
A Avatar story

Azira is the daughter of a prominent fire nation General. When she finally has the chance to leave the fire nation,she takes it .If not for the fact that she doesn't believe in war effort, Its definitely because of her grandmother, Hana. Azira is hiding a deadly secret ,she is a waterbender. Coming face to face with world only hope,Azira makes a decision that will change her life forever: she joins the Avatar and his friends declaring her allegiance and forsaking the only path she's ever known .Trying to navigate the challenges of being a teenager is hard enough, but add a whole war on top of that ? She wants to a home for herself, somewhere that war won't touch. But in order to do that,she is going to need to more than just Azira. She's going to a become a hero

Logan_empire · TV
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26 Chs

The Serpent Pass

After nearly traveling two weeks to get to the Serpent's Pass, running out of food and water, and getting real creative,Azira was more than exhausted by the time she had reached it. She knew that only someone who was desperate would go there-

But seeing as how she had no allies at the moment, was traveling completely alone, and didn't have any way to get into Ba Sing Se, she didn't really have a choice.She had heard about Full Moon Bay-that would just be a dead end for her. They'd be able to spot her out as a fugitive all at once, she just knew it. Still, Azira had something she didn't have before, and that was determination. If Yue herself-essentially the moon spirit-was on her side, why would she ever be fearful about taking that route?

After taking (note that Azira did not steal as much as she borrowed) some food from one of the staggering farms,Azira made her way to the Serpent's Pass. She shouldered her pack-missing all too well Appa and his ability to carry the bed roll and everything else that she currently didn't have.Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.Azira just scoffed under her breath. She had abandoned hope a long time ago-she had no intention of ever getting it back. Hope was for suckers, the people in the world that had something to lose.

She'd rather be someone with nothing to lose. She figured that it made her that much more dangerous."Alright Yue, you said to go to the Serpent's Pass and-Great Spirits, why in the Flame's name am I talking to myself?"

Azira cursed, pressing onwards along the path.

It was a straight shot of ridge up ahead and if she could just make it to the first peak, she would rest there for the night. Azira was more than tired and exhausted, and though water was all around her, it didn't seem very inviting or safe either.Step after step felt heavy and it seemed to weigh in on her shoulders.It had felt easier before, when she had Zuko at her side. She knew they were alone, cast out from the Fire Nation. Butshe had never felt alone. She knew that they had each other's backs.

Now though, she had no way of knowing if she'd find her friends again. She had nothing to go off of but a simple Moon Spirit's words. Which should have been reassuring, all things considered.

Maybe she was her own worst enemy. Maybe she was the greater evil within this world-the only thing she had to fear was herself. And maybe, just maybe, if she could keep going, choose to keep going, then she would win.

And if she won-

Then maybe-

No, she couldn't think like that. Reclaiming hope wasn't something she wanted. Stopping near some rocks along an outcropping, Azira sank to her knees and just breathed heavily. Every part of her body ached-she was exhausted and tired and she just wanted to rest. The sun would start to set soon-she could get some rest. In the morning, she'd continue. In the morning, shed be fine.

Azira could have sworn that she had only drifted off for a few moments-but her body was heavy and curled up to keep out the cold when she heard it: voices.

Instantly, the girl shot up, eyes searching through the darkness. Just beyond the next outcropping, she could see the beginnings of smoke ascending. A fire-

She crept forward, feeling the pulse of the ocean below her. If needed, she would use it to her advantage. Because it her enemies had found her, she would show them no mercy. She would be fast and strike hard and-


Azira stopped short, hearing Toph's voice. She lowered her shoulders and tension seemed to flow out of them as her eyes landed on her friends.

"Az!" She hurried forward and found herself caught up in a tight hug from Sokka.Good Spirits, had he always been that tall?

"How did you-" He started, eyes wide with surprise and a smile on his face."The Moon gave me some directions" Azira said in a breathless tone.Before Sokka could so much as ask another question about that-because there were certainly questions swirling around in his mind--Katara and Aang and Toph had hurried over to Azira.

