
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · sci-fi
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289 Chs

A Real Fucking Vampire(1)

(Note: Some of the dialogues & fights in the Hellsing Arc chapters that are going to be made will be changed somewhat due to Rodeo and his allies' involvement in them. Again Hellsing and the anime don't belong to me. They belong to their respective owners.) 


Rodeo's POV:

So how's it going? It's me, Rodeo, the guy who has become the Stand Killer Queen, but you already know that. 

After Operation Snowbreaker went left and right and me getting yeeted to the Resident Evil universe by SCP-507 and making unlikely allies there with it's villains, G-man visiting me, the dark aether zombies & The Forsaken attempting to invade an entire universe and us stopping him, and once again getting thrown into a new universe...

And now we find ourselves in the presence of the motherfuckering vampire himself, ready to obliterate us without hesitation or mercy, or perhaps a combination of the two.

I've seen the anime and the abridged version, and I definitely know what Alucard is capable of, and I don't want to risk an all-out brawl, which I just need to defuse this situation somehow. 

"Who are you all exactly?" The legend himself, Alucard, asked us with the smile on his face remained there.

"And you think we're gonna answer that for you buddy?" Karl responded with a scowl look.

"Karl, no need to argue... with him." I muttered at him in a tensed state.

Of course I'm tense! Karl can be... rude with some people, but I don't want Alucard to be one of those people, because he's fucking Alucard and I don't want a fight with him! That's why! I've faced Scps. I've faced factions in the Scp world. I've faced people who have become Stands and Stand users. I've faced literal demons from hell. And I've faced a cosmic monster who possessed an infinite number of forces with him, but... 

Alucard is different. 

His abilities aren't a joke, and should not to be underestimated, especially his views on monsters is also something that needs to be considered. In his eyes, we're monsters, and he'll murder us because we are one. 

"I will ask again... who are you all?" Alucard questioned once more, but this time his tone shifted around into a cold one.

Heisenberg sneered as he brought out his hammer, "How about you go fuck yourse-"

Before Karl could finished his sentence, I immediately cut him off from speaking further and went in front of Alucard before instantly bowing in front of him.

"We are from another dimension, sir!" I yelled in a serious tone.

My sudden raising voice and words caused Alucard shifted to a confused look, "...What?"

Heisneberg seem to have the same reaction, "Kid, why the hell are you-"

"Shut it, Karl!"

Yes, I am kneeling down in front of the great Alucard. Now look, I have explosions that could blow anything into atoms and the rest have their powers that could wipe out an entire army, but Alucard is something we won't able to take out easily even with a combined effort, and I don't want any civilians getting caught in the crossfire of our fight and drawing unwanted attention from other organizations in this universe. 

Which will make our situation worsen.

"What do you mean by another dimension? It sounds science fiction."

Staring at him with a solemn look, Rodeo said, "Do you believe in the multiverse theory?"

I noticed Alucard now was looking at me curiously with a raised eyebrow. I'm not sure if he's gonna get bored from my explanation and decide to kill us anyway, I have no idea, but words might be my best option in this case, as well as our survival.

"Well, it's a theory scientists discuss a lot these days and is a part of many science fiction books," Alucard stated, "It's basically the idea of many worlds existing in space and time, each with parallel or alternate versions of themselves, but that still doesn't answer my question on who you all are exactly."

"If we explain it to you, will you really believe us?" 



"...hehehehehehehehe, ahahahahahahahahahaha!" 

Everyone watches with concern at Alucard who started laughing in a maniacal way.

After felt like forever, Alucard finally stops laughing, "Young man, I have seen many weird supernatural things in my life that would make any human run for the hills, so the fact your asking me to believe that your from another world makes it hilarious, but you have my attention, so you best tell me everything." he said with a menacing grin.

"All right."

Turning around, I started convincing the four lords, Miranda and the Dimitrescu daughters, that we should explain everything to Alucard regarding who we are and what happened. Although Karl was still not in agreement with this because he didn't trust Alucard, we are still going to explain everything to him, but I won't tell him regarding G-man because that's a different matter. 

"Even if we do explain it to him kid, what's the point of it if he tries to kill us either way?" Karl whispered to Rodeo with a deep frown.

"Look, fighting will be our last resort in case he does try to kill us, but for now, we need to explain everything to him and try to maybe, just maybe... get on his good side."

"I highly doubt he has a good side."

"Still, I'm not taking any chances with him. We talk first. That doesn't work, we fight."



Alucard's POV:

The one with the strange yet highly advanced armor and had the voice of a man in his early 20s that I can tell, was discussing with the rest of his... friends, I guess, in regards to me. While I'd like to hear their stories from where they are, I'm still going to take them out since they are monsters, and sometimes you need a monster to destroy another monster, one of those being me. I hope Master Integra isn't becoming impatient with me not arriving at the manor before 9 PM. 

After half a minute of waiting, I was about to feel impatient and deal with them right away until I noticed them all approaching me.

"So, are you all going to tell me everything?" 

"Yes." Rodeo and everyone else said.

I chuckled, "This better be good."











