
A Blue Noise

Edward was an average high school student with a love of music but on a fate full day he did something only one other man has ever done, He activated an I.S. Cross-Posted on Wattpad

Frozensoul27315 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

First Training

Oto:' Orimura, are they related?'

Miss. Orimura: "Ok girls come with me!"

Now on Blue Noise.


Charles/Oto:" So your orimura nice to meet you I am../Hi, I'm Oto Ata.." Before we could finish orimura interrupts us.

Ichika:" Save it, no time for that getting there is our top priority the girls will be changing soon." grabbing both of our hands surprising Charles h pulls us out of the class with awwws being heard from inside.

Oto:" Woh, I get we need to hurry but still." I mutter to myself

Ichika:" Sorry but It's important so trust me, now as I was going to say we are going to be changing in the arena locker rooms so get used to it quickly."

Oto/Charles: "Okay."

From around the corner, two girls appear out of nowhere shouting out that they have found us.

Charles:" What's going on."

Looking back we see a huge swarm of girls behind us.

Oto: "What the hell?" I say shocked at the number of girls that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and start to bombard us with questions.

"Look they are holding hands!"

"Orimura's black hair is nice but I don't which I like better the blond or white hair?!"

Ichika:" Let's go." without waiting for a response he pulls us down another corridor and we start running with them shouting behind us.

Charles:" What's all the fuss about?"

Ichika:" It's because we are the only males that can use the IS."

Oto:" That makes sense, kind of."

Ichika:" Just keep running."

Soon we arrive at the locker room without much further interference, Oto" Kami, that was tough what the hell was that."

Charles" Yeah, it was sorry if I got you in trouble."

Ichika" It's fine this happens all the time I guess it comes with being the only guys with can operate an IS, honestly it is nice to have other guys with me here you guys are my saviors."

Oto" Wait, That's normal!?"

Ichika"Yeah so I owe you two one, My name is Ichika Orimura but just call me Ichika."

Charles" Nice to meet you too I'm Charles Dunios or Charles whichever is better for you."

Oto" I'm Oto Ataeru, Oto is fine though."

Ichika" Oh man look at the time we need to get there quickly if we don't want to be late." Confused at what he means I look at the time and see that we only have a few minutes left to get there so I follow Ichika's lead and start changing. Charles for some reason covers his eyes like he was embarrassed to see us changing.

Charles" I am going to change now but could you please turn around for me?"

Oto" I don't mind."

Ichika" Wasn't going to look at you anyway but we still need to hurry our teacher is very insistent on punctuality."

When we look back we see Charles already in his training outfit.

Oto" Ok, how did you change so fast?"

Ichika"Do you have a special trick?"

Charles awkwardly says" No, not one at all."

Ichika" That's a shame because these things are a pain to put on because they were originally for girls, my things are always getting caught."

Oto"Yeah, I can feel that." halfway through putting on the outfit I can tell it is something I will have to get used to, while Charles looks embarrassed about this whole conversation. Looking closely at his uniform it looks a bit different from yours and Ichika's.

Oto"Hey Charles, how come yours looks a lot easier put on compared to our's."

Charles"Oh that is because this is a custom made by the Dunios Company."

Ichika"Dunios, is your last name isn't it."

Charles" Correct Dunios is thee largest IS cooperation in all of France."

Oto"So, you're the CEO son interesting."

Ichika" I can see that it makes sense."

Charles" How come?" with a confused expression on his face.

Ichika" Well, you have a certain class about you so it makes sense that you come from a prestigious family." as he says this Charles' face goes down like he remembering a bad memory.

At the Training Ground

After we arrived at the ground we stood in place beside a girl with brown hair in a slightly messy ponytail with a green and black ribbon wearing a standard black IS training uniform with red lines on the bottom instead of blu and a girl with blonde hair that forms drill-like curls at the ends, along with a royal blue headband that holds her hair up wearing a blue training uniform.

Miss. Orimura" Your practical training starts now."


Miss. Orimura" Frist we will need to demonstrate a real battle Lingyin Huang, Cecilia Alcott."


Miss. Orimura" Since both of you have your personal I'm sure you won't mind."

Both girls mutter curses too low for me to hear as they walk up to Miss. Orimura I get to see Lingyin she seems to have light brown hair tied into twin tails, with a yellow ribbon at both sides wearing a pink training uniform.

Orimura I get to see Lingyin she seems to have light brown hair tied into twin tails, with a yellow ribbon at both sides wearing a pink training uniform

As both girls reach Miss. Orimura they are clearly annoyed but after she talks to them their mood seems to take a complete 180 looking almost competitive.

Cecilia" Well I Cecilia Alcott will make a great display of my skill!"

Lingyin" I will show what the difference between those who have personal machines and those who don't!" As they make their display Charles tries to see if Ichika has any idea what she said to the girls with him responding that he has no clue at all either.

Cecilia" So who will we be facing I would not throwing you around restaurant girl!"

Lingyin" That's my line your dead meat."

