
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · sci-fi
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289 Chs

Bites the Dust(2)


As time had reminded due to Rodeo activating his third bomb, Bites the Dust, Molly had her eyes in a panic, she was sweating and was breathing quite heavily. She saw that she was sitting on her office seat like she had remembered when it was evening, holding 999 in her arms who was looking at her confused.

"coo?" 999 tilted its head as it looked at Molly.

"He really used it." Molly panted, she never experienced this ever in her life, but right now she isn't gonna think of anything else other than the fact that there is important stuff such as...

"Oh no! Gustav! CI! Infiltrating! Jones! I need to talk to Rodeo now!" Molly shouted as she hurriedly took 999 and bolted out of the office. 


– Stand Gang's Room, Site-17 - 7:57 PM –

The gang were right now watching Invincible on the TV through Amazon Prime. They were now in the scene of Omni man beating the shit out of his son, Mark, which is kinda heartbreaking to say at least.

But then, they heard the door open and saw Collingwood alongside with 999.

"999. Go to Michelle." Molly said to 999 which it went to Michelle. Collingwood approached Rodeo and was now standing in front of him in silence, blocking his view from the tv.

Rodeo looks at her in confusion, "...what?"


To Rodeo and everyone's surprise, Molly slapped his face. 


Evan raised his brows and looked at Molly, feeling slightly surprised, "He what?"

"Okay! Okay! You don't need to slap me geez. Let me deactivate it." Rodeo made contact with his finger on Molly's arm, deactivating the ability while he held his cheeks where Molly slapped.

'Jesus, I could hold a punch from Evan right in the face. I swear Molly and Amelia aren't humans, their slap was so painful.' Rodeo thought, continuing to hold his cheeks in pain.

After deactivating the ability, Rodeo announced to her, "Ok you're free. Now tell me what happened."

Deciding to let go of her anger for now, Molly decides to fill him in on what will happen in one hour. 

"So it's Gustav, huh?"

His lips suddenly curved upwards, Rodeo immediately stood up and moved in front of the gang and announced.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... we got him."

Hearing his words, Miguel instantly stood up and was about to cheer but he was cut short.

"Wait up! No time to celebrate, Miguel. Now listen to what I'm about to say and do that thing accordingly. Alright?

As Miguel sat back on the couch, he and everyone else nodded. 

"Let us begin."


Fast forward to the teleporter room in the next hour, Jones, Amelia, Carson, Molly, 999 and Gustav were in the room. Pretty much how they were in the same place before Bites the Dust activated.

"Alright everyone. We're getting out of here. Now this machine is delicate, so-"


As Jones was looking at the loading screen, he heard a gunshot behind him, he immediately turned around and saw a bullet floating in front of his face which fortunately, Locked Away grabbed it before it could hit him. 

Glancing at the one who shot it, Jones saw Gustav holding a pistol. 

"Damn it!"

"Gustav, what the hell are you doing?!" Jones yelled out in anger and confusion.

"I'm finishing what I started years ago, director." Gustav replied, aiming his gun at Carson, Molly or Amelia, signing them to not make a move, "Infiltrating the Foundation is no easy task, and now I'm about to get what I've waited so long for!"


"Yes sir. Infiltrating. I've been gathering intelligence for the Chaos Insurgency. Helping Scps slip through your fingers. Why do you think I asked so many questions?"

"Why am I getting a sense of deja vu?" Carson asked himself, feeling this scene quite oddly familiar for him for some reason.

"That's all we wanted to hear." Molly said. Her calm tone caught Gustav by slight surprise.


"Hello there."

Everyone looked up at the ceiling and saw Jeff, Evan and Rodeo looking at them through a hole which Jeff made with his zipper, just after they immediately dealt with 173 and 939 already before they could go on a rampage. 

Amongst them, Rodeo held his phone, recording the entire monologue.


Jumping towards Gustav, Jeff severed his limbs and head from his body, but was still alive since Jeff kept the zippers active and prevented him from dying due to decapitation. Rodeo & Evan jumped in as well. 

"Uhhh, the machines are still running." Carson reminded the rest.


The world became a monochrome and time came to a standstill. Evan used his hands and forced the door open and quickly brought everyone out of the teleporter room. He also exited the teleporter room and said. 

"Time continues once again."

As the flow of time resumed once again, everyone found themselves outside the teleporter room. The doors of the teleporter room closed and the teleporter activated, but it sent nothing to the other side. 

"That was unnecessary." Jones said to Evan.

"Well at least we caught him." He replied, before looking at Gustav, whose head was still separated from his body due to the zippers and was lying on the floor. 

"You planned this?!" He yelled.

"You see Gustav, I bet you already know Bites the Dust, right? I used it on Collingwood and rewinded time which only she remembers that you were gonna pull a stunt like that. Because you already did this in a previous loop."

"No wonder I was feeling that sense of deja vu." Carson said in the background.

"Damn it! I thought the containment breach would've distracted you all, but you used the third bomb and knew what was gonna happen next since Collingwood only remembers and you used that knowledge to get to me?" 

"Y E S!"

"And Miguel kept a closer watch on you and checked which Scp cells you were about to open and this allowed the MTF and Rodeo's gang to get the situation quickly under control in the lower levels." Molly added.

"The nuke! That's still active!" Gustav reminded them, and to his delight, everyone's expression seemed to change, like they had forgotten about it.

"Oh shit."

Gustav laughed, watching their faces of their failure. But then, his delight instantly turned off when the P.A system announced.

[On site, Nuclear Warhead has been deactivated. Have a nice day.] 

