
5 missing in Valhalla

Valhalla is a heaven that angles live but one day have 5 angles are missing in Valhalla. How this happen?

Darkknightks · Fantasie
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25 Chs


[What's going on? This is the first time that Haruntool has spent time searching for information. Hmmmm, that person is really weird. Even with so much blood, why he still alive?]

(Makel was thinking about the person he used his hand to turn into a spear and pierce through the body.)

[By the way, his blood at that moment suddenly stopped flowing. The blood that had flowed that much had to have some drops on the ground, but it would drip for a while It can heal wounds, but doesn't its unique superpower penetrate into the ground? It means that those three people have the same bloodline, so there might be a possibility that they have the same powers. Strange.]

While Makel was thinking, five mysterious figures suddenly appeared at his back. All five in black masks with the same symbol : white smiles and black outfits. All 5 sneak behind Makel silently.

until one person brings a knife to his hand that will stab Makel

But they didn't know that Makel knew from the beginning that someone was coming, so he stretched his spine out and turned it into a sharp steel piercing through the body of the person who would bring the knife to kill him.

"Assassinating me is useless. I always knew that even if 10 people came, I couldn't do anything. Alright, who's going to come first?" Makel said with an impassive arrogance. The other 4 drew their guns and fired at Makel, forcing him to turn both his arms into large shields and force his spine to stab all four of them, but it was ineffective because Makel couldn't stab anyone.

[What?!? , I guess this is a very sharp iron, but it can't harm of their body , Are they iron or something very hard, This is very bad] All 4 keep firing at the Makel.

Makel began to come up with a plan and get his spine back, and he pulled out his own hair and threw it into the sky, and when the hair reached the enemy's head, Makel turned his own hair into a blast.

The explosion caused so much damage that one person had to die with the mine, but the other 3 rose up and started conjuring weapons like swords, spears, double swords. Coming up and attacking Makel at the same time, Makel has to deal with all 3 of them tight. Because the 3 surrounds Makel, Makel has to turn many parts of him into a weapon to deal with all 3 at the same time. But no matter how good Makel is, he can't handle all three at the same time. Makel slashed his arm, causing the blood to spread across the three enemies, turning the blood into a strong acid. The acid can dissolve all three. Until one person died, but the other two rose up and resisted Makel's acid.

[That it!!!!!! When one dies, the rest of the enemies will remember the resting position of their dead and can create something that resists the same attack Shit!!!!]

The other two men continued to attack Makel until he couldn't handle it and immediately fell down. Suddenly, a man with orange hair ran to help. The man swung his sword twice, and the enemy fell to the ground.

"Did it infiltrate the castle? But are you alright?" The man asked Makel in a loud, unhesitating tone. and turned to face him. Makel immediately gave a respectful gesture. "Nevermind Thank you very much Lord Wayuem."