I'm... not sure what to say. All of them shared their stories. Scps & the Scp foundation. The Cadou. The Village. The Forsaken and the Dark Aether. These were all new to me and their experiences with them well, let's just say it left me surprised and impressed.

Still, they are monsters, and yet, they weren't given a choice in becoming monsters as I tried to connect the dots in their stories. Even for me, being a monster and acquiring immortality wasn't an act of choice but a foolish act to survive and take vengeance on all.

Immortality is earned, not gained or just thrown to you without a choice, these people were similar to me in some way. They were given no choices, but sparing them would be a risk. A risk I can't take, but yet should I spare them? Or maybe bring them to the manor? No, that's another risk I can't take, and I don't know their powers either, not yet at least. 

They didn't clarify what kind of powers they had in their stories, nor did they offer me their names, but still, they cannot beat me. Only a truly righteous and worthy human being can kill someone like me, someone similar to the great Van Hellsing. Not monsters. 

Until then, the one with the strange advanced armor spoke up, "Sir, with all due respect, I'm not a monster, I'm just someone who has become like one, trying to get back home-... No, we all want to go back to our homes in our own worlds, so all we're asking is... we need people who we can trust and work with and find a way back home if you're ready to help us, but if you don't want to and still want to kill us."

Looking at me with a fearless look, he continued, "Go ahead, but we won't go down without a fight, and if we do die here, we will die knowing that we didn't back down from you." he said fearlessly and honestly.

Hearing his words, I couldn't help but smile, "I admire your bravery, but the fear, not the fear of seeing death in your eyes, but the fear you were showing a minute ago, what about that?" 

"That was because I was afraid that the innocent would get caught in the crossfire if we fought, and... I didn't want my allies here to get hurt, and I regret not doing anything about it." Rodeo answered in a truthful and honest way, "Even if you or the rest see or fear us as monsters, that won't stop me from beating down evil with these fists of justice, no matter the cost." 

This young man, he genuinely cares about the people around him, whether they are monsters or not and not caring about being seen as a monster by others and is willing to face death without fearing it.

A massive smile came on my face as I rose up from the chair I was sitting on and stood right in front of him in a mere blink of an eye, staring at him with my crimson red eyes clashing against his dark pink ones. He seemed terrified when we first met, but now, when I gaze deep into those unnatural eyes, it appears to have vanished.

This man is an interesting one. A very interesting one. 

"You're an intriguing one, young man, but I do want to ask you though before I make my decision... Do you see me as a good or bad person?" 

With a bit of hesitation, Rodeo slowly answered, "...I'll say you're a bit of both, but you also look for redemption, do you?"

The moment Rodeo delivers those words, Alucard falls silent as he stands there for a brief second before an amusing giggle can be heard.

"Perhaps I do. All right young man, you and your friends are coming with me, but don't take my kindness as an act of mercy, I will still kill all of you if you pose a threat to anyone or pull something off. Are we clear?"

Rodeo nodded, "Crystal clear."

"Great, now follow me." Alucard gestures to them, "My master would perhaps like to see you in person or dead, depending on the order she gives me."

Just then, I noticed one of them take a step forward and turn to face me. It was the tall lady. 

While Alucard was impressively tall by human standards, standing at close to seven feet in height, this woman still towered over him. She was at least two feet taller than he was, well over nine feet in total, and wore a long white gown with a large, wide-brimmed hat similar to his own, although it was white instead of red. Her skin was ghostly-pale, and she had curly black hair and the same glowing golden eyes as those three young girls behind her. She didn't have any weapons on her that he could see, but he got the impression that she was powerful enough for most weapons to be useless.

'Just how tall is she?' I thought to myself, staring upwards at the towering woman who let out an alluring grin.

"Before we follow you, you better tell us what your name is Mr. Real Fucking Vampire~?"

Gazing at the woman whose shadow loomed over me, I watched as her beauty was something to behold and incredibly breathtaking, but I didn't let that draw my attention towards her. She is a monster given a long life by this Cadou as they stated to me a minute ago. A thing isn't beautiful because it's last, but it's beautiful because of what it has gone. 

From birth through adolescence to old age, and eventually death. That is the beauty of life and death that I admire in humans, while immortality is nothing but loathsome because you defied the natural rule of nature as well as sacrificing your humanity.

"Well, I think you all deserve to know my name. My name is Alucard. Now, how about you all tell me your names, since you didn't tell me yours while explaining your stories."


Third Person POV:

"Lady Alcina Dimitrescu." Alcina introduces herself before gesturing to her daughters, "And these are my daughters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela."

"Karl Heisenberg... asshole."

"Hi Mr. Alucard, my name is Angie!" Angie exclaimed gleefully.

" …Donna Beneviento." Donna whispered in a shy manner.

"Salvatore Moreau."


"All of you have nice and interesting names for yourselves, especially you, lady Dimitrescu." Alcucard said, staring at Alcina with a sly grin, "I'm pretty sure you might have lots of fans because of your looks and style."