Then, after the hugs were said and done, her eyes landed in on Suki.

"Suki? How'd you?"

"Seems like the universe has a plan for us all after all" Suki grinned, grabbing onto the girl's forearm."No kidding" Azira let out a breath of relief at the sight of all of them-here, together and well. "Wait where's-"

Katara immediately elbowed Azira, shooting the girl a warning look and Aang just let out a sigh. "It's a long story" "it always is with us." Azira said, putting an arm around Aang. "Have you gotten taller?"He puffed out his chest a bit. "Id like to think so."

"Have you been on your own this entire time?" Sokka's blue eyes stared her down, as if scrutinizing her."Technically speaking, yes. Although I did beat up a bunch of random desert dudes at one point." Azira said sheepishly, running a hand through her tangled hair. "And I ran out of food and water like.l don't know, a couple days ago?"

Suki and Katara locked eyes, exchanging the same unsurprised look. "Well come on, sit down and eat. You must be starving!" Suki exclaimed.A short while later, Azira had to admit, she felt much more at ease, sleeping beside her friends. It felt as if some sort

of security blanket had been wrapped around her when they were near. Like the monsters of her past had no touch on her.But the thing was-sleep wasn't coming easy to her. Blinking an eye open, she found that Sokka wasn't in his sleeping mat. She let out a slight huff. It wasn't technically her job to go after him..

But she'd be a bad friend if she didn't.

Azira found Sokka sitting on a rock close by the edge of the cliff. "You're up late."

"I've got a lot on my mind. We didn't exactly get to talk earlier."She slowly took a seat beside him. "No, we didn't."

"You saw..her?

There was no question in Azira's mind about who the her was. Though it did cause a slight pang in her chest at the way that he asked."Yeah. I..was stuck in the desert. No way out, no water, no food." Azira murmured, eyes locked onto her hands. "l honestly didn't think I was going to get out. She appeared to me and told me to go find you guys."


Oh-that was it? That was all Sokka, Mr. Motor-Mouth had to say?.Azira slipped her hand into his. "I know that she cared about you a lot, Sokka. And it's okay to miss her. "He cracked a small smile at her. "Thanks, Az. You always know what to say."

Azira wished that sometimes, she didn't.


Morning came all too early for the young woman who was more than tired. She found herself dragging behind slightly.At the sight of the submerged path, she let out a weary sigh and locked gazes with Katara. "Okay, we can do this!"Katara exclaimed in a cheery tone. "Everyone get into a single file line!"

"You create the bubble, I'Il keep the sea parted." Azira murmured, hands outstretched as they began the descent.It was like something out of a story-descending below the waves and continuing on the path. Air flowed around them and Aang helped to keep the current flowing in the correct direction.Strangely-Azira could feel the push and pull of something else within the water. It made her uneasy, as if she had no idea what lay beneath the waves. She knew that to be true-spirits and all sorts of monsters could lurk here and she'd have no idea.

The presence loomed closer and closer and Azira held her breath. "What is that thing?" Suki breathed out."Ever wonder why they call it the Serpent's Pass?" Azira deadpanned.Just then, a fin broke through the bubble-and water began to spill. Azra and Toph acted as one, with Azra spinning outwards and pushing the water back and Toph slamming her feet down onto the ground.

The ground they were on shot upwards and deposited them above the surface of the water."Good job thinking on your feet." Azira murmured to Toph.

The younger girl just gave a dry smile, shoving Aang's glider back at him. The Serpent began to circle their newly

grounded spot of dry ground and Sokka's eyes went wide."Suki, you know about giant Sea Monsters! Make it go away!" Sokka insisted, gaze flickering to the girl in her war paint.

