
All About T-Roy

Hi my name is T-Roy and this is a novel that is all about what I like to play, eat, and what I like to do on my free time

chapter 1: introducing T-Roy

Hi my name is Troy or T-Roy and during my novel I will introduce my self and explain what I like to do. So first one thing you should know about me is that I love to sing and dance to any type of music except country music and my favorite song is Deja Vu by singer and songwriter Olivia Rodrigo, and I also love to do math equations and I also am a very loving and caring guy that's because I believe that In this world you should all way's treat people the way that you want to be treated no matter what race you are and even if you have a disability i will always treat people with kindness. But back on to the topic about me I love Nintendo video games like Legend Of Zelda. I'm a freshman in Highschool at CSHS. During my first few months in Highschool I have met a lot of people like my friend Diego also known as Czzi and I love highschool because there is more freedom when you are in high school and you get to meet new people via sports, new people coming to highschool, past friends, and Foreign students that moved from a different country and the teachers in high school are better because they treat you more like adults than like children and the campus is bigger. Another thing I like about high School is the choice of electives high School gives you like one of the electives I take here at CSHS is film and video. You might be wondering hey what do you do in film and video well I'm so glad you asked so in film and video you first learn how to edit video's than you learn how to film videos using your phone and I have learned a lot in film and video like how to better use my phone camera so if your high school has Film and video as and elective you need to take it because you can make a career out of film and video and it also is an easy grade. The last thing I want to talk about in this chapter is that when you are in high school make sure to be nice to every body even if some people may seem mean talk to them and ask them first if everything is all right next you want to ask if there is anything you can do to help them lastly when your done talking to them tell them bye even if that person has been mean to you in the past like me because I had this boy named ethan and he used to pick on me but now he says hi to me and he just walks away which is good