
5 days to say goodbye.

A father who begged God for a chance to see his daughter once again. ... I hate sad ending so don't expect one here.

Xen_120598 · realistisch
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 : Blissful moments.

After entering his house, Alexander looked around finding his daughter and his woman but didn't find them there.

" Paula? Princess? " he called out but no one answered him which made him confused. He then went to the dining room and found a note there on top of the table saying that the food is inside the refrigerator.

He then took out his phone in his pocket to looked at the time and saw that it's already 3:15 pm now which made him sigh. He now has an idea where the two most important person in his life are in at this moment.

With that in mind, Alexander then began scaling the stairs and went to the second floor of the house and went straight to his room. Opening the door, he found both Paula and Princess lying on the bed together, sleeping.

Looking at their sleeping faces, he can't help but stare at them enjoying this moment while also trying to deeply engrave their images in his mind and soul. Not long later, tears started flowing from his eyes without him noticing till he suddenly felt like his heart inside his chest was being gripped by a metal hand tightly trying to squeeze it into pulp.

That's the pain he's always feeling everytime the thought of him leaving these two girls soon entered his mind. This is just so unbearable for him.

Alexander need to draw plenty of deep breaths in order to calm himself and to get rid of those negative thoughts in his mind.

' Relax Alexander. You can't waste your time being negative here. Better live your remaining days without regrets. ' he thought trying to fool himself.

Yes! He knows that he's only fooling himself by saying that because how can he live his remaining days without regrets if he knows the fact that he need to leave Paula and Princess soon? That's his biggest regret that will forever hunt him.

But he also know that even though he can't be with them, he can still make something to make sure that Paula and Princess will live without worries or at least, they can live their lives easier even after he's gone.

Alexander didn't woke the two of them. Instead, he silently went out of the room to get something as he was really hungry at this moment.

Opening the refrigerator, he saw some fried chickens, vegetable salad and more food covered by transparent plastics. There's also a note on top of it saying...

' You're late Alex so I returned the food here. Make sure to wake me up when you arrived so I can heat it for you. You have to wake me up you hear that? I don't like hearing any excuses from you later so just wake me up okay? I love you. '

Alexander can't help but shake his head after reading that. ' This woman..... *sigh*"

He then took out the food out and put it on the table before once again going up to the second floor to wake Paula up. He didn't want to pissed this woman off after all.

Entering the room, both Paula and Princess are still sleeping. Alexander then went beside the bed where Paula was lying and sat down.

He reached out his hand to and gently caresses her face for awhile before giving her a kiss on her forehead then to her nose till finally her lips.

His action of course woke Paula up a bit surprised but after feeling the familiar sensation on her lips and after seeing that it was Alexander, Paula just smiled and wrapped her arms on his neck before returning the kiss back.




The two of them then separated to take a breath.

" Wake up now my wife. " said Alex while looking at Paula. He gave her another peck on her lips before he stood up to help her get up.

" I'm sorry for waking you up but your note on the food is just so scary. " he added while offering his hand to Paula.

* giggles *

Paula can't help but let out a very charming laugh before saying, " It's fine. That's a good way to wake someone up. I quite enjoyed it. "

" Let's go? "

" Carry me Alex. "

" Huh? "

" I said carry me. It's already been a long time since the last time you carried me right Alex? "

" What do you mean about that? I just carried you last night before we.... you know? Before I had the best dinner ever. Hahahah. "

Paula's face turned red after hearing that. But she still didn't back down and said, " Hmmp! Just carry me before I change my mind and leave you. "

" Yes ma'am. " replied Alexander before princess carrying her up and went out of the room.

" Walk slower Alex. I want to enjoy this moment? "

" How slow? "

" Hmm... Around a step per minute. Mn. That's enough. " replied Paula.

Her words made Alexander stunned and became speechless. He then change his direction and went to the nearby wall and sat down there while still hugging Paula on his arms.

" I also wanted to enjoy this moment with you." he whispered in her ear.

" Me too. I love you so much Alex. You and Princess. "

" I know. That's while I'm really grateful having you Paula even for a short t-. "

He wasn't able to finish what he's saying when Paula used her hand to cover his lips before saying, " Let's not talk about that for now okay? "

Alexander can only nod his head after hearing that. He stared at Paula's eyes for awhile before saying, " I understand. I'm sorry. "

" It's fine. "

After saying that, the two of them fell silent once again. None of them spoke but just continue feeling each other's warmth instead. They even forgotten about their real purpose here which was to reheat the food for him.


An hour later, the door of his room opened and Princess came out from it with sleepy eyes. She was about to go downstairs to look for her Papa and Auntie Paula when suddenly, she noticed some sitting on the side.

Looking closer, she saw that it was her Papa and auntie sitting there and was.... sleeping?

Princess then approached the two before saying, " Papa, Auntie, what are you doing? Why are you sitting here? "

Alexander then opened his eyes and said, " Good afternoon Princess. You just woke up? "

He's not really asleep. How can he? His stomach is already complaining but he has no choice but to endure after seeing that Paula once again fell asleep while on his arms. He didn't want to to wake her up so he just let her be.

" Yes Papa. I miss you. " said Paula before she also sat down beside her Papa and gave him a hug.

" I also miss you Princess. Papa loves you the most after all. "

" Papa, why are you hugging Auntie Paula? "

" Hmm... Because she's feeling cold. "

" Cold? But it's not cold now Papa. "


Alexander didn't know what to say anymore. Perhaps his brain failed to work properly because of his hunger.

After thing for awhile, he asked, " Princess, what do you think of your auntie? "

His question made Princess confused so she asked, " What do you mean Papa? "

" I mean, do you love her? "

" Yes Papa. I love auntie the most after Papa. "

" Mn. Then, do you want her to be your mother? "

Alexander can feel Paula's body trembled after he said that which made him aware that she's already awake. But he pretended not to notice this as he continue looking at his daughter beside him waiting for her answer.

" Auntie will become my mama? I like that! I like that papa! Yehey! I finally have a mama! "

A genuine smile appeared on his face after hearing Princess's reply. He then gently began to caress Paual's back before saying, " You heard that Paula? "

" Mn. Let go of me Alex. * sniff * I want to talk to Princess alone. You heat your own food. " said Paula before she removed herself from his arm. After that, she stood up and pulled Princess with her inside the room.


Alexander was left there alone stunned and speechless.

* sigh *

" Don't tell me she's still feeling shy after everything we did last night? " he murmured to himself before slowly standing up and went downstairs to get food.


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Here's another chapter.

I'm sorry for late updates.


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