
wake back

The first sun shine ,infiltrating through the window to the carrefour, drove me to grimace as I opened my eyes. The brightness perfusing my sparkless eyes didn't bother me, but rather the fact I woke up. I was pissed.

I grabbed the newel and set my head free. My mind felt light as it healed and the blood I lost gushed inside. I was drunk on my blood, well, the sudden change in oxygen refreshed me up.

Was it a murder weapon or a resurrection artifact! There are who define ones self by his memories, experiences and struggles throughout his existence; You were no one but you got shaped into this person. They are also statements of a person being the way he thinks, his procedure in situations and ability to interact with complex cognitive dimensions; You are the you who contain without getting infected by external variabilities.

When looking at them both, I find it ironic that they are the same but twisted to favorise memory and relationships or ability to think and values. Ones cannot be without the other, I choose something based on my intellect, I create a memory, the memory helps in the upcoming choices, the choices were varieties cause of my situation in life, cumulus created my way of thinking. And so on it goes in a growing spiral.

Hmmm, did I favour the first right now! Except we don't start at the middle point, that's why there are geniuses in a specific field regardless of the environment, but it has an impact regardless.

Thus, do I remain me when I forget everything, or do I create someone new and I forcibly erase it. My character is the same but I be scarred to disappear, my way of though is identical to mine now but not to when I lived those events in there moment. I? isn't it another? isn't it me who's not me? Experience isn't memory?

Well, after countless flashbacks into the same period of having a family and a title among society, I got tired of ethiques. Besides, trying to negotiate using convictions and burble of philosophy is irrelevant except for frying my mind by fuzzy nonsense.

"Haaaahe, I envy people who live without a care in the world or use their time trying to survive. Who's me? what is human? why life? why not death? What,why, what, why, who, howww?" I talked insanely to myself.

"Master, are you okey?" the black haired butler I called Carl yesterday was in fact a red demon who have an ulcered face with marks of burns.

I stared to the light burning my eyes and stayed put between the silence around us. "Why wouldn't I be?" I looked back to him.

"Ah, that..." he was nervous."I see that your illusion has run out. Was it tiresome keeping it up for a month?"

"It wasn't that hard, I can do that much" he answered.

I put my hand on his shoulder as I stepped forward. "Larcos, thank you"He turned towards me in a surprised look. "It's my duty, so no need to thank me" he added after he got his composure back. His eyes widened again as he saw my face stupefied staring ahead of me.

"Aaaah! It was tiresome to keep acting all the time", my sister figure was going down the stairs, "Big broo" she said in the cute ton "Such bullshit" then added with an attitude.

"You stupid!" he reproached to her in an exclaimed manner.

"Change back" I said under my breath. "Change, the fuck, back!" I shout enraged.

She flinched and morphed back to her original form, before she was pinned brutally to the wall by a dagger I've thrown to her chest.

I went up to her in heavy steps, "I guess I was kind didn't I?". "I was super easy going and foolish that you forgot your place, Scum!".

She was hung up that my eyes could be locked to hers.I suddenly smashed the wall beside her by my head. "Haaa!" I hit the wall another time with a force capable of destroying it, that if I kept my physical endurance as it is. My forehead started bleeding, I wanted to feel the tingles of pain.

I rested my forehead on the wall ,while the river of blood was traced on it, then hit it in consecutive punches. "Sister!" "My Sisterrr!" "Fafa...family" "family" "one four, one four. wa-wa one time" "upon a time" "m-me me me me or y-ou you" My head was going arbitrary in brusque movements.

"WA WA what? where are you! Where is where? Where is whaaaaat". I smashed my head again on the wall to calm myself down, the after-effects caught my sanity and distorted it.

"As I thought, I like you insane" She smiled insanely after taking her human personification.

"Shut the fuck up!" I gave her a death stare.

I went down the stairs and stopped in midway "Free yourself hastily or you will crumble and die"

"Oooh! how kind of you being concerned of my well being" in a soft voice she answered in a sarcastic manner."Agh" A sound of pain was exteriorized from her mouth.

"I cannot guarantee you I can hold myself back" My hand was covering my face while the corner of my eyes took an empty stare on her."You are a nice item to have, but shamefully you are so disposable"

She grabbed the dagger quickly and tried to pull it immediately. "Kkhe" it was heavier to be pulled or her hands were shaking by fear.The dagger kept going deeper as she tried to free herself.

It was embedded by my 'force reverse' technique so if you apply a force in a direction it will be altered to direct in the other way. You basically can't take it out, it's better to not try to pull it out.

She was putting force progressively as to match the previous, but there was no use. Her body was patched rooted in digitations formed by the dagger."Aaaaaaaagh" she was at the limit.

I flicked my fingers, the dagger vanished and she was freed. She fell to the ground panting.

"Larcos" I called for him who stayed silent in his place "I'm a merciful master"

"Yes master, you are" without hesitance he answered.

"I feel hungry right now, is there some breakfast?" I didn't beat around the bush.

"The dishes are ready, I have yet to set the table"

"Yes!" I indicated with a victory fist "I'm counting on you".

"So if you excuse me, I'm going to assure my duty in organizing a feast to your slumbered taste's bourgeons"

I nodded. "Tell them to bring along our guest"

"As of yours!"

"Yeah, choose the special attire"

"As you wish" he went on his way.

"And you" I turned around to her "I need a pretty girl, you are gonna follow me to my room"

She looked at me pitifully from under her bangs.

