
7 ordinary girls with secret

Once there was 7 ordinary girls with secret which no one know but one day their life changed.

zoya_khawaja · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 : First lesson Flying.

They went to the hall while laughing but they didn't know that some one was watching them with jealousy especially the starlight girls. After lunch they head towards their first class which was flying held by Miss Afomia.

Afomia: Welcome students my name is Afomia today we start from basic. First take a deep breath feel the air. Once you feel the air then say the word UP.

Once the students say word up the one of the student Mr peter accidentally reach near the tower of the school he was scared at that time and didn't know what to do.

Miss Afomia: Mr. Peter Get back down this instance.

Mr.Peter: I don't know how to get down. Help me please.

Miss Afomia: Mr. Peter said the word DOWN.

When Mr. Peter said the word DOWN but instead of landing safe the crash landing occur which lead the Mr peter broke his arm. Everyone ran toward Mr. Peter.

Miss Afomia: Ow ow ow! I can see that you accidentally broke your arm don't worry I take you to nurse. If I see any person feet off the ground 5 points will be taken from them. Class is dismissed.

Lucy: I hope he's alright that must be hurtful.

Jungkook: Don't worry he'll be fine. The nurse will fix his arm in no time.

Lucy: I hope so.

Jungkook: I'll be back in a minute. Wait here.

Diana: ok.

Andrea: Well well well! look what do we have here bunch of new students or should we say new victim.

Camilia: Shall we have some fun ?

Nancy: Sure.

With that they were going to attack them but Jisso came at that time with rest of the blackpink.

Jisso: Stop.

Jennie: Stay away from them.

Rose: Or we want complain to the headmaster.

Lisa: Or we might ended up hurting you.

Sarah: Stop your rubbish.

With that Nancy cast a spell but jade reverse it or Nancy. They again try to attack but this time

jimin teleport itself toward Nancy and stop her.

Nancy: Oppa what are you doing?

Sarah: Why are you saving them? They were the one who attack us. We were just defending us.

Namjoon: Stop it ! we all saw what you did. Don't you dare come near them do you understand .