
69 N’ Goul鬼 Season 1 Morn kunthea+meng lu

Number 69: 69 is slang for when two partners arrange their bodies to perform oral sex on each other at the same time in a way that looks like number 69. Long live France! Slang 69 dates back, if you can believe it, to the French Revolution. The term is found in a French work from 1790, Les catéchismes des putains, attributed to the revolutionary figure Théroigne de Méricour, who described a sixty-nine, or "sixty-nine" in French. English picked up 69 in the 1880s, with its numeric shortcut, 69, familiar in the 1970s. As long as there have been humans, however, there has probably been the practice of a 69. This is described in the ancient Indian Kama Sutra, for example, as the congressional stance of a crow. The position involves different-sex or same-sex partners lying on top of each other - genitals or anus - at the same time, usually achieved by lying on their side or one on top. That is unless those involved take the Standing 69 or Eiffel 69, known variations of the movement. If you are looking for more details from us, well, there are other websites for that. 69 is commonly referenced - and sneered at - in popular culture. R&B singer Rick James released "She Blew My Mind (69 Times)" in 1982, for example, and Bryan Adams 1984 "Summer of '69", which makes puns on the year of peace and love 1969. Rapper Daniel Hernandez is best known by his suggestive stage name, In the 2000s, 69 = inspired something of a meme where netizens comment "kindly" on just about any content online with number 69 (for example, poll shows 69% of Americans approve of the new law). Not that this is new. Almost all of us who know 69 make jokes every time we meet 69 in the wild, from phone numbers and jersey numbers to birthdays and license plates. Number 69: When angel number 69 appears in your life, it is a message from your angels regarding achieving your goals and fulfilling your potential. Angel number 69 can appear in different ways, so it is important to remain open to the messages that the Spirit sends to us. Angel number 69 is a sign from your angels that a cycle in your home and family life is coming to an end, which means another is just beginning. Ghouls: The ghoul is a demon-like being or monstrous humanoid native to the pre-Islamic Arab religion, associated with cemeteries and consuming human flesh. In modern fiction, the term has often been used for a certain type of undead monster. Drinks blood, eats the dead, feeds on young children, seduces humans, morphs into an ostrich, steals coins. 鬼: Japanese folklore, a type of demonic creature often giant in size, of great strength, and frightening in appearance. They are generally considered to be of foreign origin, possibly brought to Japan from China with Buddhism. Cruel and malicious, they can nevertheless convert to Buddhism….

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69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode 53 Author Morn kunthea

Crush's team arrives at the entrance to 保護巣 which is full of houses built like bird nests. Teacher Takemura pulled a balloon to land near a lowland, and a group of ghoul bird guards came to greet them into the deity area, where 部隊 birds live. They had to walk through the rocks with lots of blue lights along the way. In particular, they had to wear bird feathers, which were coat and walk into the hall. A group of 部隊 birds waited for them and greeted them warmly. 部隊 eagle bird gave Crush's team a drink of blood from the deity tree before resting at the Inner Bird School. If they do not drink blood, they will not be able to breathe in the inner realm. Their group drank the blood, each feeling their body felt like a strange electric shock. After discussing how to live in the area, the bird guards took them to the inner land. And they also stay in a single room in a nest-shaped house. With Crush looking out the window, he sees a group of bird students practicing all kinds of martial arts that he used to read in books or only see in movies.

69 N'Goul鬼

Anime Japan


著者 モン クンテイア

クラッシュのチームは,鳥の巣のように建てられた家でいっぱいの保護巣の入り口に到着します. 竹村先生が気球を引いて低地近くに着陸すると,部隊の鳥が住む神殿にグール鳥警備隊が迎えに来ました. 彼らは途中でたくさんの青い光で岩を通り抜けなければなりませんでました. 特に,彼らはコートを着てホールに入る鳥の羽を身に着けなければなりませんでました. 部隊の鳥の群れが彼らを待って,暖かく迎えました. 部隊イーグルバードは,インナーバードスクールで休む前に,クラッシュのチームに神の木から血を飲ませました. 彼らが血を飲まなければ,彼らは内なる領域で呼吸することができません. 彼らのグループは血を飲み,それぞれが自分の体が奇妙な電気ショックのように感じたと感じました. その地域での生活について話し合った後,鳥の警備員は彼らを内陸に連れて行きました. そして,彼らはまた,巣の形をした家のシングルルームに滞在します. クラッシュが窓の外を見ていると,彼は鳥の学生のグループが,彼が本で読んだり映画でしか見なかったあらゆる種類の武道を練習しているのを見ます.

ក្រុមរបស់Crushបានមកដល់ច្រកឆ្លងចូលតំបន់ 保護巣 ដែលពោលពេញដោយផ្ទះសាងសង់ដូចជាសំបុកបក្សី។ លោកគ្រូtakemura បានទាញខ្សែរបាឡុងចុះចតនៅក្បែរតំបន់ទំនាបមួយហើយក្រុមអង្គរក្សដែលជាghoul បក្សីជាច្រើនបានមកទទួលពួកគេចូលទៅក្នុងតំបន់អទិទេពដែលជាកន្លែងរបស់ 部隊 birds ។ ពួកគេត្រូវដើររំលងដុំថ្មដែលមានភ្លើងឆេះពណ៏ខៀវជាច្រើននៅតាមផ្លូវ។ ជាពិសេសគឺពួុកគេត្រូវបំពាក់រោមបក្សីដែលជាអារងារក្រៅមុននិងដើរចូលក្នុងសាលអធិទេព។ ក្រុម 部隊បក្សីបានរងចាំពួកគេហើយទទួលស្វាគម៏ពួកគេដោយភាពកក់ក្តៅ។ 部隊បក្សីដែលជាសត្វឥន្រ្ទីមានអំនាចធំជាគេបានអោយក្រុមរបស់ Crush ផឹកឈាមដែលចេញពីដើមឈើអទិទេពមុនពេលដែលទៅសំរាកនៅសាលាបក្សីដែនដីខាងក្នុង។ ប្រសិនបើពួកគេមិនផឹកឈាមនោះទេពួកគេមិនអាចដកដង្ហើមនៅក្នុងដែនដីខាងក្នុងបានឡើយ។ ក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេបានផឹកឈាមនោះដោយម្នាក់ៗមានអារម្មណ៏ថារាងកាយរបស់ពួកគេដូចជាមានចរន្តឆក់ថាមពលចំលែក។ បន្ទាប់ពីសន្តនារគ្នាពីរបៀបរស់នៅក្នុងតំបន់រួចក្រុមអង្គរក្សបក្សីក៏នាំពួកគេដើរទៅកាន់ដែនដីខាងក្នុង។ ហើយពួកគេក៏ស្នាក់បន្ទប់មួយម្នាក់ឯកក្នុងផ្ទះរាងដូចសំបុក។ ដោយCrushបាន សំលឹងមើលទៅក្រៅបង្ហួចឃើញក្រុមសិស្សបក្សីកុំពុងតែហាត់ក្បាច់គុណគ្រប់ប្រភេទដែលគាត់ធ្លាប់អានក្នុងសៀវភៅរឺឃើញតែក្នុងកុនដែលគេសំដែង។