"Just because I live near the Unagi doesn't mean I'm an expert!" Suki snapped."You're the Avatar, you do something!" Azira hissed, eyes flicking to Aang.Sokka took matters into his own hands. Snatching Momo, he held him out in front of them. "Oh great and powerful Sea Serpent, please accept this humble and tasty offering."The Serpent let outa loud snarl that filled the air. Before it could snap its jaws at them, Aang had sent a mighty gust of wind. "l'Il distract it! Azira, Katara, get everyone across!"

"You take the front, and I'll bring up the rear!" Azira commanded.Katara gave a nod and wasted no time in following Azira's command. She leapt forward, landing on sudden ice in the water. Creating a path forward, she surged ahead with the ice. As soon as the path was made and Azira was helping people across, Katara turned her sights back on the Sea Serpent.

"I'm going to help Aang!"

Azira didn't even have time to protest. She was too busy making sure that the refugees and her friends were getting across-minus Toph, who she had an eye on at all times. Sliding back across the ice, she caught onto Toph's arm.

"What are you doing? We have to go!"

"l'd rather stay on my little island-

The Serpent crashing into the land and forcing Toph onto the ice cut the girl off. Azira kept a steady hand on her arm.

"I won't let you fall!"


Azira didn't even get to crack a smile this time. "You guys are doing great! Just follow Az and the sound of my voice!"Sokka called."He's hard to ignore. And annoying" Toph mumbled."Tell me about it" Azira retorted. Her gaze fell on the Serpent's whipping tail and she sent a powerful wave of ice forward, sending Toph sliding across the ground and straight into Sokka.The Serpent collided with the ice and Azira went tumbling down beneath the thick waves-

Almost immediately, panic began to surge within the girl. She was swirling and tumbling and she couldn't get control Azira's eyes opened and she remembered the first lesson she had ever learned. The water was hers to control. Not the other way around. She was the master of it. It didn't master her.The water seemed to rise and push her upwards and when Azira shot upwards in the air, a swirl of water surrounding her, her gaze fell on the Serpent ahead. She was nearly fifteen feet in the air, water suspending her. She cut through the water rapidly, joining the whirlpool that Aang and Katara had begun to create.

With her powerful strokes of rapid-fire energy, the Serpent slammed head first into the rocky pass beside it-then sank deeply into the waves below. Azira was still sopping wet as she made her way from the water tiredly, immediately caught onto by Suki, giving her a hand up.

"Nice job-"

"I'm wet. l'm tired. And l'm hungry. I need sleep." Azira held up a hand of exhaustion."Noted," Suki said in slight amusement. "Now come on!"


"The baby's coming? Now?! Can't you hold it in or something?" Sokka demanded, staring at the heavily pregnant Ying."What do you think?" Azira deadpanned, staring the boy down in distaste."Sokka, calm down! I helped Gran-Gran deliver lots of babies back home." Katara said in a reassuring tone.

"This isn't the same as delivering an arctic seal!"

"It's called a baby and I helped deliver those too. Suki, Azira, with me."Azira could confidently say that she had never done anything quite like this. In fact, she was more than terrified of having a child. She had decided a long time ago that she would never be a mother.

Never be a monster like Hama. Never pass down those lessons she had been taught. There was something inherently terrifying about the thought of bringinga life into the world. Of having theresponsibility of raising it, caring for it, helping it become something.

It should have brought her something nice like hope or joy-

But instead, Azira just felt like she was unworthy to be helping the miracle of life. And as Ying named her baby Hope,Azira just felt sick to her stomach.


"I thought I was trying to be strong, but I was just trying to run away from my feelings. Seeing this family together, so full of happiness and love, it reminded me of how I feel about Appa. And how I feel about you guys. I promise, I'Il find Appa as soon as I can. And then I'll find you all." Aang promised.

Azira leaned back, nearly bumping into Sokka. "Just don't make me come and rescue you, kiddo."

"Got it!" With that, Aang had disappeared. Azira set her features, eyes on the walls of Ba Sing Se. "So..another long walk. Are you all ready to go?"