
Chpt:2 {{¶¶Lightbring£r¶¶}}



in A¢a¢ia energy is never created nor destroyed so the power of that being has to go somewhere and it should be yours, Master, afterall it is the essence of your late father's energy! However," he interjects, "the power of a god is of great desire and there is much demand for it so the longer you stay and the more power you absorb, the more dangerous it becomes as other beings will want to take it for themselves.". says Zaapeth the celestial guard

The young God after listening attentively while trying to stay focus in his weak celestial form quickly replied : Listen to me carefully, your name is no longer Zaapeth,

Zaapeth could not contain his happiness and said while he floats majestically:Of course, your Omniscience, what is it?"

the young God replied: your name from now henceforth as long as you are in my service and a loyal being to my late father the King, you are to be called Lightbring£r,

**Lightbring£r was happy to be with the young God at times like this, he was glad that the young omnipotence was finally seeing him as a person he could trust after the demise of the late God king 👑**

Lead me to where the essence of the celestial life form of my late father quickly, the young God said as he observed the universe In awe as if seeing the celestial realm for the first time.



Lightbring£r flies the young God through the twisting nether, dodging clouds of ethereal gas and scattered rocks. Suddenly, in the distance, a faint glow of light penetrates the vast darkness, As they came closer, the light glows brighter and brighter until everything around them becomes visible.

floating around a celestial body that have been dead for a while now lies the colossal corpse of a fallen god, its celestial form appearing to slowly disintegrate into nothing. the young God felt a powerful energy permeating the void around him, Simply being in the presence of this great being seems to make you him more powerful and he could not help but ""echo the celestial song for departed relative god's.

Quickly, Your Greatness, concentrate on harvesting as much energy as possible from the void around you!" Lightbring£r shouts. "We cannot linger here long, I can already feel daemons, other creatures of great power, approaching.

The young God meditated on the vast source of energy around him. Floating stationary, He felt the celestial energy seeping into his very being.

Lightbring£r while observing his new master although young and has a lot to learn he was happy that the son of the late God king was alive, and he would not let anything happen to him. he finally speaks up: Alright, Master. That is enough, we must get out of here!"

the young God couldn't contain his thirsts for the celestial power, the essence of his fallen father was so strong and intoxicating he concentrated harder, consuming as much of the energy as possible in a few more seconds.

Bu__ buu_ but I need more power's, he manages to speak ơut, anyways thank you lightbring£r, it was hard for me to pull out.

""Lightring£r did not waste time in replying; It is quite alright, Your Divine. The energy of gods can be very appetizing."


Looking back, The Young God could see a horde of astral beings swarm over the body of his father like ants, tearing each other apart.

As they fly through the Realm of Acacia, Lightbring£r speaks up once more. "Now that you have a bit of power under your belt it's time to get you registered at the Court of the Gods!



(I want to use this medium and thank you guys for the love and support you gave me, the inspiration was superb from you guys for thìs episode

watch out for Chapter 3****