
9.9 Billion Bride

He is the emperor of the dark night—cruel and indifferent, rejecting the warmth of women's affection. He ensnared her, viewing her as the antidote to the love poison that coursed through him, instantly addicted, and henceforth, forever beyond redemption. "The women who have glimpsed my body have only one destiny," he declared, donning a refined silver-black mask, his smile sly. "Yet, I find your scent intriguing. You may choose the manner of your demise." Their first encounter saw him pinning her to the carpet. Though commonplace advances typically involved various kisses, he surprised her by biting her neck. The perplexing question lingered: Why was he, not a vampire, drinking her blood?! Upon their second meeting, she fell prey to his bodyguard's abduction, brought before him. As she teetered on the brink of total consumption, a mysterious factor within her body was triggered...

Mo Xiaotao · Allgemein
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907 Chs

011: Will Be Married Off (2)

Translator: 549690339

Tara Summer continuously stirred the milk in her cup with the spoon in her hand, her small face flushed red. Her beautiful, delicate cheeks were like ripened apples, making people want to take a bite.

George Summer's gaze became deep and fiery. Ethan Summer and Victoria Saber watched this scene. The former narrowed his eyes, while the latter sensed a massive crisis.

Victoria's face grew darker. If this lowlife's daughter got involved with George, what status would she and her daughter hold in the Summer Family?

No, she had to take the initiative!

"Grandfather..." Thinking about this, Victoria looked at Ethan Summer, carefully weighing her words, "Now that Tara has returned from studying abroad, shouldn't we arrange a blind date for her?"

Blind date?!

Tara and Josie Reed lifted their heads at the same time. Both of them stared at Victoria, as Tara's graceful eyebrows nearly furrowed together.

"Auntie, I'm only 20 years old. My sister is five years older than me." She reminded Victoria Saber. The implication was: if someone should be arranged for a date, it should follow the order of age.

"I know!" Victoria Saber glared at her, "But your sister has been helping out in the company and has made a lot of contributions. Even without a blind date, many wealthy families are noticing her. But you're different. Can your major help the company? If you can't be of help, you shouldn't be idling around, right? So wouldn't it be better to marry into a good family?"

Tara's face fell. Was she belittling her major again?

This Victoria Saber, always having a grudge against her and her mother, had meticulously planned to throw them out of the house. She looked down on them and oppressed them all the time. Her mother was good-tempered and didn't argue back. But Tara would not put up with her.

Calling her "auntie" was her showing respect. The day she upset her, she would surely retaliate with double the intensity.

"What's wrong with my major?" Tara held back her anger, her voice indifferent, "After all, I never planned to rely on Summer Family money after graduation. Not only can my major support my mother, but it can also support me with plenty to spare! Auntie..."

Tara curved her red lips into a cold smile, "As for my marriage, no need to worry about it. Rest assured, I will get married! I won't be a burden to the Summer Family!"

"You..." Tara was being blunt, not caring that Victoria Saber's face turned green with anger.

"Tara Summer, don't go too far!" Robin Summer, who was spoiled and prideful, saw her mother being bullied, how could she hold her anger back? Losing her head, she pounded on the table and stood up, "Mother suggesting a blind date is for your own good! Look in the mirror! With your lanky figure and background, you're lucky to even find a man willing to marry you, and here you are, refusing to marry the one arranged by the elders?"

Robin had always been hostile towards her, and now she had gone too far with her words!

"Hmph." Tara let out a cold hum, not saying a word, her small face darkening.

Yes, she admitted she was not as voluptuous and tall as Robin, but that was not a reason to belittle her so much!

Robin? She couldn't be bothered to argue with her! Since childhood, she had stolen everything Tara liked. Gradually, Tara had learned to be indifferent, unwilling to fight or make a fuss.

"Pretentious are we?" Robin couldn't stand Tara's unworldly expression. In her eyes, Tara was pretending to be aloof, "Don't you agree with what I'm saying? You...."

"Enough!" Robin's words were abruptly cut off by a roar of anger. Sixty-year-old Ethan Summer was still robust and vigorous. His voice deep and steady, his usually icy and gloomy face appeared more fearful which silenced everyone.

The servants in the dining room all lowered their heads, and the whole place suddenly fell into silence.