"I used to be a jazz singer back in the old days." Alcina stated, "And yes, I did have fans back then, but after getting these powers and living in a castle... not so much."

"I see," Alucard acknowledged her explanation before casting a glance at Rodeo, "And what about you, young man?"

Raising both hands, Rodeo removed his helmet from his head and looked at Alucard with his face revealed. 

"My name is Rodeo."

"...That is the most ridiculous name I've ever heard," Alcuard commented harshly as he looked at his stoic humanoid cat face, "Also, you're a cat?" he asked oddly.

"Yes. Yes, I am." Rodeo replied in a deadpan tone, having become accustomed to the various questions from people of his cat appearance 

In deep consideration, Alucard said, "...All of you stay here for five minutes, I need to make a call to my master from a telephone booth."


With an usual smile on his face, Alucard exits the room, leaving the group in silence until Alcina speaks up.

"He's quite something." She grinned, "No fear at all, only a smile on his face."

"True." Miranda added.

"He was giving off a scary aura though." Bela said, "Is he really a true vampire?"

"No clue." Karl added.

With a loud thud, Rodeo collapses face first on the floor with anime tears streaming from his eyes.

"We live! Oh my god! We live!"


Inside a phone booth, Alucard was making a phone call to his master by using a number only known and reserved to the members of the Hellsing organization. 

"I need to ask master before bringing them to the manor, just in case."


Far from the city of London lies the hellsing manor which serves as the headquarters for the hellsing organization and its members, one of those members being Alucard. The organization's purpose is to keep England secure from the forces of the supernatural. It was founded by the great Abraham Van Hellsing several generations ago and works in secret. 

Inside the office of the manor where three people can be seen.

The first one was the current head of the hellsing organization and last remaining member of the hellsing family. 

Sir Integra Fairbook Wingates Hellsing. 


The second one was standing beside Integra and was famously known from many as the ex-vampire and butler of the Hellsing organization 

Walter C. Dornez


The third one was standing next to the door, brandishing an automatic rifle and dressed in a uniform worn by hellsing organization members and she is known within the organization as Alucard's student in vampire training.

Seras Victoria, or Police girl as Alucard usually calls her. 


Integra was currently sitting on a chair in front of a table with a phone from the 1999 year model. Walter stood beside her, and Seras was positioned near to the doors in case somebody dangerous got in. Basically Seras was on guard duty for now until Alucard returned from his... walks. 

"When will master be back from his walks?" Seras said deadpanly with a British accent.

"You mean very enthusiastic walks?" Walter clarified, speaking in a British accent as well.

"Well, he takes his time," Integra added, "I wonder if he found anything interesting."

"Oh yeah, speaking about interesting, Sir Integra, any clues about the chips we found on the ghouls and vampires?" Seras inquired to the boss of the organization.

"Yes, actually." Integra nodded, her shining glasses covering her eyes as she shows the metal chip in her hand, "We compared it with the vampire and ghouls Alucard found in Cheddar village and the ones in the hospital in Ireland, and we discovered these attacks are connected in a way by some large group that we have yet to identify." she explained, as well speaking in a British accent, "The fact Anderson and Iscariot has now caught wind of these attacks, our organization and theirs will cross paths more often now."

"So what should we do?"

"I will arrange a meeting with the convention of twelve in the meeting room tomorrow evening to discuss this matter."

Shortly after, the phone on the table starts ringing, Integra presses a button to put it on speaker. She assumed it was a call from her field agents, or, at best, Alucard. 


[My master Sir Integra, I came across a group of interesting yet strange individuals during my walks.]

"What?" Seras and Walter both murmured, feeling a bit curious.

"Alucard, be more clear about what you're saying, are they vampires?"

[No, they are not vampires exactly, but they are still monsters though, and they claim themselves to be from another dimension or universe, but they didn't attack anyone nor did they try to attack me, a rare thing to happen in such times.]

"...Is this a joke?" Integra said with a frown, finding the whole dimension thing ludicrous.

[No, I'm speaking the truth, and I wish to bring that truth in front of you. Please master, I need to hear your orders on whether I should bring them here or take them out.]

Integra paused for a moment to reflect. A group of monsters from another dimension? It sounded a bit absurd coming from the great Alucard since she and the hellsing organization had only dealt with supernatural creatures rather than dealing with or encountering something... science fiction. 

"Do they give off any bad aura or anything that shows that they intend to cause harm to anyone?"  

[...No, they don't. They're lost, and are looking for assistance and one of them is an interesting one. My orders master?] 

"Hmm... Alright Alucard, bring them to the manor secretly, we don't want any more problems."

[Very well, master Integra. I'll bring them to the manor, but instruct your men to stand guard at the entrance of the manor in case they pull off any stunt, and to be armed to the teeth.]

"Of course, it would be for the best." Integra responded before hanging up the phone.

"What was that about?" Seras asked.

"Not sure, but let's just say we might have new visitors soon." Integra said, gazing at Walter, "Walter, get the guards ready at the manor's gates outside."

Walter bows in response, "It shall be done."

"Police girl, you'll be joining us."

"Yes sir Integra!"