"...damn it."


In the Warhead control panel, Green was able to override the controls with his Stand Cerberus' electricity, managing to stop the warhead by the last second.

"Oh thank God. It worked."


Back to Rodeo and the rest, after hearing the announcement, they all seemed to feel relief.

"Well, it seems like you lost Gustav." Rodeo said to Gustav with a smirk, the latter on the other hand looks at him in rage.

"Damn it! This is not over you son of a bi-" Gustav's words were cut off when he got his mouth zipped by Jeff.

"🤐 !?"

"Much better."

"Good job Rodeo as always. Although why didn't you inform me about this?" Jones asked.

"We couldn't risk Gustav suspecting us, also we wanted to get some good evidence on him so me, Collingwood and the gang kept quiet."

"I'm impressed." Amelia said.

"Thank you."

"What do we do with him?" Jeff asked, grabbing Gustav's head as he struggled from his grasp.

"We'll try to interrogate him and find out what he knows." Jones said.

Following his words, Jones opens the zipper on his mouth. 

"Like I'm gonna tell you demented people anything! Do what you want to me. I ain't gonna talk."

"What the bloody hell is this?" 

Hearing a new voice, the group looked at the direction of the voice, coming from the door was Johnson, Simmons and Sophia and Jacob, the person who became King Crimson.

"KING CRIMSON?!" The Stand Gang shouted in surprise.

"It's Jacob Wilson actually. But yeah, I'm King Crimson." 

"When did you arrive?" Jones asked Johnson who guards Jacob alongside Simmons and Sophia.

"Just a minute ago. What did we miss?" Johnson asked.

"A lot actually." Molly said.

"Let's discuss it in my office." Jones said to them as he walked through the hallway, followed by the others.


– Site Director Zolgamax Jones Office, Site-17 - 9:30 PM –

The Stand gang and pretty much everyone else were in Jones' office. Jeff was holding Gustav's head and had his mouth zipped once again. Everyone shared their side of the story to each other and filled them in on what happened. 

"Good job everyone. I'm very impressed. Especially you Rodeo. You saved this site and stopped Gustav from doing more harm. Thank you." Jones said to Rodeo with a smile.

"Your welcome sir." Rodeo nodded.

"To think that he was working for the CI. It still surprises me." Amelia said.

"Yeah. I really thought he was a nice guy."

"Did you not notice anything suspicious in his background, Jones?" Jeff asked the Director.

"That's the thing, Jeff. We found nothing suspicious in his background, he was as clean as a whistle, which allowed him to enter the Foundation easily, how easily we got fooled."

"But hey at least we minimize the damage at least." Evan said.

"Yeah." Jones said, listening to Evan's words before looking back at Jeff, "Jeff, open the zipper on his mouth."

Once Jeff opened the zipper, everybody had their eyes on Gustav. 

"Now talk." Lawrence said coldly, kneeling down in front of his face.

"Do your worst. I'm not gonna tell any of you anything. Whether you break my bones or teeth. I won't speak."

"I have something to say."

Everyone turns to see Jacob, standing near the entrance as he raises his hand, urging to speak to the group.

"I thought Johnson was taking you to your cell." Jones said, staring at Jacob in wary.

"Oh, I told him that I like to listen to the drama just for a bit... and threatening him if he doesn't, and hearing what you said, it got me thinking of a better idea to make him talk..."

Everyone continues on looking at Jacob, hearing his next words to say.

"...in the most JoJo way possible." He finished, "But we shall wait until morning." 

Thinking for a bit, Rodeo realized what he meant, "....Oh! I see where you're going with this." 

"Ah, that's a great idea!" Evan said with a mischievous grin.

Everyone who is a JoJo fan realized what Jacob was on about, but as for the ones who aren't into pop culture, or never watch JoJo, even if they have watched a few episodes, they still have no clue what they were on about.

Unbeknownst to everyone in the room, the humanoid in the piece of paper heard their conversation while hiding in the vents. 

"Well this is interesting."

The humanoid then went back into the paper and flew down the vents, for a couple of turns, he was now outside the site. The piece of paper landed next to a tree which was several kilometers from the site. The humanoid from the piece of paper came out and revealed itself. 

This was...
















The humanoid who turns out to be Enigma takes out a phone and makes a call to the boss. 

"Hey boss."

[Yes enigma. Do you have anything to report?] 

"A lot actually." Enigma said, and began to explain what he had seen.

[The Chaos Insurgency is getting desperate. We've never seen this type of movement from them before. Good job. Now head back to base. You've done your part.] The boss on the other side of the phone said to Enigma before the call ended. 

As the call ended, Enigma thought, 'This Rodeo is quite the interesting individual. I wonder how I will see the sign of fear on his face when I use my ability on him. Oh well.' 

Turning back into a piece of paper, it started flying away.


– Chaos Insurgency Base, Location: Unknown - 11:00 PM –

When the unknown man heard the news of Gustav's capture, let's just say he was not happy. 


Slamming his fist on the table, he yelled out in absolute anger, "Damn you Killer Queen! Why are you always a step ahead?!" 

Suddenly, the door to his office opened, and he saw it was a cybernetic soldier.

"Colonel Tartarus." The cybernetic soldier called out.

The unknown man now known as Tartarus responded coldly, "Yes, what is it?"

"We found it." The cybernetic soldier said as it showed him the golden Stand arrow that he was holding. Moving it forward in his direction, Tartarus takes it from his hands and looks at it closely.

"Now this... does put a smile on my face." He said with an evil grin on his face.