
7 minutes in Heaven

[UPDATES ON EVERY WEDNESDAYS!] "We can't date!" "Why not?" "Because I'm a nerd and you're a popular girl." "So?" "So we can't date!" "Says who?" "The world!" "Well then Rio Sanders, are you ready to prove the world wrong then?" . . . . . . 7 minutes... 7 minutes was all it took for two person’s world to be turned upside down. They knew each other yet they didn’t know each other. They were at the same school; one being shy and introvert and another being an extrovert and party monger. But one dare made themselves visible to each other. Rio Sanders is a typical shy nerd, who loves to bury himself in his books. An A+ student with a dark past. A wild 7 minutes was enough to make himself question about his true personality and catch the eye of the party animal of Roschend High. Emilia Johannas is an outgoing girl of Roschend High who loves to party. There’s no such party thrown by her schoolmates that she didn’t attend. Booze, dancing and late night revelry was all she knew. But a wild 7 minutes with a hot nerd lit the fire in her. She wanted him. Facing their demons and hurdles, these two polar opposite people embark on journey of finding true love and happiness.

sonamakoi_20 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
47 Chs

~Chaoter 28~

When the dark haired boy limped out of the boys washroom and was about to return back to field, his ears picked up the sound of a very familiar clacking of heels. A slow, ominous clacks as if a hunter approaching the prey with high caution—something that he had already experienced and knows about it. He couldn't afford to turn around his neck to see the owner of those heels. So he started to speed walk as fast as he could to get away from those approaching sounds of heels.

It is not like no female students or teachers do not wear heels, they do wear heels but this particular sound has been etched on his soul and he won't be able to forget it no matter what. He wanted to lock himself inside a janitor's closet but founding it locked from the outside, he hid behind a broken desk that was kept at one side to be discarded later. Luckily the desk wasn't broken enough to conceal him and allowed him to have a view of the legs of people who passed by from underneath it. As he hid, the heels came clacking as if it was following him. The owner turned around a bit, her steps in red heels showing her confusion regarding the situation of a boy disappearing so quickly whom she had spotted from the end of the long hallways.

The dark haired boy could only sigh in relief when those awfully familiar red heels departed from there.

Rio sat in a furnished room of the house in front of which he had claimed himself to be Emilia Johannes's boyfriend, that too, in front of her mother and aunt two months back. The room was totally different from what he imagined it to be. It has a somber and mature aura with wooden bed decorated in purple bed sheet and matching pillow covers, a dressing table of black wood just beside a door which he assumed to be the door for open balcony, a messy study table and a closet beside it. A laptop was left charging on the bedside table and the rug on the floor was clean and soft to touch. Everything in the room is clean except for the study table. Well, this is expected for someone like her who doesn't enjoy studying much.

He, Rio Sanders is at present alone in a room, that too of a girl. For some reason he started to feel nervous, maybe because it is his first time to a girl's room. And now the room where he is sitting is none other than the Queen Bee's room itself who is also his girlfriend. Rio doesn't know about her exes but to him for a girlfriend, Emilia is quite observant—looking out for him always, pushy enough to challenge his mental boundaries and a hella good kisser—no no NO that wasn't supposed to go that way—

"I didn't know that my room lacked seating arrangements so much that you had to take refuge on floor. What are you doing on the floor?" Rio was jolted out of the mental image that was formed in his mind and he is thankful to her for interrupting him at the right moment.

"Uh no…t-the rug, the r-rug was good so…"

Emilia put down the box she's carrying which he assumed to be medical kit on the bed and patted on the bed indicating him to sit on the bed. Rio gulped. He had sent a nervous text message to Luke asking for advice but his phone haven't vibrated so it means that he hasn't replied yet. But he really needed that reply as to how

"Strip. Now."

—to tackle situations like this!

Rio fiddled with the hem of his t shirt hesitating when she grew impatient; "Come on! Off with it!"

Her hands felt cold when she applied moisturizer on his back. He had hoped that she wouldn't mind the scars on his back and ask questions which thankfully she didn't. She simply concentrated on applying moisturizer on his back, his hands that were red due to over exposure to hot water in the showers. His torso remained in its natural color but his chest seemed redder than his back. He flinched when she touched him that made her stop and look at him. His face looked much redder than any other part of his body at present.

"Rio, lay down on your back." So he did. As Emilia squirted some more moisturizer in her hand, she couldn't believe how defenseless he is. Surely he had some issues with physical touch but if treaded carefully he gradually relaxes, at least in her touch. She ran her fingers lathered with cool moisturizer on his chest making him stiff and his nipples harden. She climbed on top of him earning a squeak to which she gave an excuse that she'll be able to apply the moisturizer properly. Truth to be told, Rio looked so adorable at that point that she felt that if she were a guy, she'd have gotten a boner at this point.

Rio clenched his fists tightly and chanted the national anthem of his country in his mind so as to not get a boner with Emilia on top of him. That is the last thing he wanted. However, not wanting to get a boner was easier said than done. Sometimes, human beings can't control their physiological nature. When he zoned out from all these inner thoughts, he noticed that her hands have stopped and she is dangerously close to him. Her pink lips closer to his, a slight movement from his side would lead them kissing each other.

To Rio's disappointment she moved away slowly but he didn't let her. He covered her lips with his hoping with all might that he didn't make any mistake but her eager response to his peck made him relieved of his doubt. It was Emilia's turn to be surprised for her shy boyfriend taking lead clumsily, she lead him on. 

Once both of them have become submerged in each other they forgot their surroundings. Her hands busied themselves in his hair, his hands roamed around her body but respected the border created by her undergarments. They broke apart to breathe for air. Emilia wanted to remove the bangs that were covering his eyes but remembering that how he had swatted her hand previously she stopped. But she was surprised when Rio himself guided her paused hands to remove his bangs. 

She couldn't help but emit a gasp when she got a look at his eyes for the first time.