
A Blazing Fist (Gamer Insert - Starting in Avatar The Last Airbender)

My name is Zan, the gamer. With my fist cast ablaze, I'll scorch my way to omnipotence. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

First Flame 5

"Looks like a Sand Shark, I only noticed it because the sand cloud was all poofy and calming to look at and then there was suddenly this big yucky aura in amongst it," Ty Lee explained before smiling brightly at me and patting me on the shoulder, "Chi Blocking isn't going to do me any good against something like that. So I suppose my big strong boyfriend will have to take care of it.

She pressed a quick kiss to my cheek, "Good luck!" and with that, she cartwheeled along Simba's back, right up to land back on his head, "Go Simba, run like the wind!" she cheered him on.

..Well okay then. I eyed the giant fin slicing through the sands as it followed behind us. I'd read about these in this life time, and in my old one, I'd seen Korra deal with one of these things. They were absolutely massive. Easily a good few hundred feet in size, and with a mouth large enough to bite out half of a flying warship.

Despite that though, I grinned as excitement ran through me. A perfect target to test out my new signature technique on.

I stood up, somehow easily able to keep my balance on Simba's back and taking a page from princess crazy's book I lashed out with two fingers from my right hand, unleashing a spear of flame through the air.

The flame spear shot through the air and while miniscule in comparison to the size of the fin, it right into and through it. The sand shook and like a massive submarine rising from the oceans, a gargantuan brown shark rose from the sand, leaping into the air above us, and so gigantically large its shadow dwarfed Simba at least three times over.

Its huge beady eyes locked down on Simba's form, no doubt thinking of making my new pet its next meal. It's size was absolutely awe inspiring, but the silly thing did just as I wanted it to. It gave me a full view of its body, and even better, it exposed its belly to me.

I cocked my fist back, and pulled upon my chi, directing it to my right arm. Not just some, but all of it. Flame exploded into existence and moulding and contorting around the shape of my arm, so bright the area around us was illuminated for tens of dozens of metres.

Then I punched forward and unleashed it all, "Fire Fist!" I declared, very grandly if I do say so myself. It was silly to do, but I had to do it, at least once!

The flame around my fist once again exploded, this time from my fist itself up towards the shark and going from the size of my arm, to a monstrously huge streaming fist of flame bigger than two buses stacked together.

With its immense size and being in the air, the Sand Shark had no chance to dodge. It roared in agony as my flaming attack slammed into it, carrying it even higher into the air, and my own eyes widened...when the giant flaming fist burned right through its lower belly, and moments later pierced up through its top as well, the giant flaming fist going through it and flying up through the air like a blazing comet.

I cut off the technique and fell onto my backside, balancing myself on both hands, panting deeply. I'd never used that much chi at once before and I'd actually never full out ran out of chi before either. My body felt sluggish and weak. Cold, I could only feel the barest scraps of my inner flame.

But just as quickly did I feel like did, did it disappear and I was suddenly fully energized, fully rested and completely full on chi. 'Did I level up?' I wondered as I watched the titanic corpse of the sand shark fall from the sky. It felt like I did, I was familiar with the feeling of it now, despite it only having happened a few times since I got here.

"Oh my gosh that was so awesome!" Ty Lee was suddenly hugging me from behind, eyes sparkling as she eyed the sand shark, just as it slammed into the sand kicking up a massive wave of it, "You were all like 'Fire Fist' all manly like and boom you killed it. You named it and said it out loud when using it and everything, that's so cute!" she deepened her voice when she said the name of it before giggling.

"Well, most benders have like their own favourite move right? I just made my own," I explained, attempting to justify myself, "I made it that one up myself."

"And it was very original to, must have taken you a long time to come up with punching out fire." she teased.

"Too childish?" I ventured.

"A lil bit," Ty Lee nodded, her cheek brushing against mine, "But I like that. Most benders you see are all really arrogant or the type that just grunt and brag about themselves. I like that you're having fun with it."

It didn't really embarrass me to do it to be honest, that much at least. And if she liked it, well.

"Well if you like it, I'll just keep doing it then," I replied, "Besides, if I want to make it a famous technique, calling its name a lot with help right?"

"Sure, that works I guess!" she agreed, before standing up and pulling me with her, "Now c'mon, poor Simba was all freaked out by that thing following us, take responsibility and cheer him up!"

Ah yes, because it was the seventy odd foot mountain of powerful muscle that needed to be comforted after an ordeal like this. Makes perfect sense.

I cast an eye at the huge corpse of the sand shark and sighed. Fire Fist was even more powerful than I expected, granted to be that strong it needed monstrous amounts of chi and I could only fire that once and nothing else right now, but still. Too bad I guess, taming that beast of a shark would have been awesome. Sucks that my Beast Tamer skill only works on living creat