and my whole body cried out. As if heaven itself entered my body.

More and more was released, the sensation felt endless. We deeply gasped through our noses while feeling this insane pressure from our bodies, and after a while, everything was let out.

We breathed roughly as we savored the experience.

"Haah haah."

But really quickly thereafter, we were already wanting to go at it again.


She gently lifted herself off of me and pulled me up, but tripping herself in the process and embracing me to hold balance. I could still feel her body quivering as her cheecks gave off a faint red tinge. She staggered a bit while trying to walk. I put my arm over her shoulder and she was panting. On closer inspection, it seemed that she had a fever, as not only her cheeks but her entire face became burning hot.

"Are you alright?" I asked concernedly.


Her glazed eyes stared back at me in confusion, as if she didn't understand the words I was saying. Her mouth opened and closed a bit, before her eyes slowly started to shut.

Immediately I had to use more force to keep her standing up, but decided to adjust it so that I could carry her. I lifted her up making sure not to move too abruply as she laid limp in my arms. I could hear a faint murmer from her but the parts I could make out made no sense.

She was always one to get sick a little easy, as she often strained herself with the amount of effort she put in. Time and time again did I watch with a wry look as she bounced around, her mind laser focused on some arbitrary area she wanted to improve. I enjoyed those days of her cutely running up to me excitedly telling me about all the things she worked at at the time.

I wish she would do that more often again, but to be fair I am quite the letdown myself. Perfectly adequate, but far below her level. I feel that maybe I should have gone along with her sometime.

I laid her down on the bed as gently as I could, which squaked with a soft 'oomph' upon landing. Then as I usually did when she's like this, I planned to get a bucket of water and a towel. Before doing so, I assured her that I would be back very soon. But as I stood in the doorframe my sister started to suddenly speak.

"Onii... chan... stay..." I heard a faint whisper as she looked at me with droopy eyes, tears welling in the corner.

"I... will be back soon." I hesitatingly said back, as her expression became even more depressed.

"Onii chaaan~~" She whines while sobbing. Honestly, what am I supposed to do at this point?

I rubbed my hand against my temple as I went back to stop my sis' tantrum. I sat next to her while she laid down and entwined my fingers with hers. She smiled happily at me, giggling oh so softly at me.

"Onii-chan... wanna sleep together?"

She scooted over and patted a spot beside her lap. As she wished I laid down next to her, after she'd fall asleep I'd have some time remaining to finish up the work I had left off.

But as I faced her while lying down, she started unbuttoning her blouse. Letting me see as much as I want, with her expression unfazed, a bit daring even.

I calmly refused. "You're sick, you need rest for today."

However that didn't stop her at all. "Need to... cool down..." she retorted. But then immediately contradicted herself by snuggling up to me.

Now awkwardly I had to calm myself down, as she breathed into my neck and rubbed her chest against me.

Suffice it to say, I didn't last very long.


She kept squishing up against me, her chest bare to the touch of my skin. I felt like backing away a bit, but didn't want to launch myself off the bed and fall flat on my ass. I had little way out.

"Onii..." She whined, showing no intention to actually sleep and recover. This amount of constant horniness is a big problem.

I stared at her figure; the trickling sweat glistening, the reddened cheecks paired with a shy expression, it was all honestly altogether much too alluring. She shared back at me, heaving heavy breaths. How cute she looked as she was trying to hold herself back.

"You don't... wanna...?"

Even at the complete edge again, she still felt the need to inquire, making me seem like the unreasonable one. 'Well, maybe I am.' I conceded internally.

"Well... Tell me when you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

She clasped my face with her warm hands and brought herself closer to me, going in for a kiss. Our lips soon made contact. By body became exponentially more sensitive as I enjoyed the deep, wet kiss. Her tounge and her breaths felt burning hot, making me warm up as well. It was a sort of sweet sensation, it's hard to describe.

She rubbed her body against mine, and her pussy was stroking off my dick as she did so. Her eyes showing glee while she was perpetually teasing me.

Chiori does it rather often...I wonder what kind of expression I make as this happens. Is that why she enjoys it this much?

"Onii-chan... will you....." she started to say, but trailed off halfway through. She still had that fox like smile she always had on her, but you could feel something was nagging.

A small hint of discomfort could be found in her tone. She even backed off a little bit, not entirely trying to undo the situation, but still trying to create a smidgen of distance between us. In response I just stroked her hair a little.

"..." She silently got flustered as I did so.

This time I was the one who minimalized the difference between us and started rubbing more against her now moistened vagina.

She looked back a little embarassed at me, but softly murmured something.

"...You can put it in..." She looked away as she said that.

"I will... carefully." I responded.

I could hear her loud gasps as I put my erection inside her warm embrace. Her pussy quivered as I did.


Chiori gave a loud gasp as I did so and embraced my body, with both her hands on my neck and her legs around my waist. I gentle put one of my right arm over her head again and my left hand on her chest, gently playing with it as she, with a flushed face, gives in to my advances.

"Onii-cha- I... can't..."

her breathing gets rougher, a bit more chaotic in pace. Her voice becomes higher pitched the longer we go on and her moans more rhythmic.

"Haah... ahh... hah"

She held on ever so tightly. The thought of letting go never crossing her mind, and at this point just giving in to the sensation. I fondled her body more, but still gently, making sure not to get too overexcited. Her pussy started squishing down on me harder, begging me to fill it.


She looked like she was about to cum. Her expression anguished and impatient.

"Together...inside..." she, in a feverish tone, begged.

A quickened the pace, getting rather close myself, and felt an insane pressure forced upon my dick. Sqeezing so tightly that even if I wanted I probably couldn't get it out of her. Instead I used more power to go deeper, eventually not caring anymore as I was tunnelvisioned into wanting to ejaculate.

She hugged me tighter, kissed me, and started rubbing her body against my wandering hands. Gasping and shoving her tounge inside me, salivating and letting it mix with mine. A deep, deep blush and a loving gaze given all the while for me to admire.

Her arms and legs were putting in more force, bringing me closer to her body, deeper inside. Every movement became more forceful, as the pressure on my cock only increased. Until finally at the edge, our bodies spasmed and we released everything, still clutching each other tightly as we did so.

"hah, hah, haah... haaahhh..."

She lovingly kissed me, giving me small pecks on the lips as we laid exhausted on the bedsheets. Our sweat creating a strong odor inside the room.

Her eyes started to glaze further, as her exhaustion brought her closer to sleep. She grabbed my hand tightly, before minutes later already snoring with a fulfilled expression plastered on her face. Mumbling to herself in her sleep.
