
AΩ: The 17th – Reincarnation of the all knowing Mastermind

(NOTICE) (*WARNING *Mature Audience*) (*WARNING *Parental guidance*) Novel contains (Violence, harmful behavior, Rape, Sexual content, Child trauma, slavery, Child abuse, incest, Explicit sex, smut, r18 - Adult content, Gore, Bloodshed, Extreme Violence, Mature content, Etc) (Average Chapter length 5000-1500) Xialdre is reincarnated as a baby, and he is a born genius. However, he was also born sociopathic, unable to understand the feelings of others. As this aspect of his personality continues to develop, his entire hometown will become a bloodbath upon his return, accompanied by his maid-slave. The ruthless prince came to terror in his hometown, he did whatever he wanted—Raping and killing without remorse, As this conflict erupted in his hometown, he immediately went to his house, where he found the head of his younger brother on the doorstep. He remained emotionless amidst the chaos. Entering his parents' bedroom, he saw his mother dead in his parents' own bedroom. Upon entering his older sister's room, he foresaw her being rape by none other than the prince himself in front of the rest of his family as tears drop in her eyes. His younger sister, lying in bed, watched in despair and pity as Satra, the ruthless prince, acted. His father, the butler, and Clementine's mother tried to save his father's daughter by fighting the golden knight protecting Satra. When they finally escaped, his younger sister and his slave were left traumatized. As they ventured out to seek revenge, Xialdre continued pursuing his true goal: finding Adonai. Along the way, they gained more comrades who would try their best to make Xialdre feel emotion for the first time. After the sudden genocide devastates his hometown, Xialdre shows no remorse as he departs, viewing everyone as mere tools, including his former compatriots. His journey sees him gradually enslaving others, testing their loyalty to him. As Xialdre ventures from country to country, his notoriety grows, marking him as the primary adversary across the entire Satalias Continent. Despite his cold demeanor, he begins to find a semblance of peace, though his icy nature remains unchanged from his previous life. Some allies abandon Xialdre, while those who stay gain the power to challenge even a demon lord. Those who left remain weaker in comparison, having forsaken their bond with him. Though his loyal allies may become his wives, Xialdre refuses to coerce their loyalty; he seeks true devotion without manipulation a second time. "I won't force loyalty. If they can't choose it willingly, they're not worthy," asserts Xialdre, maintaining his calm demeanor. As his journey continues, Xialdre gradually rediscovers emotions, yet his cold, sociopathic mindset persists from his former life. "Despite my desires, I used manipulation to make them mine. But if they choose to leave, I'll let them go," he remarks coldly. Those who remain as his allies do so willingly, finding fulfillment in obeying Xialdre's commands, seeing him as their master forever. "But still, Why not use manipulation if its easier than actually winning their heart manually" Xialdre questioned. Xialdre is a reincarnation of cosmic expansion, an AΩ. He seeks revenge on the Daemon Sultan, also known as Lord God Azathoth, after losing to him alongside Elohim Adonai, another AΩ. Xialdre's life and power will only return after the rest of his shattered existence fades away. In this current life, his seventeenth, he must wait until the rest of his lives die so he can return as the AΩ he knows he is. =============================== For more just read it, since If I continue it will only be spoilers, since this sypnosis is literally a spoiler itself. Read it if you got the balls to read it. This novel is meant to terrify, disturb, And heal you. So good luck reading it, Besides if you read this just don't say I didn't warn ya.

FakeMast3rmind · Fantasie
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35 Chs

The Elven Village

As Xialdre walked back to the tent with Emiko, her head snapped back to normal, and her eyes began to take on a more human appearance. Emiko wiped the blood from her mouth, the remnants of the campers.

"Apparently, the moment we landed on the Hassia continent, a group of campers or rather adventurers saw us from a distance," Xialdre explained.

"Before we even landed on the shores of Hassia, I had already sensed their presence. They likely got lost after a quest they took in the jungle and had probably been without food for weeks."

"The moment we set foot on Hassia, the girls sensed them as well, except for Clementine, Tailin, Isayao, Alixian, and Furina. For hours, the campers followed us, and eventually, Furina noticed them."

"Furina warned me and the other girls who had sensed them earlier, but I calmly explained that everything was under control."

"Later that night, as I slept, I woke to the sound of them surrounding our tent. The party consisted of four people, and I could sense their lust, wrath, gluttony, and envy as they encircled us."

"Then Emiko woke up and walked outside. That must have been when she killed those four and feasted on them."

"Well, not like I should care. Besides, why would I anyway," Xialdre concluded.

A strong gust of wind passed them as the sun began to rise. As they reached the camp, Arisawa was the first to wake up among the girls, already drinking tea.

"My, my, what were you two doing out in the wilderness so early?" Arisawa teased with a light laugh.

