
7 Creator Games

The series begins with a girl, who creates a non-human kingdom (See: Ideas that when dreaming: They wake up!) This kingdom is vegetal, animal and pro-human by metamorphosis, it has a fight on land with 4 other kingdoms: Caterpillars, Fungi, Wasps and Humans (See: Prays XHuman) The girl has grown up and cares about ecology; and the characters initiate a connection of the non-human world with the human world because they contaminate a Bay. Pollution that gives rise to Covid-19, Covid-20 and Covid-21 (human self-destruction / non-human self-defense?) This causes a Metamorphosis on the part of the Creator and the Prays is now transmigrated to Human (See: Vallemar) The girl remembers a problem in her cousin's family with drug aspects and the cousin is now Bierny, this character falls in love, but at the same time suffers a scam by Jack Latro, with the BitCoin in the pyramid mode ( See: BitLove) Bierny is transmigrated to Vallemar and both (bipolar / human and pro-human characters) fall in love with Nalexa. Nalexa has a sister named Alondra. Alondra falls in love with Xuli Latro who has been adopted by Jack Latro and specialized in Espionage, Hitman, and Finance. Bierny must mentor Xuli Latro to help him in his relationship with Alondra otherwise he will lose his marriage. There is a cycle of seven days for the change of project of life, character and personality; otherwise they will fall into a cycle of repetitions that the Creator has established for the bad guys; at the end a flood will eliminate everything created: Who will be saved? (Read: The Creator Of Seven Games) GenX ----------------------------------- Comprising: BitLove: (WPC # 160, Ranking: 2, Plate) https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105 -----------------------------------/// Seven books are connected and aligned with the slogans: Prays XHuman (military, kingdom no human) WFP # 32 (White Sea School) WPC # 160 (BitLove) WFP # 34 (7 Creator Games)

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The man Lord of all the Created.

For "spiritual" logic, see: something possessed the serpent and spoke; this same voice: it possessed and made the woman think and speak to her husband as well. Both women and men, being 'possessed, ate the forbidden fruit. Change the faculty of reasoning, obedience and responsibility.

How did this spirit of error to convince the woman: With phrases that are a lie in the mouth of the liar, even if he is citing a great truth like this:

"But God knows that the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Although of course, their eyes were opened to such an extent that they were embarrassed, ending up hiding. What could they see and which at the same time embarrassed them?

They could see that they were asexual beings, that they felt desires for each other, that they were already in the mating season or animally said of mating.

And why would they be like God?

In the days of the creation of the 7 games, it is expressed from the Creator: "And he saw that everything was good" and "that it was very good." (Genesis 1: 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25 and 31).

The creator is good and everything created is good and in a great way. As a result of the so-called 'temptation', man would obtain not from God but under his warning or prohibition, on his enemy, who of course, apart from lying: deceives. By deceiving the woman and this woman the man, the angel of evil, with all his wickedness, led man and woman to be evil.

This was the fear of the Creator. For if the same angel could not contain himself and conceived to be evil, likewise man does not discern the spirits of error due to his spiritual blindness.

It is what we see every day: when he gets sick, when he is infected when a man or woman dies from Covid; it is simply because knowing or not that they can detect this type of unhealthy possession for themselves. They do not reject it or wield the power to drive them away from their bodies, minds, heart, and spirit. And of their families.

I repeat, it is logical, if something can enter through 'demonic possession or through the spirit of error'; likewise it can come out through the spirit of truth.

Bierny, is presenting his dissertation to a small group but eager to know:

—Ask yourself: Am I trained to free myself? Is it also possible to give freedom over these possessions to others? —He added: Every week there are cases solved.

(soon I will write at this level of spiritual knowledge, the volume: Bierny, is one of them)

He continued, Bierny, stating, "We began to recap the structure of the book: 'The Creator of Seven Games.' And yes, you wake up in your bed thinking it's a normal day. Everything seems normal until the day is over and you discover that the date remains the same. And you ask yourself:

What material was the bed made of?

Who made it?

Why did that tree have to be cut down?

Tell them, Bierny mused: "The married man gets home: in a context of paradise, he had to use the forbidden tree and because everyone makes firewood from the fallen tree." Improve the mention if it results in something utilitarian such as: 'bed for the newlyweds'. And he smiled at that twist of half-color revelation.

—Bierny, a little more serious, staring at the group, asked: Where does the problem of humanity lie? To the point that the world will end in seven days. And through a flood.

—Do we think we already know why? I ask, wanting to draw a conclusion, under the watchful eye of the couples in the front row, made up of: Xuli Latro and Alondra, and DJ Carma Latro and Kei Sky. In the background, in a semicircle: the other couples summoned. —The reading club, which was formed unexpectedly, after seeing several cases of people getting sick from Covid.

-Do not!? And if! —Bierny continued, speaking (it is the classic sermon service, the speaker speaks and everyone silently follows the successes or failures)


—Bierny spread other ideas from the Maker games. Based on Genesis 1: 26-31

Dynamic 6: The man Lord of all the Created.

By the sixth day, production continues, but in this case it is no longer water: producing fish and birds that end up swimming first and second flying through the air.

This time, it is the earth's turn to produce — remember that man was made from the dust of the earth. Let's see the Relationship and we will discuss each item promptly:

- Let the earth produce living beings according to their kind,

- beasts and

- snakes and

- land animals according to their species.

This list that he gives you is interesting: Three categories according to their gender?

(1) Animals,

(2) Snakes and

(3) Beasts.

If for some, the story of a snake that speaks, convinces, possesses, influences… it was already something terrifying. Why, one end of this list men in our image,

- conforming to our likeness; Y

- rule over the fish of the sea,

- in the birds of the skies,

- in the beasts, in all the earth, and

- in every animal that crawls on the ground.

If you have noticed the list continues to play in the same order of creation and importance. At the end of the writing, we read, the recognition of gender and the blessing of the Creator:

-And God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

-And… he said to them: Be fruitful and multiply;

- fill the earth, and

- subdue her, and

- rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the heavens, and over all the beasts that move on the earth.

For the third time the list is confirmed: in order and hierarchies.

"Friends," said Bierny, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to define the future chaos: the reasons of the Creator." It is up to you, as it is to me, to define: How do you want to pass the tests?

—Before I want to show two seeds, that the distinguished lawyer DJ Carma Latro from the Island of Puerto Rico has kindly brought us to Cebu Island, in order to sow a precedent; I mean the tree whose fruit we commonly call: apple tree. These apple trees are grown all over the world, the most widely cultivated species being the 'Malus'. Alluding perhaps to the forbidden fruit of paradise, "Bierny said: smiling. This caused a lot of grace among the attendees, who relaxed until they laughed at each other, looking at the couples as a sign of complicity:

"Ha. Ha Ha

This tree is native to Central Asia. He has also brought a seed whose tree throws a beautiful flower: which will be the symbol of this union together with your beautiful flower on the island. Both flowers will serve as ornaments woven with our enigmatic: Cebu Blue. Applause

They all started clapping and standing up and walking in order to greet the distinguished lawyer, who was feverishly guarded by his exotic girlfriend. Kei Sky.

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