Miss. Orimura"Oh you have not met your opponent yet!" As she says this something like a scream could be heard in the air as we look up an IS unit could be seen with what looks like our assistant teacher in it with her shouting to move out of the way, not one to disobey my teacher I follow her instructions though while trying to pull Ichika with me due to some misfortune she still landed on us. As the dust clears all I could see was the color black and could feel something soft and squishy.

Miss. Yamada" Mr. Ataeru Mr.Orimura can you please not move I'm sensitive there." Confused on what she is talking about I push myself up a see I was in between her large breasts and look back to see Ichika in her crotch. After a second I process this and do the only sensible response, I get up accidentally squeezing as I move with Ichika moving as well causing her to give off a light moan.

Miss. Yamada" Well this does appear to be a problem while I do feel special having both of you giving me such attention.." As she rambles on we quickly move while saying sorry but as we do so two lasers past bye us seemly aiming at Ichika, we turn to see Cecilia with her IS active.

Cecilia laughing"Sorry, must have misfired" As we were horrified on what just happened we hear metal clanging behind us we turn to see Lingyin in her IS throwing a massive double-headed scimitar at us shouting "Ichika!"As I get ready to summon my IS to try and make a defense it is suddenly shot out of the air by Miss. Yamada.

Miss. Yamada" hey Orimura, Ataeru you didn't get hurt did you?" in a carefree tone while she is laying on the floor in a sniping position.

Oto"No, I'm good" Still a bit shell shocked about the whole encounter with Ichika responding similarly scared himself about what happened.

Miss. Orimura" By the way Miss. Yamada was a candidate representative making a shot like that is easy for her."

Miss. Yamada" Thanks but that was a long time ago and I could never break free of being just a contender."

Miss. Orimura" Well, you are still more than enough for these two at the same time." Both girls are shocked to hear this and start to voice their complaints.

Miss. Orimura" Don't worry your embarrassment won't last long, Let the carnage begin."

(Can't write fights)

Miss. Orimura " The Frist phase of practical training you will form teams those who have personal machines will be the group leader now get a move on!" As she finishes talking a swarm of girls surround us almost immediately asking to join our groups. After dividing up the girls Ichika and I start explaining what we know about the IS and how to operate it.

Oto"Ok, so the first one up to pilot it is?"

Girl"ME, I'm Chiaki Namami I like games and I hate alarms nice to meet you!" As she says some other girls start to introduce themselves saying that it was love at first sight.

Oto' What is wrong with this school.' thinking about this he looks over to Ichika and Charles they seem to have the same problem and I can barely hear Ichika mutter something about the man-eating grinder.

Oto"let's get this over with." as I sigh.

Timeskip (Lunch)

On the roof of the school Ichika, Charles and I could be seen with three girls to have lunch but the tension in the air makes it uncomfortable.

Ponytail"What's going on here" with a sour expression on her face.

Ichika" Well the more the merrier and Oto and Charles don't really know their way around without me so." oblivious to the atmosphere as after he says this the girls start glaring at each other with lightning sparking off from them.

Oto whispering to Charles"Can you see the lightning too?"

Charles whispering back" Yeah I can" before realizing how close we are and moving his face away with a blush that no one but me seems to notice before it's gone.

Oto' Weird.'

Charles" You sore that this is ok?"

Oto"Yeah we don't want to intrude on to this." while pointing at the girls and him.

Ichika " It's fine we are going to be classmates from now on so why not."

Oto" You're a pretty nice guy Ichika." Afterword the twin-tailed girl I believe her name was Lingyin opens up her bento box and offers Ichika some.

Ichika" Wow, that looks great" coughing the blond girl Cecilia I think takes his attention from Lingyin to herself as she presents a nice looking basket of sandwichs.

Ichika" Well that does look good, let me try this one." As he bites into it his face turns blue then purple then finally white and he passes out.


Oto"Ichika, shit get him to the nurse's office now!" As we carry him to the nurse's office the girls shout at Cecilia about what was in those sandwiches of hers.

Cecilia" Well I put in some eggs cheese and some weird salt that was in a square container that read something malic something."

Oto" Malic Acid one of the sourest chemicals in the world!"

Cecilia" Yeah that's it, I messed up didn't I" nervously laugh towards the end.

Everyone" YES!"


After that whole debacle, Charles and I go to our room and try to relax after the shock of what happened.

After that whole debacle, Charles and I go to our room and try to relax after the shock of what happened

(Ignore Ichika)

Charles" I am so glad that he turned out to be fine." letting out a sigh of relief which was mutual.

Oto"Yeah honestly that's girl's cooking is dangerous, hey Charles you have been piloting for a long time do you think you could help me train I am still new to this?"

Charles"Sure, I don't mind at all."

Oto"Sure that sounds like a good idea I just have a bath first ok."

Charles" ok that sounds nice, can I go first if you don't mind that's fine?"

Oto"not at all, afterwords let's hit the hay for class tomorrow"

After having our baths we both get ready to sleep and say our final goodnights before going to Lala land.

Charles" Goodnight."