"Whatever you're thinking, Arisawa, that's not it," Xialdre replied.

"You're no fun," Arisawa retorted, taking another sip of her tea.

Xialdre began packing as the rest of the girls started waking up. Asabe, who had just woken up, approached Xialdre. "What did you do to the stalkers?" she asked.

"Stalkers? What are you two talking about?" Tailin asked curiously, a hint of fear in her voice.

"Did you not know? The moment we stepped onto the shore of this continent, there were adventurers stalking us," Xyrene explained.

"Ehh, that's creepy! Why didn't I know about this?" Tailin asked.

"Probably because we thought you already knew about it," Alisha said.

"I didn't know about this either," Clementine admitted.

"Us neither," Isayao and Alixian chimed in.

After all the commotion, the group set out on another adventure into the Jungle of the Hassia Continent.

As they walked, the sun had already brightened enough to indicate that the day had begun. Birds chirped, flowers bloomed, and it seemed like any other normal day in the jungle.

As they walked, Arisawa stole a glance at Natalia's chest and realized they had the same size. Natalia noticed and asked, "What are you thinking?" clearly flustered.

"What's your cup size?" Arisawa inquired.

"B cup..." Natalia responded.

"Do yours even grow?" Arisawa teased.

"Eh, why? Yours is literally flatter than mine. Are yours an A cup?" Natalia asked confidently.

"Well, since we're both around the same age, and actually, I'm older than you. Why am I still shorter than you and have smaller breasts?" Arisawa questioned curiously.

"You're avoiding my question," Natalia responded.

"Well, I really don't want to be someone who focuses on pretty and exaggerated physical traits," Arisawa admitted.

"Eh, then why did you even ask in the first place?" Natalia replied, embarrassed.

"That's because I was testing your innocence," Arisawa revealed as she giggled, covering her mouth with her handkerchief.

Meanwhile, Asabe, overhearing their conversation, took a glimpse at her own chest and realized she had a decent size, being a C cup. She then shifted her eyes to Rain and Xyrene, who both had B cups. She giggled at first but then burst into laughter.

Both girls knew exactly why she was laughing, having overheard Arisawa and Natalia's conversation.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Rain sighed.

"What, are you jealous?" Asabe teased, grinning at the two.

Xyrene then summoned a tentacle from the ground and slapped Asabe's chest. Asabe let out a moan as Rain and Xyrene just stared at her, placing their hands on their faces.

"Eh, is this really the usual conversation here?" Furina sighed as Alixian giggled.

"How about you, Furina nee-san? What is your cup size?" Alixian asked with a very calming and innocent tone.

"Me? Well, I guess I'm a B cup. But to be honest, I'm really just going for a more slender and elegant figure, just like Arisawa over there," Furina exclaimed.

"Isayao, what about yours?" Tailin asked with a smile.

"Well, um, I guess since I'm still a kid, I'm still at an A cup," Isayao replied.

"That goes for the two of us as well," Clementine spoke up.

"Yeah, but I'm sure when I grow up, I'll have the same size as my older sister," Tailin dreamed.

Isayao, Clementine, Natalia, Arisawa, Furina, and Alixian snapped back to their senses as they shifted their eyes behind them. It was none other than Alisha, Yuri, and Emiko.

Seeing the girls change their view, Tailin also turned and saw the three women with their Huge chests.

"Ara ara, looks like their view has changed to us," Emiko commented.

"It's kind of embarrassing for you girls to be just staring at our boobs," Alisha exclaimed, blushing.

"I guess having such big breasts like ours really is noticeable," Yuri replied.

"How big are your breasts?" Asabe asked instinctively.

"Well, I'm at an F cup," Emiko answered.

"Damn," Arisawa muttered in the background.

"Mine's a bit smaller, at an E cup," Alisha admitted.

"You consider that small?" Furina responded in shock.

"I guess mine is the biggest with a G cup," Yuri answered with a small giggle.

"How the hell are you even standing?" Rain replied, intimidated.

"Girls," Xialdre called out.

The girls shifted their gaze to Xialdre, who had stopped ahead of them, looking intently at something. They hurried to catch up and were amazed by what they saw. Furina, the last to see, finally understood their fascination: a tree towering 100 meters high, with a small village nestled beneath its vast canopy.

"Wooaaaahhhh," Tailin exclaimed.

"It's huge!" Isayao added.

The fourteen of them made their way toward the small village. The sunlight was bright, and a gentle breeze carried leaves through the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere that made everyone feel at ease. However, just as they were a hundred feet from the village, an arrow shot toward them. Xialdre dodged it instantly, realizing the villagers were not as peaceful as their surroundings suggested. More arrows rained down from above.

The girls managed to fend off the arrows, but a swarm of people in green hoods began charging at them.

