
Chapter 1~ Wires

She lied. She lied to me, my own mother. What was I now? I wasn't entirely sure. "Wren?" His soft voice cut the silence as a million thoughts raced in my mind. "I'm so sorry Wren." What?

"I was kidding!" I giggled as Leo threw another paper in my direction. I started to laugh as I saw the paper turn and smack right on the middle of his golden face. Finally, he couldn't keep a straight face. He burst out in laughter too, and we both clutched our stomachs as tears filled our eyes with joy. "Wren I hate you so much." I smiled, and batted my long dark eyelashes. "Come on I gotta get you home." I nodded, and slid into his truck. He started the car, and pulled out of the grass into the road. A large oak tree swayed in the evening sun, blocking the view from the left. Leo hesitated, not being able to see if any cars were coming. I heard nothing, so I glanced at him, motioning him to move forward. Just as the tires rolled to the right, a truck came speeding from the side. It was too late to react, to late to say something, too late to find time to protect yourself in any way. And bam, the truck slammed right into the velvet red car.

My eyes fluttered, my mind coming to consciousness as I saw my dark brown hair rest on the bridge of my freckles nose. I look around, waiting to see Leo laughing at me, waiting for him to announce it was a staged prank. It was impossible, after all. He couldn't have planned for a truck to ram into us. So why did I wait for the laughter? Anyway, it never came. I sat there, motionless in my seat- taking in the view presented before me. I saw shattered glass, an upside down truck laid out on the road, and spots of blood sprayed on the dash. Blood? Then, my moments of stillness were over. I jerked my shoulder, seeing as it was stuck on the seatbelt. No use. I frantically scanned me eyes all over the car, not finding Leo any were to be seen. I called for him. Well, at least I tried to. No noise escaped me lips. My mouth suddenly felt dry, and hoarse. I called again, but didn't hear anything. Did I go deaf? Are my vocal cords ruined? What happened? Questions about it all slipped their way into my mind like venomous snakes, every questions making me more and more concerned. At last, I saw Leo. No- wait. I definitely recognized that golden hair, sun kissed skin and sharp jawline. Only, it was only part of Leo. His legs seemed to be sliced from his toned body. The Horror set in. I began to panic, trying to avoid placing my eyes on Leo, or what was left of him anyway. From the corner of my eye I saw his blood from his lower half seep into the grass, his head and shoulders motionless on the concrete. Why didn't I feel any pain? Was I dead? Again, questions towered like rapidly growing trees in my head. I looked down. There was a shard of glass, inserted into my thigh. What? Where's the blood? Maybe I was just losing it, slowing dying but having hallucinations before I go. I gingerly lifted my hand, oh- still function-able. Nothing hurt. There was absolutely no pain increasing inside me. I saw the glass wedged Into my skin. So why wasn't I hollering in agony right now? "Ma'am? MA'AM? Are you okay?" I gently turned my head to the side. A tall man came running, and he looked fine to me. Was he in the crash too? Was the the truck driver? No, he would probably be dead. "Ma'am I'm going to call 911, you're going to be okay." I tried to respond, but once more no words fell from my mouth. I looked back, straight ahead. I was so confused. It didn't make any sense, me and Leo were driving back to my house after spending a day together having fun. So why are we here, in the road, blood everywhere with Leo not in the drivers seat? I heard the song birds flutter above the car, and listened to the gentle breeze the environment provided. I dropped my head to look at the glass in my thigh, and examined it closely with only my pale grey eyes. I noticed, a blue and yellow wired was frayed at the end, sticking out enough from underneath the glass so that I could see. A wire? In my thigh? Without thinking, I used my working hand to yank the glass out. I waiting long enough for the pain to set in, but it never did. Even more horrified than before, I stared in disbelief at my leg. Expecting to see bones and blood and torn muscles, I saw none of the above. Wires. Different colored wires were imbedded in my thigh, with a metal rod in the middle. The glass had dented the rod, and cut some of the wires. Suddenly, the world began to spin. I heard sirens in the distance, and saw the light drain from my surroundings. The sights in front of me became fuzzy, and unclear. Then, the world went dark.