"Hmmm" I exclaimed in what 'are you looking at!'.

"Iyaaaahe!" She hugged her self tightly "I don't want to get raped". "But what can I do? Men can't control their urges when alone with a pretty woman like I"

"Khachofe" I spit to the ground . "You disgust me, so forget it" I quit her after evaporating the spit mark.

She's annoying but I like how she keeps me composed in this self by being able to console me when I forget who I am. As she likes this cold self, I need to keep it to keep her cause I hate other demons.

I recruited demons to my team to help in the things I lack, for exemple illusion or desire. Two demons on a leach by admiration or sadism and brute power, Alaric is special since we have a two end pact.

Why demons? They live basically for eternity and they don't question my judgements, thus I don't need to persuade them but show the absolute potential to keep their curiosity. As arrogant and selfish they are, they follow only power. Besides being with people is annoying and elves are long ago extinct.

Why having demons if I can do things by my only power? As I said I can't do everything. Besides,I have a curse that makes me forget who I am and what point of time I'm in, I can easily get exploited if I stayed alone. Before these 100 years where they were, that happened frequently.

They are banished demons so they need me for shelter and protection. They are obedient cause if they betrayed me they'll perish by my hands if I regained my consciousness. I am vengeful.

This curse comes at random but I was able to reduce it's frequency, so it doesn't bother as much.

"Pfft" a laugh interrupted my monologue "Why am I talking and argumenting by myself?" "I can choose whoever, for whatever I want" I stopped in the stairs and talked alone."Besides I'm bored, having pets is good" I kept on my way.

I got to my room after balading in the castle absent minded. The architecture was nostalgic but I didn't admire it.

"You are late"she was sitting on the bed as I expected.

"You dare wrinkling my sheets!"She looked around the bed then stood up from it.

"I told you to forget it, why did you come without my consent!"she stayed silent.

"Hm!" "Does your scubus nature insist you to stealth in rooms!" I stared at the window and the light infiltrating through it. "We are still in broad daylight. Never heard of scubuses coming after sun rise"

"And here I am!" she added to my talking. "You requested a pretty girl" she insisted on pretty "And here it is".

"I want to know what clothes I should wear on your perspective and I want to be spoiled by being dressed by a girl."

"That's it? I expected more"

"nahe that's it"

"So you are not gonna jump on me!"

I felt something snapping on my mind. "Alaric, you are disgusting as fuck, forget this play I'm in no mood to pretend anymore"

Her corpse rotten and fell as a stick to the ground. The room turned black, and the black converged into a tornado from wish a black haired man appeared. It was Alaric.

"Pretend!? You basically have fallen for it" He said laughing.

"Showing of as usual"

He put the tips of his fingers on the forehead and did a pose "Presentation is everything". I could see the sparkles of a narcissist around him.

"Did you make breakfast!"

"Haa!" He exteriorized a dumb voice.

I raised an eyebrow as in 'you better should have'

'"Of course, of course no worries" he consoled by his hands.

"And don't mess up with me like that. But yeah, it was funny"

"Right, you basically considered that you hired demons"

"No, funny how you played all the roles" ''little brother!'" I laughed after saying it in a cute voice.

"Pfft, now we are even" he remarked as I said it also now.

"It sounded cuter when you said it, so even! you were better"

"I say cute things, but you are cute so it doesn't matter what you say" he smirked. "Besides, I say the dialogues, but it's the hôtes character that shows the script"

I called for the book and it flew to my hand. I opened it on the first page. "Well, if you mess up again with my memory I'll eradicate you from the memory of the world". My ability to think of instant explanations and reasoning of a fake situation was odd and scary in a sense, but it mostly pissed me off. They were demons indeed, but what remained of their outer shell.

"It's a prank" he calmed me down "And it's me"

"The aftereffects, What are the aftereffects!" I signaled "Well, it's you so you can't also do that.No worries." I was flipping the pages rapidly and scanning the contents.

"But no worries create the biggest worry. But then, if there are no worries how can you worry!" I would say that everything accumulating by ignorance turns to something that cannot be ignored"

"Haaahe, and here he is munching words like he is smart" he mumbles behind my back.

I finished the book and slammed it shut. "I have some questions, as I am dumb I cannot understand one thing"

"You read so fast, Aaagh! I wanted to rest between your reading sessions or make breakfast" he threw his sight to bed then He jumped on it. "Ah, I'm tired"

"So why weren't you able to identify him?"

"Haa, identify identify. Well I make mistakes and you were absent minded" he answered.

"Did a fissure occur?"

"Hmm, dunno. Maybe it did maybe not"

I frowned "Alaric!"

"My bad, it did and it's bad"

"Then it's true. They came and I lost months!" I hit the wall enraged.

The rage settled quickly and I readjusted my clothes"Well. I'll figure it out, but after breakfast"

"Take it easy, just calm down. It's not your fault that it happened"

"I feel calm, calm to the point I fear that I'll do nothing about it"

"If there's nothing to do" He grabbed the rooted body from the ground "Do the first thing that comes or something".

He went to the door "I'll be going now, just wear the usual it doesn't matter, he is a boy and not a pretty girl so it doesn't matter" 

"I'll use the time to meditate as usual so try to be kind till I come"

"Alright I'll wait for you. See you late" He took a turn around before going his way. "But I'll eat without you"

"Nooooo!" I said desperately joking.

I clapped my hands together "Well, I'll read the volume. Hehehehe" then called the dust cover book.