"Lord of the Earth, may I wish for you to shake the grounds so those who are attempting to hurt me and my comrades fall to your mighty vows. Earthquake," Natalia chanted and cast her spell.

The ground began shaking, but the hooded figures remained unfazed, chanting their own spell: "Guardian of the woods, may we wish for your strength as we use your blessings to fend off the intruders."

The villagers began running twice as fast, their hoods swaying with the wind generated by their speed. They had pure lime-green hair, and their ears were twice as long as a normal person's. Suddenly, they were inches away from Xialdre. He immediately punched the leader in the face, sending them flying.

Despite their leader being thrown away, the others continued their charge. However, they were swiftly defeated by Xyrene. Tentacles sprouted from the ground, grabbing the villagers and smashing them to the ground.

As the leader landed, Xialdre was already standing before him, pinning him to the ground while the rest of his comrades remained tangled in Xyrene's tentacles.

"To be completely honest with you, I thought we had finally found a more peaceful territory. But you showed me a performance I'll never forget," Xialdre exclaimed intimidatingly.

"Please, spare us! I beg your mercy!" the leader pleaded.

"That's strange. Why are they giving up so quickly? Did we really intimidate them that fast, or do they just lack that much confidence?" Xialdre muttered to himself.

Xialdre backed off and unpinned the leader, allowing him to stand and dust off his clothes. The leader then looked into Xialdre's eyes.

"Please, help us," he said.

"Can you give us more information about what's going on?" Xialdre asked.

"Well, can you please tell your comrade to stop pinning my allies to the ground?" the leader asked fearfully.

Xialdre shifted his gaze to Xyrene and nodded. She released the leader's comrades, who seemed disheartened by something.

"So?" Xialdre returned his gaze to the leader.

"I'm Zhikiel, from the Elf race. I am their warrior and fighter. We are considered the guardians of this tree village," Zhikiel responded.

"I see. Why did you attack us, then?" Xialdre questioned.

"For decades, a dragon has been attacking our village. Or rather, a candidate of the dragon race. And until now, we haven't found a way to protect ourselves. The dragon normally attacks once a month, and we haven't found a suitable person to defeat this so-called dragon."

"We've lost many people to the dragon, but it didn't stop. It seems like it knows what it's doing and will probably continue until we all die," Zhikiel concluded grimly.

"And how does that connect to you attacking us?" Xialdre questioned.

"Well, you see, we needed to test if you were strong enough to help us. From what you all showed, we believe you can. Please, help us defeat this dragon. If you do, the suffering we've endured for decades will finally end," Zhikiel pleaded earnestly.

"Take us to your elder," Xialdre said.

"Absolutely," Zhikiel answered.

As the group followed Zhikiel and his comrades, conversations easily formed among the two groups. It seemed like Zhikiel's comrades were already captivated by the beauty of Xialdre's comrades.

"Hey," one of Zhikiel's comrades called out to Arisawa.

Arisawa shifted her eyes towards him and smiled. "What is it?"

The comrade then questioned, "Did the sun become brighter, or did you just smile at me?"

Arisawa's left eye twitched slightly as she sighed and replied, "Did the sun become brighter, or did I just get blinded by your cringe-worthy attempt at a compliment?"

The guy sighed and immediately changed the conversation to introductions. "I'm Kilter. How about you?"

"Oh, you're 'Kilter,' are you? Must be a lonely place up there on Mount Delusion," Arisawa retorted as she walked faster, eventually reaching Xialdre's side and taking his hand.

Thinking Arisawa was already in a relationship with Xialdre, Kilter felt disheartened as he pondered his words. "Dammit!"

"Hey, what's your name? Mine is Hitsu. I'm the second in command under Master Zhikiel," another comrade asked Natalia.

"Eh," but before Natalia could respond, Emiko interrupted. "Child, stick your tongue under your teeth if you don't want to face consequences."

As Hitsu shifted his eyes to Emiko, he saw her neck snapped and her eyes turn pitch black. Hitsu screamed in fear as the other comrades of Zhikiel shook their heads.

Another one of Zhikiel's comrades, a man with seductive abs and muscles, struck up a conversation with Alisha.

"Dear, my parents said to follow my dreams, so can I borrow your love permanently?" he said, attempting to charm her.

Alisha shifted her eyes to him. "As a princess, I've been taught to pursue my dreams, but love cannot be borrowed like a royal trinket. It's a treasure earned through mutual respect and genuine connection, not something to be claimed at whim."

But the man didn't stop. "Haha, you consider yourself a princess? You're just making me flatter, sweetheart."

"My dear, a true princess wouldn't confuse romantic gestures with entitlement. If you were truly of royal descent, you'd know that love is earned, not borrowed like a trinket from the royal treasury." The man spoke as he continues.

"Though let me tell you, your body is quite the shape I truly like. You're so hot, my zipper is falling for you," the man continued. "By the way, my name is Dwayne. What's yours?"

"Dwayne, your attempt at flattery is as feeble as your grasp of respect. My royal lineage demands more than empty words and lecherous advances. Your zipper may be falling, but it's your dignity that's truly plummeting," Alisha responded icily.

"And sweetheart, even if you were a prince, you'd need more than a borrowed line to win over my heart. Love isn't a transaction; it's a dance of passion and connection, and you haven't even taken the first step," she added.

"Oh, hasty. I love it," Dwayne said, his obsession growing with a wink.

"Dwayne, your twisted fascination with cruelty is disturbingly masochistic. If you find pleasure in being torn down, perhaps you should seek therapy instead of affection. Your obsession with rejection is as pathetic as your attempts at charm," Alisha replied, now clearly frustrated.

"Hey, you there, Dwayne. You better stop that!" Emiko warned him.

"Are you jealous? Don't worry, I have room for two," Dwayne teased.

Xialdre, hearing the conversation at the back, shifted his eyes to Zhikiel. "Will you please stop your comrade?" Xialdre asked coldly.

"Don't worry, they're just playing," Zhikiel replied, then turned back and yelled, "Dwayne, stop that now!"

"I'm almost done, boss," Dwayne yelled back, and Zhikiel's entire group laughed.

The entire group, now emboldened by Dwayne's behavior, began to flirt with the girls.

"Name is Izle. What's yours?" a comrade of Zhikiel introduced himself to Asabe.

"Dear, your short silver hair has been turning me on all this time," another comrade revealed to Furina.

"Cuties, who here wants to experience a beautiful night?" a comrade of Zhikiel asked Tailin, Isayao, and Clementine, whose faces showed clear dissatisfaction.

"Are your comrades perverted?" Xialdre asked Zhikiel coldly.

"What?" Zhikiel replied, confused.

"Care to look back at what's going on?" Xialdre exclaimed.

"Don't worry, they're just playing," Zhikiel answered.

"That's not what I'm trying to show you," Xialdre said, still calm.

"See, your face is even still the same. Come on, we wouldn't like to steal your comrades away from you," Zhikiel explained.

"That's not what I'm trying to make you see. Just look back," Xialdre continued.

"Whatever, you guys just don't under—" Zhikiel started, but then he looked back and was horrified by what he saw.

Emiko's mouth was covered in blood as Natalia cast a spell to silence their victims. Dwayne was being repeatedly stabbed by Alisha, unable to move a single inch. Clementine and Isayao revealed their dark sides, happily torturing the remaining comrades of Zhikiel.

"I told you to make them stop," Xialdre exclaimed.

"Did you think I was worried about my comrades? I was actually worried about yours being killed by mine. But you didn't care, right?" Xialdre explained as Zhikiel, now on the ground and truly traumatized, shifted his eyes back to Xialdre, seeing his intimidating gaze.

"Tell me, there wasn't any dragon, right? And you're no elf, right?" Xialdre kicked Zhikiel's ear, revealing it was fake. "I once read a book about elves, and it said most of their comrades were elf girls. But I didn't see any among your comrades," Xialdre exclaimed.

"And another thing about elves is that they don't age. So why was one of your comrades an old man?" Zhikiel then blurted out, "Damn you, Giz!" The old man in their group was Giz.

"Anyway, I also noticed from a distance people with normal ears in the village, despite humans being forbidden in elf territory."

"And the thing that really stood out about your fake race identity is that you guys lack the pride of real elves."

"Normal elves wouldn't agree to humans as allies ever, unless they truly swore their loyalty to them. The elf race is one of the strongest races in the world."

"And for you guys to be easily defeated is just really strange. So this led me to conclude that the reason you guys won against them was by using some kind of artifact, right?"

"You guys realized you couldn't win against us, so you tried to lure us into your base and use that artifact to defeat us as well, right?"

"Another thing is that you didn't react despite knowing one of my comrades is literally of the dragon race, a race that you said has attacked your so-called village for decades. What a load of crap." Xialdre finished.

Zhikiel, now trembling, could not muster a response. The truth was laid bare, and Xialdre's calm yet piercing analysis left no room for further deceit.

"Y-you know this much already..." Zhikiel stuttered, his voice trembling with fear.

"Don't get your hopes up. We wouldn't want to let you live to be our hostage," Xialdre declared coldly.

"No, plea—" But before Zhikiel could finish his sentence, Xialdre had already cut off his head.

"Anyways," Xialdre spoke up.

The girls, their laughter dying down, turned their attention to Xialdre as he continued, "Let's save the enslaved slaves from their invaded Teritory."